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Due the heighten tension between PIS and Faroole, armed clashes are predicted

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Runta Puntland iyo Raamsiga Baxaaya


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa safar aan horey loo sii shaacin todobaadkan ku tegay gobolada Karkaar iyo Bari, safarka madaxweynaha ayaa dadka u kuurgala siyaasadda waxa ay ku tilmaameen mid uu ku meelmarinaayo isbedel uu dhawaan madaxweynuhu sameeyay, isbedelkaas oo saameyn ku yeeshay qaarkamid ah gobolada, degmooyinka, wasaaradaha iyo agaasimayaasha sare.


Booqashadii Qardho


Madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa booqasho kedis ah ku tegay xarunta gobolka Karkaar ee Qardho, safarkaas ayaa madaxweynuhu u sheegay Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Karkaar Cabdiqafaar Maxamed Adam in uu habeen joogaayo magaalada Qardho, gudoomiyaha ayaa ka cudur daartey arintaas waxaana uu sheegay in aysan u diyaar garoobin ee hal maalin safarka ugu dib dhigo, Madaxweynuhu waa ku adkeystey in uu habeen Qardho joogaayo isla subaxa uu soo baxaayey, kadib waxaa maamulku isla markiiba guda galay isu diyaarinta soo dhaweynta Madaxweynaha.


Mid kamid ah dadkii soo dhaweeyay oo aan khadka telefonka kuwada xiriirney ayaa ii sheegay in madaxweynaha ay si wanaagsan u soo dhaweeyeen laakiin ay la yaabeen waxyaabaha qaarkood, taas oo ay kamid tahay gawaarida dagaalka ee faraha badan kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin kuwa lidka diyaaradaha oo dhawr ah umana muuqan ciidan ah ilaalada Madaxweynaha, waxaana si kaftan ah ugu iri mid kamid ah wefdiga ma Oktober ayaa la marayaa maya ee waa dhoolatus ayuu yiri, Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa noqonaaya madaxweynihii u horeeyay ee ciidamo intaas le’eg ay safarkiisa gelbiyaan xili dalku nabad yahay.


Kulankii Odoyaasha Qardho


Madaxweynaha ayaa kulan la qaatey odoyaasha Qardho, waxa ay ka wada hadleen xaaladda dalka, amaanka iyo horumarka gobolka waxa ay u gudbiyeen waxyaabo ay doonayaan in uu ka qabto Gobolka, Madaxweynaha ayaa u sheegay odoyaasha in uu isbedel sameeyay kaas oo si wanaagsan u hirgalay marka laga reebo Cismaan Cabdullaahi oo isagana aan ku rajo weynahay in ay dhamaato ayuu yiri, madaxweynaha ayaa odoyaasha u sheegay in hay’adda PIS ay tahay hay’ad uu isagu xukumo mana ahan mid Maraykan xukumo.


Kadib odoyaasha ayaa isu keenay Madaxweynihii hore Cadde Muuse iyo Dr.Faroole si loo xaliyo mugdi soo kala dhexgalay taas oo inta badan uu tirsanaayey Dr.Faroole, arintaas oo aan dhamaan ayey u balameen in dib la isaga soo noqdo.


Booqashadii Bosaso


Madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisi ayaa gaarey magaalada Bosaso Maalinimadii Isniinta (22-03-2010), waxaana soo dhaweeyay dadweyne faro badan iyo masuuliyiin ka tirsan Puntland, si lamid ah soo dhaweyntii Qardho ayaa dadku is weydiiyeen Dhafoorqiiqyada lidka diyaaraduhu saaran yahay ma ilaalada madaxweynaha mise wax kalaa jira halka dadka qaarkii ay tiro ugu dhaqaaqeen gawaarida dagaalka ee safarka Madaxweynaha ka mid ah.


