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'Ciidamada DF oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismayo'

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^^Wallee waa runtaa. Hada labada dibada jooga ee saaxiibada ah, berito markay wax isla waayaan iyagaa is hardiyi doona. Markaaseey labadoodu mid ka mid ah la heshiin doona kuwa gudaha ku jira . Its a classic yo-yo game - i jiid aan ku jiide. Unless a deal that divides the power of Kismaayo equally to these three sides is reached, the 'vicious circle' you have spoken of seems the inevetable outcome.


Sidii roon rabbaa og.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Pardon for the error it was not done on purpose. As for the resoloution ts simple really. The admin will return to do its job and the clan militias will have to vacate the city. The law shall prevail.

Oh yeah they are looking for terrorists as well, you forgot that one too.


lol@clan militia...I thought that these very militia you are talking about was part of TFG ayna u badan yihiin ciidammo ka gedoodey dhaqan-xumada wax saraakiil lagu sheegay sida Afguduud balse ah jirrri qori dab ah iyo qabyaalad la wareegaya iyo inuu dhulballaarsi ku kaco dadyow Soomaaliyeedna isagoo magac dowladeed huwan uu laayo...


War horta waxaan la yaabay Ciidammada Dowladda la sheegaa ma afguduud iyo waxa raacsan unbaa? Dowladeey ba' awal baan kuwaan C/llaahi iyo Geeddi wataan oo Axmaarada u shaqeeya khayr ka sugeyn.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Kismayu is a minor issue and will be tamed like any other area of the country.

by who? Certainly not afgudud and the likes of him!

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Duke what makes it different is that Af-guduud already got in a fight in Kismayo and ran away in two hours, actually he was captured by some reer-gedo men when the fish eating boys scattered as the first bullets were shot, and those reer-gedo men freed him; a dear mistake.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

^^Wallee waa runtaa. Hada labada dibada jooga ee saaxiibada ah, berito markay wax isla waayaan iyagaa is hardiyi doona. Markaaseey labadoodu mid ka mid ah la heshiin doona kuwa gudaha ku jira . Its a classic yo-yo game - i jiid aan ku jiide. Unless a deal that divides the power of Kismaayo equally to these three sides is reached, the 'vicious circle' you have spoken of seems the inevetable outcome.


Sidii roon rabbaa og.

You cannot go three ways is if those three clans own Kismaayo equally or by themselves sxb. Puntlanders belong to Puntland and have no ties to Kismaayo, as do the people of Gedo, and so people of Afmadow. Whoever is the majority in Kismaayo will take over reigns. Majority rule, minority rights.


As for Puntland itself, no one would be discussing their connection to this issue had not the president thought of sending his armed boys in an island they cannot get out of. Had the president not been Abdullahi Yusuf, who would be talking about Puntland fighting in Kismaayo when even the majority of Morgan's solders were of RRA/SRRC stock collected from Xuddur to Baydhaba?


Their claim to the city is as citizens, not shareholders. Xaajadu waa sidaas maxaa been laysugu sheegi?

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Kismaayo xaq Reer Waamo ayaa u leh. Waligoodna u lahaan doono.


Galgaduud boys meeshaas ku dhamaaday waxba yee isdaalin, dhiigooda iyo hantidoodaba. Xaaraan maalin cad ma daahirto. Mise xaaraan macaankeeda ayaa loo bogi waaye?


Mise ka quursada, mise haka quursanina, Kismaayo dadka xaqa u leh ayee u noqoneysaa, waana Reer Waamo. I thought waxee Maxkamadaha meesha ka dhigeen inay ku waano qaateen. Apparently not.


Reer Barina waxaa dhihi lahaa Kismaayo laba walaalaheey naga mid ah ayaa guryo ku leh, ee xaq ayaa u leenahay, taas ma soconeyso. Soomaali dhan ayaa guryo ku leh magaaladaas, oona la isku yiraahdo Reer Waamo. Haddee Reer Waamo yihiin, qeybtooda Reer Waamo ayee wax ku leeyihiin. Afgaduud has no business to be in Kismaayo.


Meesha dhul Reer Waamo waaye, iyagaana xaq u leh maamulkeeda, regardless cidda uu u dhashay/dhalatay, as long as asaga/iyada, aabihiis/hooyadeed iyo awoowgiis/ayeeydeed ku dhasheen dhulka, waa Reer Waamood.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I thought waxee Maxkamadaha meesha ka dhigeen inay ku waano qaateen. Apparently not.


According to Maxkamadaha, the governor of the city, airport commissioner, and police chief belonged to one people as they were the majority. :D


Maskiin waa la yaqaan, kama foga meel ku qorantahay RRA ama dhulalka Bay iyo Bakool lasoo hadal qaadayo. Malaha markaan idhi Morgan cududa ciidankiisi waxay ku dhisnayd RRA/SRRC ayuu garowsaday inuu fikradiisa so dhiibtaa. :D


The interesting thing is on one hand the said man says "reer Waamood are qofkii isaga/iyada ku dasheen" but on the other a whole clan is labelled as "reer Galgaduud should go back". Oo miyaanay rag ku dhalan magaaladaas, wax kale iska dhaafe, shan iyo tobankii sano lasoo dhaafay?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Afgaduud army has tamed Mogadishu, what makes Kismayu any different. You seem to be deluding yourself saxib.

loool ...Afguduud army so hadda waad qiraysaa inuu Itoobiyaan yahay, because as far as I am concerned no Somali troops took over Mogadishu and THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS.


It was so sad to see the so-called TFG Somali troops oo dhulka lagu jiidayo. Weren't those Afguduud's army?


sheeko carruureed kale iska dheh!

