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'Ciidamada DF oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismayo'

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Wasn't Gacmadheere part of the waan-waan group? It is reported that he is heading towards Kismaayo with some TFG troops, so I am wondering, if this news is true, what does this mean? The same man who acted neutral yesterday in the reconciliation back to you today with an army? Now a peace-maker, now a warlord...hmmm!




Ciidamada DF oo ku sii jeeda magaalada Kismayo


Ciidamo isugu dhafan kuwa Soomali ah iyo Ethiopian ayaa la filayaa in ay gaaraan magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka Jubbada hoose halkaasi oo xiisado colaadeed ay ka taagan yihiin.


Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in ciidamadan ay hoggaamin doonaan xubno sare oo ka tirsan dowladda KMG, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid yihiin wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Maxamuud Maxamed Guuleed (Gacma Dheere) iyo xubno kale oo ka soo jeeda gobolka Jubada Hoose.


Arintan ayaa waxay ka danbeysay kadib markii dagaallo ay ku dhex mareen gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG iyo maliishiyo beeleed halkaasi dega oo sababay in ciidamadii dowladda laga saaro gudaha magaalada Kismaayo.


Abaabul ciidan oo xoogan ayaa saacadihii u danbeeyay laga dareemayaa labada dhinac ee ku dagaalamay magaalada Kismaayo iyadoo aysan muuqan dadaalo lagu xalinayo arintaasi.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,GO

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Dr.C/Risaaq Faarax Taano Oo Ka Digay In Ciidamo Soomali Ah Ay Dowladda FKMG Ah U Soo Dirto Magaalada Kismaayo

May 07,2007

by Kismaayo-GEDO-NN



Dr.C/Risaaq Faarax Cali (Taano) oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta Beesha **** ee Kismaayo ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan marnaba aqbali doonin Ciidamo soomaali ah in loo soo diro magaalada Kismaayo. Isagoo waraysi gaar ah siinayay Gedonet ayuu sheegay C/risaaq Faarax taano in ay u hogaansameen dhammaan awaamiirtii dawlada KMG ah ee in ay wareejiyaan hubka iyo in aysan wareerarin kooxahii ay kula dagaalameen magaalada oo ku sugan tuulada Buulogaduud oo 38km Kismayo u jirta.


“Waxaan sugaynaa go,aanka kama dambaysta ah ee guddi ay xukumadu u saartay xaalada kismaayo waxaanuna aaminsan nahay in mushikiladu ay ka taagan tahay dhinac awood qaybsiga oo ana cadaalad darro ka tirsanayno dawlada” ayuu yiri C/risaaq oo intaas raaciyay in aysan marba xal keeni doonin Ciidamo soomaali ah oo laga soo diro muqdisho oo ay ubadan tahay in ay dhinac gacan siiyaan.


Dr.C/Risaaq Faarax Taano oo haatan ah ninka koowaad ee isku duwida iyo hawlgalinta Maleeshiyaadka beesha **** ayaa dhinac kale ku nuux nuuxsaday in uu saacdaha soo socdo diyaarin doono ciidamo iyo gaadiid dagaal oo gaaf wareega xaafadaha si loo hubiyo ammaanka iyo maleeshiyooyin habeekii dadka Moobaylada ka qaata dukaamadana baarta. “Haatan mas,uuliyadu anakka ayay na saran tahay, waxaanu ku rajo waynahay in aan shacabka la dhibaatayn, hawlaha dawliga ahna sidooda ayay u soconayaan, mana jirto cid hayb loo raadsaday, laakiin kooxaha Moobaylada habeenkii dhaca waanu soo afjari doonaa” ayuu yiri C/risaaq faarax Taano.


Dhinaca kale, ciidamada dawalada dhinacooda ku sugan tuulada Buuloguduud ayaa maalinti 3 aad gacanta ku haya nin asalkiisu yahay falastiini oo ku dhashay tuulada Goobwayn o ay la xariiriyaan in uu ka tirsan yahay shabakada alqaacida. Xasan Ibraahim Cumar aabaha Saamir oo ah 22 jirka la haysto ayaa u sheegay Gedonet in kooxaha haysta wiilkiisa ay waydiisteen lacago hadii kalena ay xabsi kale u diri doonaan. Ma jirto ilaa iyo iminka cid ka hadashay xariga lagu hayo ninkaas carabka ah ee reer kismaayaha ah ee la qabtay xilli uu ka yimid degmada afgooye oo uu bilihii ugu dambeeyay joogay.


N D F-GEDO-NN-Kismaayo



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^Rushing as usual, can't we just wait untill we know how matters go and then accuse someone....


Gacmadheere is a senior member of TFG and can go with it's army to anywhere, he left Kismayo few days ago and I doubt he's going there to wage war against any group. When he left that city and asked about the situation, he said that all that are non TFG malitias will be disarmed from both sides and those belong to the TFG will be put under the control of the government...


If this fight is between the government agaist insurgency then you know which side he supports, but if this is between the two known clans as rightly has been the case then you know his clan has nothing to do with both of them, it was the reason he was firstly sent to Kismayo to initiate the peace since he was seen can be fair and a middleground for the both subclans. Thus, I see no reason to blame Gacmadheere...