Muhimada Safarka Madaxweynaha


Muhimada Safarka madaxweynaha ayaa ah dhawr arimood kuwaas oo ah arimo la xiriira Amaanka Bosaso oo muddooyinkii la soo dhaafey khalkhal ku jirey iyo sidii uu xal ugu heli lahaa khilaafka ka dhashey xilka qaadis lagu sameeyay Agaasimaha Hay’adda Sirdoonka Puntland Cismaan Cabdullaahi Maxamuud, taas oo agaasimuhu dhegaha ka xirtey, masuulka cusub ee loo magacaabey Col.Cali Yusuf Maxamed (Biingo) ayaa isagu ku sugnaa madaxtooyada mana jirin wax shaqo ah oo uu ka bilaabey.


Marka laga yimaado wararka dadku isla dhex-jibaaxayaan ayaa muuqata in arintan ay sal dhigatay halkii la filaayey taas oo ah Saraakiil Maraykan ah oo Puntland u yimid arintaas darteed, waxaana habeenadii la soo dhaafey dhexmaray madaxweynaha iyo saraakiishaas wadahadal aan war laga soo saarin, warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha iyo saraakiishaas ay isku fahmi waayeen qaabka ay noqoneyso mustaqbalka hay’adda PIS-tu.


Dr.Faroole ayaa sheegay hadda ka hor maruu booqday dalka Maraykanka iyo Kenya in ay isla afgarteen saraakiisha maraykanka ee afrikada bari in hay’adda PIS ay tahay hay’ad hoostimaada madaxtooyada uuna doonaayo in uu wax ka baddalo tasna ay la qaateen, halka Agaasimihii uu xilka ka qaadey Cismaan Cabdullaahi (Diyaano) uu ku adkeystey in aan loo marin waddo sax ah habka xilka looga qaaday.


Safarka Madaxweynaha ee Itoobiya – Kenya


Warar aan la xaqiijin oo ka soo baxaya ilo ku dhaw madaxweyanaha ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynuhu safar deg deg ah ugu baxaayo dalalka Itoobiya iyo Kenya halkaas oo loogu yeeray wadatashi, ku saabsan xaaladihii u danbeeyay ee Gobolka, shirarka lagu casumay Madaxweynaha ayaa ah kuwo la doonaayo in lagu xaliyo is fahamwaaga saraakiisha Maraykanka ah ee ku sugan Bosaso kuwaas oo u tegay halkaas xalinta is maandhaafka ka dhashey xilka qaadista.


Xiriirka Puntland iyo Maraykanka


Xiriirka Puntland ay la leedahay Maraykanka ayaa mid heer gobol ah waxaana xoogiisu yaala wadamada dersika sida Kenya, Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, maraykanku waxyaabaha ugu waaweyn ee maamulka ay kala xiriiri jireen waa heshiiska loo yaqaano la dagaalanka argagixisada iyo ka hortagooda heshiiskaas oo la sheego in uu Puntland u saxiixay Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Col.Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed, heshiiskaas kadib Puntland waxa ay heshay in tababbaro loo siiyo hay’adda sirdoonka ee PIS isla markaana ay hesho agab iyo mushar joogto ah, inkasta oo ay laba lixaadsatey sadexdii sano ee la soo dhaafey, sidoo kale Maraykanka ayaa Puntland kala xiriira arimaha Burcad-badeeda kuwaasoo la rumeysan yahay in qaar badan oo kamid ah ay ka hawlgalaan meelo kamid ah Puntland.


Dr.Faroole dan uguma jirto in khilaaf uu soo kala dhexgalo maamulkiisa iyo Saraakiisha Afrikada Bari u qaabilsan Maraykanka kuwaas oo ah kuwa ay dawladda Maraykanku uga danbeyso xaaladda Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay kaalmooyinka ku bixiyaan talooyinkooda.


Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sanadkii la soo dhaafey bishii April 4 waxa uu wareegto ku soo saarey in hay’adda PIS ay isaga guuraan xarunta Laanta Hawada, wareegtada ayaa lanbarkeedu ahaa 12, waxaana la siiyey hay’addu in ay haystaan muddo 7 cisho ah, hay’addu kama guurin halkii ay deganayd waxaana ka soo wareegay muddo sanad ah, sidoo kale madaxweynaha ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray xilka uga qaaday agaasimaha hay’addaas Cismaan Cabdullaahi (Diyaano) taas oo soo baxdey 12 Maarso lanbarkeeduna ahaa 27, waxaa ka soo wareegtey 13 maalmood mana jirto xal laga gaaray arintaas.


