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Afhayeenka Yey - Ethiopianku edeb ayay leeyihiin waxna makufsadaan..

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Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Afhayeenka madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya ee xagga warfaafinta Xuseen Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa ku tilmaamay wax la isku soo hagaajiyay oo aysan waxba ka jirin war sheegayay in ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee kusugan Muqdisho ay kufsadeen gabar Soomaaliyeed.


Mar wax laga waydiiyay Xuseen waxa uu ku caddayn karo arimahaasi ayaa sheegay in kooxaha kasoo horjeeda siyaasadda dawladda federaalka iyo midda Itoobiya ay horay ugu fashilmeen kufsi ay sheegeen in ciidamada Itoobiya gaysteen , markii baaritaanno la sameeyayna lasoo ogaaday in ay ahayd been cad.


Xuseen Xuubsireed wuxuu ka sheegay magaalada Muqdisho in ciidamada Itoobiya ay yihiin ciidan qaran oo dibishiliin iyo kala danbayn leh , ayna kasuuroobin eedaymaha ah inay kufsi kula kacaan gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed.


Xuseen wuxuu sheegay in kooxaha kasoo horjeeda dawladda ay hadba isku dayayaan siyaasad dhicis ah oo ay ku doonayaan inay indhaha caalamka tusaan in falal kufsi ah ay dhacaan.


Wuxuu sheegay Xuseen inaan Horayna loo arag haddana aysan dhicin falal bulshada dhib ku haya oo ay ku keceen ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya.


Wuxuu intaasi ku daray in qorshaha qura ee Itoobiya u joogto dalka inay tahay inay nabadayso , marka ay dantaasi gaartana ay ka bixi doonto, sida ay horayba uga soo bexeen deegaanno kamid ah Soomaaliya.


CCC Farayaamo


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Xuseen Xuubsireed wuxuu ka sheegay magaalada Muqdisho in ciidamada Itoobiya ay yihiin ciidan qaran oo dibishiliin iyo kala danbayn leh , ayna kasuuroobin eedaymaha ah inay kufsi kula kacaan gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed.

And then this comes from the deputy prime minister of the TFG...or is his word no good no more...????



Somalia: War crimes and the war on terror


Tensions are high in Somalia after the deputy PM switches sides and accuses supporting Ethiopian troops of 'genocide' against Somalis in a complex.


The deputy prime minister of Somalia's transitional government, Hussein Mohamed Farah Aideed, has accused Ethiopian troops of committing "genocide" against the Somali people in the capital, Mogadishu, taking already high tensions to a new level.


Such an accusation coming from a high-ranking Somali official, such as Aideed - the son of another, late and powerful politician - goes beyond the typical opposition propaganda and could create pressure for a formal international investigation into the recent death and destruction in Mogadishu.


Ethiopia has understandably dismissed Aideed's allegation as an absolute fabrication. In a recent statement, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tekede Alemu said such accusations were "expected from someone with no interest in peace and stability in Somalia."

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^ Hussain Aidid "is not normal man" as Yey said it before. He did a U-Turn and no one is gonna believe what is uttering.


Duke, what do you think what the Afahayeenka said ?

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Nin edeb daran hadi aad af-hayeen ka dhigatiid - waxaa edeb daran ma arko - waxaase asaga ka si edeb daran kan af-hayeenka ka dhigtey. Labadaba waxaa ka liita kan uu dooda ayaga har iyo maliin.

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^Oo Cidna ma aadan rebinee.... except..... Kan isaga kasoo horjeeda ee ceebta wajigiisa saaran aan arkinna maxaad ugu dari wayday?

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Waa ayaan darro xoolo ay maskaxdiisa nacayb iyo qabyaaladi ka buuxdo oo aan aqoon iyo insaannimo garanayn wax dawlad lagu sheegayna oo aan dowlad ahayn afhayeen looga dhigay, awalba kan iyo waxa la midka ah khayr kama filayn, tolow muxuu dareemi lahaa haddii arrintani isaga iyo walaashiis ku dhacdo.

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