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Dawlada KMG ah oo go,aan ku gaartay in magaalada Kismaayo gacantooda ka maqantah


Radio-WidhWidh Kismaayo)9-05-7Kadib markii war bixino laga dhegaysatay wafdi dawladu u dirtay magaalada kismaayo si ay xilliyaan dhibaatadii halkaas ka dhacay, oo ay wax uga so suurtoobi waayeen, ayaa dawlada FS sheegtay in magaalada Kismaayo gacantoodaka maqan tahay.


Warar hadda soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in dawladu halkaas u diray ciidamo ay leedahay iyo kuwa Ethiopian oo gacan siinaya ,kuwaas oo maalmaha ina ku soo fool leh halkaas gaari doona.


Ciidamada ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismaayo ayaa si wada jir ah hubka uga dhigi doona, kooxo halkaasi isaga soo horjeeda inkastoo kooxda magaalada banaanka looga saaray aysan weli shaacin wax dagaal ah.


Dhinaca kale odayaasha magaalada Kismaayo ayaa shalay walaac ka muujiyey in dhinacyada qabsday magaalada iyo dawladu uu dhex maray xiriir hoose, magaaladana dawladu aysan gacan siin, waxaase hadda arintaasi u muuqataa mid aan shaqanayn oo dawladu go,aan ka qaadatay.


Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ka dhacay qalalaase galaaftay dhimashada 44 ruux, halka ay dhaawacmeen intaasi in ka badan.


Kooxaha magaalada qabsaday ayaa isugu jira malayshiyo beeleedyo iyo ciidan dawladu tababaratay oo ku biiray kuwaasi oo sida wararka qaar sheegayaan gacan ka helay ganacsato magaalada ku sugan.


Mahamud Said Salaad

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Originally posted by Dhubad:



^^Just called my Dad who is in Baardhere and told me everyone wants to solve this conflict through peace and dialogue including the Ethiopians

I thought no one likes brotherhood blood. therefore your dad is right dialogue



except A/Yusuf who is insisting that the people who took over Kismayo are Terrorist and the need to be crushed.

Know tell me your dad who is in baardheere knows C/yusuf Mind :D I must say your dad is someone who knows cilmul Qayb ;)



He also told me that the militia from Afmadoow (who are the majority of those who gathered in BuuloGadud)and now divided after odayaasha qabiilka realized what is going on.


Hadaba xaaladu way cakirantahay....!

I called front line everyday, and the ward on the street is that militia from Afmadow are the once who insisting to Enter the city by froce. Remembar dhubad Your uncles brun and destroyed Dhoobleey and afmadoow not long time ago marka soomaali waxeey tiraah daa Yeelaa wax iloowbo Layeelese waligii ma iloowbo

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^^Xaafi, sidaan ognahay, there are previous enmities between reer Afmadow iyo reer Gedo going back to the Cabaas-Waal era of 1988/9, which saw the displacement of thousands from Afmadow, Taabda, Qooqaani ilaa dhoobleey. The same has been the case on the other side of the border- Hoosingow illaa Amuuma (where Col. Axmad Bililiqo died)- and also Diif. Marka, it would seem plausible that, triggered by recent Dhoobleey incidents, reer Afmadow might insist on war rather than reconciliation. This, however, is something I doubt. If anything, I believe reer Afmadow are simply uniting their efforts with the boys that have the 'big Ethiopian guns', which heralds the best chance of success.

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Originally posted by N/AA:

[You cannot go three ways is if those three clans own Kismaayo equally or by themselves sxb. Puntlanders belong to Puntland and have no ties to Kismaayo, as do the people of Gedo, and so people of Afmadow. Whoever is the
in Kismaayo will take over reigns. Majority rule, minority rights.


As for Puntland itself, no one would be discussing their connection to this issue had not the president thought of sending his armed boys in an island they cannot get out of. Had the president not been Abdullahi Yusuf, who would be talking about Puntland fighting in Kismaayo when even the majority of Morgan's solders were of RRA/SRRC stock collected from Xuddur to Baydhaba?


Their claim to the city is as citizens, not shareholders. Xaajadu waa sidaas maxaa been laysugu sheegi?

N/AA, I disagree with you on the fact that reer Puntland and Afmadow have no ties to Kismaayo sxb. Speaking from factual position, I alone have a great number of families born and bred in Kismaayo and still have them living there. As a member of a business family living in both Somalia and Kenya, I really cannot brush aside the presence of reer Puntland from Kismaayo, neither can I do the same for reer Afmadow. These groups of people populated Kismaayo before the civil war. Many of them fled from Kismaayo and Jubada Hoose during the 1988 war between reer Waamo and reer Gedo. As for reer Puntland, many fled in the early 1990s when Ceydiid was pushing towards Kismaayo. I was in Dhoobleey then. So sxb, with all due respect, these groups cannot be brushed off as having no connection with Kismaayo.

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Whoever is the
in Kismaayo will take over reigns. Majority rule, minority rights.



According to Maxkamadaha, the governor of the city, airport commissioner, and police chief belonged to one people as
they were
the majority.

Majority? When? Pre or post 1998 JVA/Morgan conflict? At the time of Maxkamadaha or Indhacade/Cabdiqaasim coalition? I was in Kismaayo when Morgan & Omar Jees were fighting for control of the city and there was no mention of reer Gedo being majority or wanting majority rule. Is it possible reer Gedo majority started as JVA coalition come to brith? How come no claim of majority rule in USC, SPM, SNF, SSDF, etc, era.


MMA: Though no one wants to acknowledge, you're the closes to the fact. The city is for reer Waamo whomever they might be. Sadly, reer Waaamo themselves are no longer the deciding factor in these fighting forces.

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