Arintan ayaa waxgaradka Puntland ku baaqeen in loo maareeyo si xilkasnimo leh isla markaasna laga dheeraado in xalka laga doono wax khatar gelin kara jiritaanka Puntland.


Cumar Siciid. M

Horseed Media

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My take on this issue: This PIS shuffle has long been overdue, and PIS needs to brought under Puntland's Authority at all cost. However, I disagree with the taken approach by Faroole. Faroole has made this into a conflict, currently there is an entire battalion on standby to attack the PIS base in Bosaso. Horta, I thought Faroole was done with this childish behavior, and his past is well noted. He lost my respect in away, a huge section of the population see him as settling scores with the previous regime, and that is not away for a President to behave. .

The solution to this issue lays in Nairobi, Faroole needs to go there and seal the deal with the CIA and U.S. officials themselves. By the way, I want the rest of Puntlanders take on this developing story. That said, people want to make this a Garowe vs Qardho issue, if so why change Osman Diano, and replace him with Biinge, from the same subclan. It’s not about clan, it all boils down to politics… Faroole is cleaning the field from Cadde Muse’s cronies and replacing them with Faroole’s cronies….Here is the catch, Osman Diano did a very good job protecting Puntland’s population, and interest from the cowards in Xamar, so why change him with someone new at this critical moment.

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sorry I dont speak Somali... could you explain to me CIA involvement in PIS affairs? I have heard the CIA has a strong hand (big monetary Support) to PIS. Could you tell me anything more about CIAs/PIS intentions there, amount of involvement etc? Thanks ahead of time !

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Janagale, Remember the clan-elders from sanaag were in garowe not long ago? Remember those clan-elders are very anti-osman diyano for example just read the sanaag websites and articles like "The greatest impediment to puntland progress" published a while ago by disgruntled sections of society of osman diyano man-handling techniques.


What I think it is that farole was pressured by the sanaag clan elders to replace diyano and asked for other demands such as releasing sanaag prisoners from bossaso prison.


Just to add the nail to the coffin, why did farole not replace 1 sanaag minister? mmmm suspicious if you ask me!!! I think this whole re-shuffle is due to the pressures of sanaag politicians.


On a final note osman diyano is doing fine job, if he wasn't 50 people a day would be dying in puntland from hamari terrorists planting bombs and using all dog-act techniques to harm the state interest!!! There is nothing that warrants osman diyano change, as you stated the man is doing the job he was hired for. He took over the PIS in 2004 and ruled it since 2010. Today thanks to him the PIS is the best trained and best armed force in the nation.


Even the darawish are fairly well trained soldiers and if they weren't i would suspect they would be dying everyday in hamar from enemy fire which seems not to be the case at all!!!


That is my opinion on the matter and as far osman diyano keep up the fight!!! Don't let farole replace you with farole puppet who will ony care for farole interests!!!

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To Amistad:


The PIS was created in 2001 for the purpose of combating foreign criminals with interest in relocating to Somalia simply for its anarchic nature and to counter home grown terrorism. The US under Africom were interested in creating a relationship with a new developing autonomy located in a strategic part of the world. Some US support definitelly exists but its significance is highly debatable. Puntland shares with the rest of Somalia the effect of international isolation.


Since the appointment of Osman Diano as the head of the agency, the PIS emerged as a tool that would foster false allegations against Osman Diyano's critics and traditional adversaries.


The recent issue misunderstood by Cowke began during President Faroole's Arrival on stage. Faroole inheriting a complete failure vowed to reform the security as it is a definite factor to progress.


Osman Diyano was sacked not because of pressure from Sanaag and Western Bari elders as Cowke suggests, but simply because of his incompetent alcoholic character. The agency for the past year has failed to counter dailly plots in Bosaso with its lazy methods of fingerpointing clans.


Thus far, Faroole received enormous support from the greater Puntland community for excercising his righful duty in taking full command of his administration.


Important Note:


Somali clan sites like the above sited source ( are highly biased and incredible. I totally find it ammusing, their ill strategies of hype that engages in a character making scheme. Diyano is no more than an agent employed by the state who failed to fulfill his job descriptions.

