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General Duke

Strange times: TFG meets Somaliland in Adis?

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There might be other motives but certainly a clear and present danger from Somaliland born Islamists is not one of them. Rather, this overreaction could be interpreted as a political spin-doctoring from the UDUB administration.


There is no problems with spin-doctoring but meeting with Col. Yey and his TFG which do not recognise Somaliland breaks a long standing policy adopted by successive Somaliland governments of avoiding any such meetings covert or otherwise with any entity which regards itself as a government for what used to be known as Somalia, which no longer exists as a united political body.


The issue with the Haatuf newspaper is over rated and distorted much from what it actually was. The reason for the burning was because of one particular sheekh whose name was repeatedly bashed by the editorials of the said Paper. The Sheekh denied all the charges the paper accused the sheekh of, including conspiring with the ICU against Somaliland state. Angery relatives and supporters of the Shiekh who numbered no more than 50 or so people took to the streets and in an apparent effort of disapproval of the said Paper they targeted that particular newspaper by burning it down.


The incident is being investigated both by the local government of Togdheer and the elders of Burao city.

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Dabshid, i dont think SL need to waorry. Why? There is a new player on the scene whos ready to take on the TFG and Puntland. SL should just wait and see what happens.

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I think the UIC is a good developement. It is another strategy for unity, if the TFG fails then why should we not go for the courts or an Islamic soultion?


Things are changing.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Dabshid, i dont think SL need to waorry. Why? There is a new player on the scene whos ready to take on the TFG and Puntland. SL should just wait and see what happens.

I couldn't say it better!

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Generale: I am still warry of the clan element highjacking the good religion. Also we can all hear the war drum being beaten.

^^It's imaginary adeer. You know every region has its muslim scholars. From Burco to Boosaaso to Baydhoba! When puntlanders and Slanders[culumadooda] came to Mogadishu they shared thier concern about these courts including justice for all in the south and breaking clannish surge of the early ninties!


There are milateristic elements in the courts but the leadership is overwhelmingly realistic about the political actualities on the ground.


The war drums are agaisnt the return of warlords to the south. Qaybdiid, MDheer and Barre should never be allowed to return.

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Originally posted by General Duke: I think the UIC is a good developement. It is another strategy for unity, if the TFG fails then why should we not go for the courts or an Islamic soultion?


Things are changing.

Good point,but remember the TFG has failed ALREADY,so time for plan B right?

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^^^I belive there is time for the TFG to adapt, though its corruption and incompetence points to failure.


Its too early to say anything, I never subscribed to the ICU millitary might. But what we need to avoid is a new all out war in the south and internal negation of Puntland and Somaliland.


Islamic rule which is the best rule could be brought to those areas through incremental steps, and in Mogadishu/Banadir area allot still is needed, structure, adminstration and so on.

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Is it me or are we seeing Mr. Red Sea agreeing with Herr General Duke? Aduunyo dheh. It seems that all the supporters of injustice are joining hands.


First they started a coalition against 'terror', while they were the real terrorists. Then when they were defeated they ran to Baydhabo.


When Kismayo was taken they ran to Baydhabo.


Puntland is shaking they look at Baydhabo.


Somaliland is giving birth to a revolution and yes they too are looking at Baydhabo for help. Mr. Red Sea, how times have changed heh? :D You and herr General on the same side.

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Is it me or are we seeing Mr. Red Sea agreeing with Herr General Duke? Aduunyo dheh. It seems that all the supporters of injustice are joining hands.


First they started a coalition against 'terror', while they were the real terrorists. Then when they were defeated they ran to Baydhabo.


When Kismayo was taken they ran to Baydhabo.


Puntland is shaking they look at Baydhabo.


Somaliland is giving birth to a revolution and yes they too are looking at Baydhabo for help. Mr. Red Sea, how times have changed heh? You and herr General on the same side

I think that was terrible of you, to lower yourself to such depth. I and Red Sea are not enemies and never were. We disagreed allot but everyone disagrees. You talk of injustice, I never belived Somaliland was unjust, nor should you belive all of the ICU is rightous.

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^To disagree is normal human behavior,so I don't know where people have gotten the sense that hatred or being foes is involved in our discussions.It's just not our nature to hate, we might pretend on the cyberspace,but I am sure, if the "enemies" of SOL have met in public,they would be anything but enemies,and would be enjoing koob shaah together--that is just the way it is.


But, I think my dear causin,Mr.Me knows that,so this could be one of his numberous jokes,for that we like him.

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