Balse aan iska mala aawalno waxba masugi karnee.. Dagaalkase aad saadaalisay maad noo sii mala awaashid cidda ku adkaanaysa...

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Did you read the articles I posted? It is the articles, man. There is no rushing involved. Mise waxba ha sheegsheegin ayaad leedahay since you don't know cida laga reyn doono? :D I can understand your fears, Emperror. So, I will wait till the end, alright? Then we can comment on dhanka ka eryaday- Cayaari waa gelin dambe. smile.gif

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^Agreed sxb, I await Insha'alah and then we can all comment on it later...


As for my reply, I wasn't referring to the news but your comment, exactly this one below in which you shakingly rushed to accuse..


The same man who acted neutral yesterday in the reconciliation back to you today with an army? Now a peace-maker, now a warlord...hmmm!

Now this must be more than just a suggestion...

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Kismaayo (07 May 07), Ciidamada dawladda dabo dhoonka ah ee Cabdullahi Yusuf ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay isku gadaameen magaalada Kismaayo ayagoo ciidamo badan dhigay wadooyinka gala magaalada Kismaayo.



Maleeshiyo beeleedka dawladda dabo dhoonka ah ee Kismaayo ku gadaaman ayaa qaar koodii ka yimid deegaanka Badhaadhe ay saldhig ka dhigteen Buulaxaaji, kuwo ka yimid Dhoobleey, Afmadow, Qooqaani iyo Xagarna waxay saldhig ka samaysteen Canjeel halka kuwii ka yimid Salagle, Bu'ale, Jilib, Mareereey, Hargaysa Yaray, Guduudeey iyo dhasheeg waamo ay ku biireen kuwii horay ugu sugnaa Buuloguduud oo u ruqaansaday Luglow.


Ciidamadan weerarka ku ah Kismaayo ayaa isugu jira maleeshiyo beeleedka ****** iyo maleeshiyo beeleedkii Puntland ee dhawaan ay Kismaayo ka soo saareen maleeshiyo beeleedka Gedo oo 23 Apr uu dhexmaray dagaal aan qorshaysnayn. Maleeshiyo beeleedka ****** ee weerarka ku ah Kismaayo ayaa ah kuwii ay Luglow tabobarka ugu dhamaysay dawladda dabo dhoonka ah.

The situation of Kismaayo is a grim one and will linger for decades to come if they decide to solve the current problem by War.


We have different clan militia (from Puntland, Lasanood to Afmadoow) gearing together in order to eliminate reer Gedo from Kismaayo by disguising their hidden agenda in the name of government. If that happens the War will spread throughout region(Gedo, Jubada House etc).


So let's see what happens the next few days...

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^^Oo waa lagu gadaaman yahay reer Gedo miyaa? Belo. These folks are takin us back to early 1990kii iyo Jabhadihii isku gadaamey Xamar. Waxa aan ka akhrinayo maqaalka aad soo daabacdey, Dhubadow, haduu dhab yahay, waxay u ekaaneeysaa in goobasho meesha ka jirto.


Allow sahal umuuraha.

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Originally posted by Dhubad:

The situation of Kismaayo is a grim one and will linger for decades to come if
decide to solve the current problem by War.

Tell'em' all those TFG supporters yaa Dhubad. Don't mess with them snake eating nomadic militia. :D

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Kismayu is not a big deal. No one is here to eliminate reer Gedo. The situation is not so critical, nor even comparable to the 1990s because now we have a governemnt in place.


The TFG will not allow for isolating or collectively punishing a clan. Any clan that is why they are meeting everyone in Mogadishu even the likes of Ahmed Diriye & Abdullahi Sheikh Xasan who yesterday wanted to kill TFG leaders.


Thats why the TFG sent a top level deelgation to Kismayu to see the situation.


Thus fighting will be the last resort and if it happens it will not be against a clan but an armed militia.


Again Kismayu is not a big deal,. The whole country is under control.

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Alla maxa hub iyo saanad ugacan geli doone reer Gedo! Gar la qabto malahane gafuur la garaaco ayeey taqaane ee bring'em all.

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^Stop with the boasting saxib, thats what Xasan Dahir Aways used to say. I also remmeber the great JVA Gedo boys running away from the last Somali armed militias on their way to Kismayu.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Kismayu is not a big deal. No one is here to eliminate reer Gedo. The situation is not so critical, nor even comparable to the 1990s because now we have a governemnt in place.


^If that is the case, why all these clan militia are mobilsed to wage a war based on revenge ? I know you will say that they are government soldiers....but everyone knows they are a clan Militia who are from (Bari and Afmadoow).


Mate, there will be a war and many innocent people will die and it will have a devastating consequence which will last for many years to come(Aano qabiil).


So please stop simplifying the gloom situation that is unfolding in front of our eyes and address the reality would yah?.

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^^^Again stop the boasts dear lads. Think it through you can not keep a city by force, thats utter rubish as for the claims. Thats what the groups in Mogadishu who were a hundred times more powerful and braver than your militia claimed and we have seen how they have changed their tune.


Stop with this nonsence Kismayu is not yours nor mine nor any clans its a Somali city. Live in their peacefully or keep criying for injustice.

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