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The U.S supposedly has heavy influence in the PIS, especially during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, there was a fear that terrorists fleeing those conflicts would try and go to lawless Southern Somalia, via Puntland! The PIS was created in 2001, but when Osman Diyano took it over in 2004, their was a war with the now defunct Islamic Courts Union a few years later, that really brought a lot of funding and training to the PIS, they have made enormous changes. When I was their in 2009, I couldn't believe the changes. They have brought a lot of security!


Amistad depending on who you speak to you will hear different opinions, usually based on family lines.


UN SC Report


I suggest you read the UN Security Council report which clearly details what is going on in Puntland under Faroole's watch. The report is neutral! Supporters of Puntland Minister of interior Ilka-Jiir who hail from Eastern Sanaag and Puntland President Faroole will say the report is bias against Puntland even though it clearly states that after "12 years of relative positive evolution in Puntland." Most important neither Ilka-Jiir nor Faroole have responded to the response officially, they have gone on Puntland media and commented, but no official government response. The Federal Somalia Government, Eritrea, WFP and others that have been (rightfully) condemned! Immediately responded to the report! However no such official response from the Puntland Government, (Garoweonline does not count.)



Also, Mr. Amistad these two men Faroole and Ilka-Jiir have extensive ties with pirates, where the President Son meets with the biggest known pirate and ilka-jiir actually lobbies to get some released when foreign nations arrest them.


Just read this report and remember that both the Puntland President Faroole (Australian) and Interior Minister Ilka-Jiir (U.S Citizen) can easily sue the Security Council!


The problem with whether or not PIS chief Osman Diyano should go, rest more on the criminal activity that the Puntland leadership has been accused of by the UN Security Council and the rest of the Puntland population has suspected for some time, even the The Committee to Protect Journalists have said there is abuses going on! There is a lack of respect for this government, which is why the PIS chief still remains in office! Numerous Government Officials, judges have been murdered in cold blood, never in Puntland’s history has this occurred!




I suggest you read this article from a former speech writer for the Puntland President Faroole. Just like the UN Report spoke about the criminal activity taking part in Eastern Sanaag, this article talks about how plane hijackers took over a plane and wanted it landed in Laasqoray, Eastern Sanaag (Interior Minister Ilko-Jiir home base) where a group of kidnappers were waiting for them. Hiiraan


Faisal, the hijacker, gets on his mobile phone. From the question he asked, I knew who he was talking to: Do you see us? He was speaking to an armed gang waiting in Las Qorey to take the two German journalists as hostages, hide them in remote mountains and demand ransom worth millions of U.S. dollars

Remember this is Faroole's former speech writer, and remember the UN talked about the criminal activity taking place in Eastern Sanaag!


This is what the PIS has to deal with!


It seems the people that want change in security apparatus in Puntland come from the area's that criminal activity is most prevalent! Yet they want to divert attention and blame others! If a Somali website claims something, they accuse it of having clan motivations and even if a foriegn agency says something critical, they will also use the clan card. It's all a ploy to avoid addressing the evidence!


Like I’ve said before...If Puntland needs change, it must FIRST start from the top down!

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Puntland has undergone significant political change following the administration change of Faroole’s incompetent predecessor. Unprecedented international goals were scored, competent ministers were assigned and the autonomy of the state was reassured after the doubtful Cade times. Despite much achieved success, Puntland’s security situation remained inert due to the ineffectiveness of security officials in charge. President Faroole responded immediately by reshuffling ministers and re-evaluating the PIS.


As for the false allegations of the Somali Monitoring Group, you can read this piece that sheds light on its biassed, politically intentioned angle.

