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Ingiriis words aan karaahiyeystay

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I just realized, subsconsciously, myself passing reading whole sentences if I come across one word my inner psyche has zero toleration for.


For me, whole sentences are messed up because of that word that my mind cannot take. For some articles, if the word become recurring feature, I stop even reading the darn article altogether.


Words such as:


- Terrorist [dah, no need to explain this]

- Fundamentalist

- Moderate [google lists 1,280,000 and 1,390,000 for 'moderate+muslim' and 'moderate+islam,' respectively]

- Militant [try googling again 'militant+islam' and compare it to other faiths by using same formula of 'militant+...']

- Radical

- Insurgent [this word has lost its true meaning since the Ciraaqi invasion by Mareykanka]


Three of them seems to be synonymous words in the Western media these days: terrorist/militant/fundamentalist, which all are referred to a certain people who follow same faith and that defend their lands. Poor "radical" will join them soon.

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How are they any different then surwaal-gaab, gar-dheere, and other disgusting Somali-versions some of us have become infamous for employing?

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in this world, everybody wants to sell u their own reality, however, everybody's reality can be within your daqaan. if aint u got, then u is screwed big time.


Miskiin, all u said is true, i have these issues with these words 2. however, when i chill w/my homies like this man below, the answer is clear to me. check it out and see how it clearily defines everything without the spin lies.

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Waqti waliba wuxuu leeyahay kelmadihiisa gaarka ah ,,,,,,,,, let those words flow for this time and soon they'll all disappear when the lies are uncovered ,,,,

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of all things to attack, ur attacking words? this is a new low MMA.

Come to think of it, u have just exposed ur "inner" bias! Might u hate them because they are accrate, why else would they bother you. What is that saying: don't throw stones if you live in class house, because you camp has deployed its own version of all the word you mentioned.

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Originally posted by N/AA:

How are they any different then
, and other disgusting Somali-versions some of us have become infamous for employing?

surwaal-gaab, gar-dheere oo loogu yeero wadaada waa Sunadii Nabigeena(ASWA) oo lagu jees jeesayo. Erayo waxaa jiro, oo qofku iska yiraahdo laakiinsa diinta islaamka uu ogabixikaro. Marka halataxadiro!

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Originally posted by Dhubad:

quote:Originally posted by N/AA:

How are they any different then
, and other disgusting Somali-versions some of us have become infamous for employing?

oo loogu yeero wadaada waa Sunadii Nabigeena(ASWA) oo lagu jees jeesayo. Erayo waxaa jiro, oo qofku iska yiraahdo laakiinsa diinta islaamka uu ogabixikaro. Marka halataxadiro!
Ninkay dhaqan iyo caado u noqotay inuu erayadaas iyo waxa la xulufo ah la yimaada ka waran haduu qolkaan bilaaway? smile.gif

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of all things to attack, ur attacking words? this is a new low MMA.

Come to think of it, u have just exposed ur "inner" bias! Might u hate them because they are accrate, why else would they bother you. What is that saying: don't throw stones if you live in class house, because you camp has deployed its own version of all the word you mentioned.

What "camp?" Ma iska hadlee for the sake of hadal mise waa hadlee for the sake of wax waxtaraayo sheeg ah?


Aniga arin Soomaali kama hadleynin, ee diinteena Islaamka suuban gaalada halganka joogtada ah ay ku haayaan, siiba warbaahintooda ayaan ka hadlaaye, ula jeeday. Taas soo kuma dhibeyso? Mise wax walba dowlad ku sheega ayaa moodaa inay adduunka ka jirto. Adduunka wax Xabasho, one of the very sabool [poor] nations on earth, u adeego waxay yihiin ayaaba iska yar. They don't even deserve in laga hadlo marmarka qaarkood.


And why do those words "bother" me. Good question. They bother me because diinteeda ayaan difaacideedda usoo taaganahay, do you? Diintaadda difaaciteedda ma usoo taagantahay, and not Xabashi difaaceedda?



surwaal-gaab, gar-dheere oo loogu yeero wadaada waa Sunadii Nabigeena(ASWA) oo lagu jees jeesayo. Erayo waxaa jiro, oo qofku iska yiraahdo laakiinsa diinta islaamka uu ogabixikaro. Marka halataxadiro!

