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Hunt for defeated fugitive Robow in Bakool

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Baydhabo: Dowlada Soomaaliya oo ciidamo xoog leh udirtey Gobalka Bakool.

1. december 2007


Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya oo ay taageerayaan kuwa Itoobiya oo ku hubeysan Hubka Noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa ku sii jeeda deegaanada gobalka Bakool ,qaar ka mid ah oo ay tageen Xubno ka mid ah Ururka Al-Shabaab.


Maamulka gobalka Bakool ayaa qeylo dhaan xoog leh gaarsiiyey dowlada Soomaaliya ,ayna kaga codsadeen dowladu in ay ciidamo la soo gaarto kuwasoo ka difaaca Kooxaha ka tirsan Ururka Al-Shabaab ee deegaanadaasi soo gaarey maalmihii ugu danbeeyey.


Warar Madax banana oo laga helayo magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in gadiidka ciidanka dowlada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Itoobiya ku jeesteen deegaanka Xudur ee gobalka Bakool ,ayagoo saacadaha soo socdana ku began goobahaasi ,lana filayo in ay ka bilaabaan howgalo xoog leh.


Wadaadka lugu magacaabo Mukhtaar Roobow Abu Mansuur iyo Ilaaladiisa qaar ka mid ah ayaa tagey sida wararku sheegayaan magaalada Xudur oo uu ka soo jeedo ,wax dhaqdhaqaaqna kama sameyn deegaankaasi ,ayadoo la rumeysan yahay Wadaadkaan in uu ka tirsan yahay Kooxihii Maxkamadihii ee awoodooda la wiiqay 2006-dii.


Talaabada ay dowlada Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ciidamada ugu dirtey gobalka Bakool ayaa ka danbeysay ka dib markii ay Madaxda dowlada Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka gobalkaasi Bakool ka yeesheen Wada xaajood dheer oo ku aadan Kooxaha waqtigan iska soo muujiyey deegaanada gobalka Bakool.


Gudoomiyaha gobalka Bakool ayaa sheegay in aysan awoodin awood ay iska caabiyaan kooxahaasi ,oo uu sheegay in ay is xoog leh hubeysan yihiin ,Abu Mansuurna ka mid yahay kuwa ka soo horjeeda nabadgalyada Soomaaliya.


Faarax C/qaadir Geylan


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They get in through Hargaysa and then by land. Simple.


There is news that Xasan Dahir Aways is in Hargaysa right now.

Anyhow the hunt is on, they have no place to hide in Mogadishu anymore hence the run for the bushes, but how long ca they survive there.

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Apparently long enough to frustrate the TFG in this never ending cycle of violence. If these men are defeated as you would have us believe, then why are the constant attacks in Mogadisho let alone in the bushes of Bakool.


LooooooooooL@Dahir in Hargiesa. Does that mean the Riyaale regime is punt on the terrorist list.

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Adeer these groups who held vast areas of Somalia for 17 years, airstrips, ports, markets and whole regions have now been diminished to the extent that they are being hunted, killed, arrested their media outlets closed their businesses bankrupt.


If thats "frustrating the TFG" then let them continue, for at this pace they will all be gone in a year or so. looooool.


The only avenue left for them is Hargaysa and thats were they come in from Asmara.

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