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Xudeedi aseless_allegations.html



UN Monitoring Group for Somalia deploys baseless allegations backed by discredited sources

By A/Qudus N. Salah Donyale

March 22, 2010


Nearly a century past, the sovereign people of the Somali republic have been victimized by foreign suspects, charlatans and intermediaries who are short of the competence to provide an ethical and realistic perspective of our conflict----imitating to have an insight of the complex and rampant inter and intra clan competition that haunts the region. Thus they add fuel and wood into an already volatile situation. It began during the arrival of the colonial powers when indolent and ill referenced reporting methods became the policy norm of the Somali region. Considering this background, the monitoring group's latest report is only a continuation of a long practice that not only misguided policy objectives of economic development---spearheaded by those with good intentions---but has also humiliated the Somali national character and fed the world with one side of an information cocoon of a hopeless situation in Somalia. The report could be described in its least form and shape as a concerted, biased piece of propaganda that not only fails to qualify as an objective analysis of the Somali state and its current affairs but also spells a disastrous implication for any potential, comprehensive peace.


The Monitoring Group is an agency that was created for the purpose of reporting information regarding arms embargo violations and related matters. Ever since the appointment of Matt Bryden, the agency evolved more as a tool to disintegrate the unionists while advocating for the secessionist agenda of a minority group than its stated goal. His predisposed political stance is as ever visible in this report as the detectable influence from his in-laws.


The focus theme for Bryden now becomes the Sanaag region and the problems of piracy in Puntland based on a network of influences from his secessionist in-laws simply to paint a international gloomy picture of insecurity and instability in the region in such a manner that it drastically impedes or reverses the successful completion of development projects proposed by the awakened communities of Puntland. This consists of the jetty project, Makhir University Project and the construction of a paved road for which all are in their implementing stages. Evidence of a secessionist reaction is reflected throughout the whole report and I'll point to few notes and derived sources that back the accusations.


"Monitoring Group investigations, involving interviews with sources possessing first-hand knowledge of piracy operations, ransom negotiations and/or payments, have confirmed that senior Puntland officials, including President Faroole and members of his Cabinet, notably the Minister of the Interior, General Abdullahi Ahmed Jama Ilkajiir and the Minister for Internal Security, General Abdillahi Sa`iid Samatar, have received proceeds from piracy and/or kidnapping." [1]


These disingenuous and baseless accusations come at a time when Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed (Faroole) and his Interior Minister General Abdullah Ahmed (Ilka Jiir) achieved unprecedented progress in channeling international support to new and existing initiatives---security sector reform---expansion of correctional facilities to better counter the criminal activities of Somali pirates and terrorist groups who mostly hail from outside of the autonomous region---and implementation of UNDP reform projects for the Finance and Administrative capacity of the diverse agencies of the State. Puntland leadership for the first time was received by renowned world leaders and was regarded as a significant player in eradicating a world problem (piracy).


Bryden's secessionist cronies, made up of clan chauvinists were alarmed and threatened by both the increasing popularity of the Interior Minister Ilka Jiir and efforts of the administration pertaining to the Sanaag region. Bryden and his in-laws again suggest in case study 3 in the same report:


"Ilkajiir returned to Somalia from the United States late in 2008 to contest the Puntland presidency. According to multiple independent sources, Hanaano contributed over $200,000 to Ilkajiir`s political campaign. Ilkajiir ultimately lost the election to Abdirahman Mohamed Faroole” who benefited from much larger pirate contributions to his political war chest ” and was awarded the post of Minister of the Interiora". [1]


An important factor to consider is the source of the political literature applied in this report and its unbalanced propagandist terms and content. Case study 3 is titled "The eastern Sanaag pirate militia". "Eastern Sanaag" is a term coined by the North Western secessionist group in order to create a political dispute between the powerful ********** clan of Puntland and their territorial entitlement of the region.


The above statement was certainly a secessionist engineered propaganda as evidenced by the source used by the monitoring group “Qarannews”[3]. Bryden's desperate attempt to suggest imposing sanctions on Ilka Jiir and Faroole based on the reporting of Qarannews is indeed more insulting than humorous.


The report further demonstrates lazy findings of men incompetent in producing transparent and balanced approaches of research. The accusations continue:


"Maxamed Saciid Atam and Eastern Mujaahidiin: Although he remains essentially a ********** clan warlord, Atom reportedly calls his militia the "Eastern Sanaag Mujahidicen" and has strengthened ties with Al-Shabaab during the course of 2009. A significant number of non-********** militia are reported to have recently joined his group. His training camp at Galgala remained active in 2009, and the Monitoring Group has received reports about two related training centres in the Bari region. Numerous sources indicate that there are several non-Somali instructors at the Galgala camp, and according to eyewitness reports delegations from southern Al-Shabaab groups have been regular visitors."