Dhubad, ma ogeyn in uu Nabigeena [NNKH] surwaal gishan jiray, let alone mid gaaban. :D Haye, adigana reero surwaalgaab maa tahay hadda? Caadi waaye waxaas ha u bixin. Garanka xataa gaabso nooh haddaa rabtid. :D


Laakiin seeriously qofkii surwaalgaab ama seeflabood dhaho diinta Islaamka muu ka baxaa? Saxiixaas yaa laga soo wariye, Sheekh Xaaji Shariif Alxaqiiq Dhubad? :D


Seeflaboodnimo ma kugu ogeyn igaarka see camalkaa hee.


Surwaal, shaati, hoosgundi, go' iyo wixii lamid ah ha gaabnaadaan mise dheeraadaan, qofka diintiis practice u ah waxba uma dhimeyso, umana maleeyi usoo kordhineyso. Ficilka kuma xirno whether a few inches a pant is shorter or longer. Ficil waa cibaada badsashada; Eebba ka baqa; dadka u naxariisasho; xaq ku dhaqanka; qabyaalad aan la caabudin [as some very fellow in this very thread who worships a particular warlord and fond of calling that warlord a "lord on here, his worshipping of that said warlord transpassed the ultimate blasphemy when he referred to that said warlord a god-like, respected and honoured" on this very forum;" when one does this, he is the last to preach about Islaam hadduuba soo tooba keenin dambigaas ah midka ugu weyn -- idol-worshipping]; iyo wixii wanaag ah ku dhaqanka.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



Laakiin seeriously qofkii surwaalgaab ama seeflabood dhaho diinta Islaamka muu ka baxaa? Saxiixaas yaa laga soo wariye, Sheekh Xaaji Shariif Alxaqiiq Dhubad?


I am glad someone did not let us down. One would have though one would almost try to deny or retract such statements. :D

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quote:Laakiin seeriously qofkii surwaalgaab ama seeflabood dhaho diinta Islaamka muu ka baxaa? Saxiixaas yaa laga soo wariye, Sheekh Xaaji Shariif Alxaqiiq Dhubad?



Kuwa waxa ka daran dadka markey caytamaan ku dara " Nabigaga iyo Ilahaga". I saw man in Somalia insult a Somali women (in Somalia)with those words and damn bala ka dhacday.


When the Osama and Co were fighting the Soviets they were called "Mujahideen" and praised in the U.S media and now they are fighting Americans they call them "Jihadists".

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:




surwaal-gaab, gar-dheere oo loogu yeero wadaada waa Sunadii Nabigeena(ASWA) oo lagu jees jeesayo. Erayo waxaa jiro, oo qofku iska yiraahdo laakiinsa diinta islaamka uu ogabixikaro. Marka halataxadiro!

Dhubad, ma ogeyn in uu Nabigeena [NNKH] surwaal gishan jiray, let alone mid gaaban.
Haye, adigana reero surwaalgaab maa tahay hadda? Caadi waaye waxaas ha u bixin. Garanka xataa gaabso nooh haddaa rabtid.


Sxb ama hoosgunti gasho ama surwaal gasho, nabigu wuxuu amray in anwaqga laga kor mariyo marada aad gashantahay. Nabiguna(ASW) waxyi unbuu ku hadlaa, marka qofkii ku jees jeesaa waa danbi aad u wayn oo waxay noqonaysaa inuu amarka ilaahay uu yaso.


Laakiin seeriously qofkii surwaalgaab ama seeflabood dhaho diinta Islaamka muu ka baxaa? Saxiixaas yaa laga soo wariye, Sheekh Xaaji Shariif Alxaqiiq Dhubad?

Ani madhihin saas sxb, waxan iri areyo waxaa jiro uu qofku iska dhaho asagaa ka warqabin halista ay leedahay balse uu oga bixi karo diinta.



Suurwaal Gaab iyo Gar Makuuti all of these words are an insult to the Nabiga and his Sunah, so drop it Duqa.

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