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Meeting between the ICU and theTigree regime

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Ethiopia: Ethiopia Will Continue to Seek Peaceful Options to Deal With UIC - State Minister



The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa)


December 3, 2006

Posted to the web December 3, 2006


Aregu Balleh

Addis Ababa


State Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tekedda Alemu said that efforts are continuing on the Ethiopian side to seek diplomatic solutions to the threat posed by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).


In a press briefing he gave to local journalists on the issue of Somali Islamists yesterday, the State Minister said that Ethiopia has always chosen peaceful path to solve the looming threat the UIC posed against the country since early on.



He said successive talks were held with representatives of the Union in Addis Ababa, Khartoum and Nairobi. Moreover, various discussions have also been conducted through telephone conversations in order to resolve the problem.


"The response from the other side was, however, not encouraging," Dr. Tekedda, said adding that the UIC also repeatedly postponed programmes set for dialogue eventhough Ethiopia showed commitment to hold discussions even at the level of the Prime Minister.


Ever since the UIC started to emerge as security threat, Ethiopia has been voicing a clear message that it does not have any agenda against the UIC rather than building a constructive relation with the group. It has also been clearly stating its position that the UIC should refrain from activities that damage its sovereignty.


According to Dr. Tekedda, Diplomatic efforts have continued until last Thursday when discussions between the UIC and the government of Ethiopia were held in Djibouti.


At this moment in time when the UIC's threat against Ethiopia is growing higher than ever before, the government, apart from safeguarding the country's sovereignty will make use of any opportunities available to resolve the matter peacefully, the State Minister said.


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"If there had ever been any commitment on the side of the UIC it would have been easier for the two parties to solve the matte," Dr. Tekedda said, adding that the UIC leaders are only required to respect international laws and refrain from violating the country's sovereignty.


The UIC was, however, never alone when it set its policy against Ethiopia. It has been backed by the Eritrean government, which has been pursuing a policy aimed at destabilizing Ethiopia. Other elements such as the ONLF and OLF have always been behind the UIC's move.


The State Minister, who indicated that the country is made to face a big threat ahead, said that this should, however, be reversed by the country and its people. He also urged citizens at large to stand in unison to overcome the problem shortly.




Ethiopians meet Somali Islamists


Ethiopia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Tekeda Alemu, has held direct talks in Djibouti with senior representatives of Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts.

Ethiopia says it explained its policy of backing Somalia's transitional government against the Islamists.


Representatives of neighbouring nations also took part, as well as Kenya's ambassador to Somalia.


The two sides have clashed in the past month, with the Islamists pledging to force Ethiopian troops out of Somalia.


However, Ethiopia says it has held several meetings with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) to try to resolve their differences.


Last chance?


The BBC's Africa editor, Martin Plaut, says the news of contacts between the two sides is a surprising revelation.


Previously, there have been fears that the sporadic clashes would escalate to all-out war with the Islamists on one side, and Somalia's transitional government on the other side alongside the Ethiopians.



30 Nov 2006: Ethiopia's parliament authorises all legal and necessary steps against any invasion by the UIC

27 Nov 2006: UIC accuse Ethiopian forces of shelling Bandiradley

Oct 2006: Ethiopian's PM says Ethiopia is "technically at war" with the UIC

Sept 2006: Somalia's president survives an assassination attempt

July 2006: Ethiopian troops cross into Somalia

June 2006: UIC takes control of Mogadishu

1996: Ethiopian forces defeat Islamist fighters in Somali town of Luuq

1964 and 1977: Wars fought over Ethiopia[somaliGalbeed] region.



Timeline: Ethiopia vs Somalia

But our correspondent says there has been no indication from Addis Ababa of what message they communicated to the Islamists in Djibouti.


Last month Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said the Islamists represented a "clear threat" to his country which he said was prepared for conflict following repeated Islamist calls for a holy war.


The UIC, which is backed by Ethiopia's rival, Eritrea, and now controls much of southern Somalia, has denied claims by Ethiopia and the weak Somali transitional government that it has links to al-Qaeda.


The talks come as Somalia's interim government, formed two years ago, edges closer to securing regional and international approval for the deployment of foreign peacekeeping troops in Somalia.


When he came to power, interim President Abdullahi Yousef asked for foreign troops to bolster his position.


A regional grouping of African states has now backed that proposal in principle, with the African Union also offering support. The idea is now being considered by the UN Security Council.


The UIC strongly opposes any foreign presence on Somali soil, as do several members of Igad, including Sudan.


Our correspondent says the talks in Djibouti could be the last opportunity to head off all-out conflict in the Horn of Africa.

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In a press briefing he gave to local journalists on the issue of Somali Islamists yesterday, the State Minister said that Ethiopia has always chosen peaceful path to solve the looming threat the UIC posed against the country since early on.


Withdrew your militia from Somalia and stop denying the good people of SomaliGalbeed and other ethnic groups to choose their own destiny..Then I'm sure it will be easy to bring stability to the few states left after the much waited break-up of the artificial Nation of Ethiopia. icon_razz.gif

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Maxkamadaha iyo Wadamada IGAD oo dhan...


Waxaa caawa magaalada jabuuti heshiis ku gaarey Maxkamadaha iyo wadamada IGAD oo ay ku jiro Dowladda Itoobiya waxaa heshiishkaa Dhinaca maxkamadaha u saxiixay Xoghaya arrimaha dibada Maxkamadaha Dr Ibraahim Xasan Caddow, Dhinaca IGAD u saxiixay Dhamaan Wasiirada Arimaha dibada.


Heshiiska waxaa ku jira In Maxkamadaha ay si derisnimo ah loogu wada noolaado wadamada Geeska Afrika, sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ah heshiiska in si wadajir ah loola dagaalamo Argagixisada , waxaa kaloo ka mid ah heshiiska in la sii wado wadahadalka Maxkamadaha iyo dowladda Federaalka.

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