"Late in 2009, Atom personally visited the town of Laascaanood, where he reportedly established an operational cell. There have since been several attacks with improvised explosive devices against Somaliland forces in the town, although it is unclear whether these may be Atom`s responsibility or the work of an autonomous *********** clan militia." [1]



In today's Somalia, journalists and others in the industry are being subjected to various forms of violence ranging from arbitrary detentions to killings. Lack of a functioning government birthed a poor working and unsafe condition for the journalists as the greatest impediment to progress in the industry. This fact along with diminishing international funding reflects the poor media performance through the presence of unethical reporting and lack of professionalism.


Moreover, in light of this consideration, the Monitoring Group's report can be dismissed as incredible given that most of the sources on their footnotes are unpopular Somali sites. Mr. Atam had never issued a Press Statement prior to the publication of this controversial report nor has he ever written anything pertaining to his political ambitions. The report also mentions that talks between Puntland and Mr. Atam were suspended and backing it with sources from and [2]


As a result of these baseless accusations reported by the Monitoring Group, residents of Laasqoray, Dhahar, Badhan and Ceerigaabo of Sanaag region came out to demonstrate against the false and repeated attacks by the Monitoring Group. Residents rallying on the streets of Laasqoray pleaded for their voices to be heard. For those who followed Puntland's political process clearly witness Atam's accusation as an arms dealer and a terrorist as ridiculous as President Faroole being linked with piracy. The people of Puntland are only requesting a neutral and credible agency that is detached from Somalia's raging political competition.


A/Qudus N. Salah Donyale




[1] Monitoring group report:


Monitoring group incredible sources:


[2] and


[3 ]

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Opinion pieces from websites are fine! Yet we all know there has been no official Puntland government response! The two men accused have remained silent, with no international response!!


This article from wardheernews is not the Puntland government! It conveniently doesn't address why Ilko-Jiir lobbied for known pirate criminals who came from his area to be release. What leader would actually want criminals returned, what is his interest in them? As (the president's son's website) Garoweonline reported:


Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed "Ilkajir," Puntland's interior minister, told Radio Garowe that the Puntland government requested that the eight pirates be handed over to local authorities and tried in a Puntland court.


Is it fair to assume that Ilka-Jiir didn’t want the pirates to start spilling out information on his involvement???

Or why the president’s son can arrange meetings with the biggest know pirate!


Attacking the source is common among supporters of this admin! Yet, they don't realize that the most damaging evidence that is presented against THEM in this report is from pro-Faroole websites or the timesUK!


Which is why there has been no official government response; there's nothing for them to say!


We can accuse the former admins of whatever we want....but in less than a year and a half in office Faroole's admin and Ilko-Jiir have received more international condemnation than any previous Puntland government! The whole PIS change came a day after Security Council Report was leaked!!!





I'll say this! Lets completely change up the PIS, with a new leadership with someone from anywhere leading it! Heck, even someone from outside of Puntland I don't care!!!


But if we are going to change up the PIS, we need to see changes in other places, starting especially with those that have ties with international criminals!!

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I don't know where you've been but the administration clearly responded immediately after the release of the ill referenced monitoring groups report.


Press Releases--- Somalia: Puntland Government Continues Anti-Piracy Campaign, Rejects Monitoring Group Accusations




Ministry of Information, Communication, Culture and Heritage



Government of Puntland



Tel : +252 90 794315/ +252 90 397794


E-mail :




Reference is made to a New York Times article (“Somalia Food Aid Bypasses Needy, UN Study Finds”) published on 9 March 2010, whereby the renowned U.S.-based newspaper cited a still-secret report drafted by the U.N. Monitoring Group regarding a number of issues in Somalia.


According to the Times article, the U.N. report alleges that the President of Puntland had “extensive ties to pirates in the area, who then funneled some of the money they made from hijacking ships to authorities’’.


