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Xinn to disown the peace Caravan in 48 hours: sources

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Sources close to Xinn told the unassociated rixle , that he will concede and rescind his support to the Djibouti Peace plan, famously dubbed the Caravan by himself. These sources say Xinn decided to make a statement of apology after realising that Ethiopia, the main handler of the fake TFG is decidedly working to pull the rug under the feet of this feeble agreement by arming warlords and urging the remnants of the TFG to regroup and fight the Alshabab. The return to warldorism is not a new strategy to perpetuate the cycle of violence and anarchy in Somalia, but it is revealed that this time it is being waged under a new banner of “Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jamaca”. Notorious warlords such as Abdi Waal, Adan Garaaso, Barre Hirrale and others have resurfaced and sources based in Godey say the Ethiopians are arming thousands of clan militias in the wake of the much publicised withdrawal from Somalia.


It is also rumoured that Nuur Cadde and Adan Madooe were warned not to waste time with Sheikh Shariif by Ethiopia and will go it alone with the selection of a new president. With the TFG disintegrating, warlords flourishing and Ethiopia’s hand still in Somalia, some doubt that the peace Caravan has the potency to be reconciling A&T and Dhulqerneyn, let alone the wider belligerent sections of the Somali society.


Having read the script of what is to transpire, these sources say, Xinn is mulling to declare the Caravan lost or dead, and to join those he ridiculed as war-mongers for so long in the last ditch effort to save face. Analysts say this will be a courageous move which will salvage some pride for the man many in SOL forum admire for his level-headedness and sound judgement. Others, including his long time ally, NGONGE confided to this writer that the man could decide to continue to sing the same music with a bit of adaptations in the forms of ifs and buts. Ngonge said Xinn is well versed in the art of wrong-footing those who take him for granted and cautioned against premature celebrations by the writer and those who feel the events on the ground vindicated the rightness of their arguments all along.

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Look, Xaaji. Abdullahi Yusuf is no better than Xiin. If it took AY more than a week to finally declare his resignation I think it'll take Xiin the same length of time to abandon the Caravan.


At the moment though, it is a matter of tweaking and strategic retreats. He already seems to have sacked his 'Nur Caade' equivalent and added the Gacmadheere proviso that if other partners do not fulfil their part of the bargain Sh. Sharif can not be blamed for the failure of the Caravan. :D


Now hopefully with your help. You being the nearest thing to a metaphorical Ethiopia in this site and my prodding (as some regard my liberal views to be American in nature) we will finally force the old boy to quit.


This, of course, begs a question. Will he too retreat to Garowe mese tiiso Kismaayaay aheed? :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

This, of course, begs a question. Will he too retreat to Garowe mese tiiso Kismaayaay aheed?

:D:D:D I think he might already be on hisway to Kismayo. Hadayna Pirates dhexda ku qabsan.

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AT&T, ma waxaad leedahay Xiin Kismaayuu ku sii jeedaa oo Barre Hiraale ayaa la sheegay inuu xagaa damacsanyahay iyo kismaayo, miyuu ka hortagi rabaa, see wax u wadaa sxb hadalka balbalaadhi

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The sources also say Che had been influential in silencing critics of Caravan, not becuase he believed in it, but in revrence to Xinn. One key informat to this article said he had an agreement with CHE to leave Xinn alone. That deadline for that agreement apparaently ended today.


CHE, why do you pretend you don't know who I join? Do I need to rejoin anyone anew? Of course, the Amiir Sheekh Mukhtar Roobow and Sheekh Xassen Dahir have always been my leaders.

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^^ We're talking about Xiin here. He wont bite. He'll distract me with some gabay and seduce A&T into abandoning ship. :D

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^^ Good man. :D

All we have to do is take that camel down and the rest will be done by the long lineup of people who have been waiting for a chance to have a go at that Caravan. Do you think he'll turn up? :D

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I think we will only wait till he lands in Kismayo. I am expecting the statement to be issued from there.


But NG, seriously, XInn ma ahlu sunna wal jamaacaa'baa?????

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Useful Demag,L0L,what a name.


I have a lot of respect for XIIN,i have had the pleasure of listening to the man,i tell you,he can sell you anything with his soothing voice.


However, i have yet to buy his peace caravan. Primarily,because, i sincerely believe that, Ethiopia,WILL never ever want a peaceful Somalia. As long as they are the major players in this, I do not forsee a peaceful Somalia.


How do you explain the sudden re-emergence of all these dubious groups that had the same agenda and suddenly against one another?


Lets not waste time here. The sooner Somalis(like XIIN) realize that Ethiopia has no intention of making Somalia peaceful(Ever).

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You, yourself Faarax, is like sheikh Shariif. Flipflopping. Where you not the same one who was saying let us give the caravan a chance?????


Believe it or not, but I get good intelligence reprts from Addis Ababa. That is why I have always maintained the mission in Djibouti was a set up. Trust me when I tell you I have even read with my own eyes a circular from Ethiopia's foriegn Ministry to all embassy's ( I found it in Ethiopian Embassy where the ambassador is a Somali who I know). The circular was an updating all embassies. It was when Sheikh Shariif was In Asmara. It spoke of a potential breakup of the ARS(Ethiopian FM claiming the credit) and rightly predicted that Sheikh Sharif and Shariif Xassen who were in Yemen will not return to Asmara. Tyhe same circular had the name of Cali Khalif Galaydh, claiming that he was on a visit to Ethiopia at the time, and said the fact that the presence of such a formidbale critic of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa showed that Ethiopa's policy of neutralizing Eritrea's plans is working.


So, anaga waxa Ethiopia ka shaqeynayso nagama qarsoona, ee Somaalida ilaa ay gidaarka soo taabato war kala qaadan.

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