The above is a huge nonsensical accusation; a feeble attempt to defame the president that requires to be proven.


The Government of Puntland has not received a copy of this U.N. report yet, but the Government’s position on piracy has remained consistently clear since the election of the current government.


To highlight our commitment to combat and eradicate the scourge of piracy, the President of Puntland H.E. Abdirahman M. Farole declared a campaign against all forms of piracy throughout Puntland territory. The President underscored this state policy in a U.S. Congressional hearing in June 2009.


The incumbent Puntland Government has arrested a large number of pirates; so far, 154 have been convicted and are serving long sentences in correctional facilities across Puntland, while 50 more are waiting for trial. Furthermore, Puntland police units continuously raid suspected pirate hideouts in major towns often leading to more arrests and the confiscation of weapons, ladders and communications gear used by pirate gangs.


The incumbent administration ensures the coverage of the above-mentioned anti-piracy efforts in both local and international media; the last such coverage was as recent as the 9 th day of March 2010.


The Government also sponsors a social campaign designed to discredit piracy and the proceeds of the loot of the pirates also forbidden by Islamic law. Puntland’s Islamic scholars and community activists are leading this social campaign to prove that pirates have brought nothing except cultural, social and religious degradation to the Somali society.


These efforts to combat pirate gangs on land have yielded success. Puntland can proudly claim that the culture of piracy is universally rejected throughout Puntland and that caused many of the pirates to move away from Puntland territory.


Our anti-piracy partnerships cooperation with NATO alliance (EURONAVFOR) is well known among leading nations such us USA, France, Spain and Britain, as well as the international media. Therefore, we strongly condemn the piracy activity, not only in Somalia but also all over the world. At the same time, we strongly condemn this baseless allegation, which is a politically motivated slander and defamation of Puntland and its leadership. We believe that these derogatory remarks are made by certain elements in the IMG who have accustomed to do these shameful allegations in other organizations in the past but now have infiltrated this UN mission (International Monitoring Group).



We finally request that the President of the Security Council, in the event that the accusations contained in the leaked report is authentic, to send a fact finding mission to conduct an independent and thorough investigation of these unprecedented accusations.


We demand that the Security Council hold the authors of these fallacious accusations accountable for their actions. We expect from the international body (UN) not to tolerate impunity within their own organizations.

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The Government of Puntland has not received a copy of this U.N. report yet
, but the Government’s position on piracy has remained consistently clear since the election of the current government.
We finally request that the President of the Security Council, in the event that the accusations contained in the leaked report is authentic

First, This was put on Garoweonline and not the offical Puntland government website! Second, this was a response that was issued before the full report was released, and why after it has been released is the Government remained silent? Is the evidence too strong??


Everyone else that was accused came out with immediate responses after it the official response!!!

The Federal (who professionally didn't make this into a clan thing)....WFP, Eriteria!!


Seems the admin knows that they are the ones that reported that Ilka-Jiir requested pirates to be released, and the Presidents son is able to contact the biggest known pirate!

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Thanksful: What you fail to understand is that the interior minister is only exercising his constitutional right and Puntland’s rightful autonomy. Ilka Jiir and Faroole have combated piracy and advocated for Puntland to be engaged in eradicating this very problem that haunts its shores. For you to base your argument of discredited sources and ill tempered assumptions is indeed fascinating.


The administration has done a great job thus far and must continue towards its pace without any gaze at secessionist influenced Diyano cheerleaders.

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oh ooh! looks like shyte is gonna hit the fan. i was wondering which bomb was gonna explode first.

bugland or sillyland.


looks like bugland is gonna up in flames first.

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it's ALL about timing


there is no doubt the current admin lead by Faroole & Ilko are now Implementing strategies to combat piracy & improve security but I have no doubts that they were complicit in undermining the previous administration to gain the power they now have.. Politics is a dirty game & they used their pirate connections as a means to and end and are now trying to distance themselves from the past ..but history has a funny way of catching up with everyone


how is it that a rank outsider won the election last year?


If the PIS needed reform why wait until now?


After the first 100 days in office report, why have we not heard more re: progress & transperancy?


More questions than answers I'm afraid

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