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Strange times: TFG meets Somaliland in Adis?

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Kulan Qarsoodi ah oo Itoobiya ku Dhexmaray Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo Wefti Somaliland ah

Addis Ababa


(Jam)- Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, Md. Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale iyo weftigii uu hoggaaminayey oo hadda ku sugan magaalo-madaxda dalka Itoobiya ee Addis Ababa, ayaa la sheegay inay kulan gaar ah Isniintii habeen hore la yeesheen Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya loogu soo dhisay dalka Kenya.



Ma jiraan warar xaqiijinaya jiritaanka kulankaas iyo waxyaabihii ay labada dhinac kaga wada hadleen.



Hase yeeshee, sida ay tibaaxeen ilo xogogaal ah oo ku dhow-dhow magaalada Addis Ababa, waxa uu kulankaasi ahaa mid labada dhinac kaga arrinsanayeen guud ahaan arrimaha siyaasadeed ee ka soo cusboonaaday mandaqadda Geeska Afrika, gaar ahaanna dhaqdhaqaaqa ay Soomaaliya ka wadaan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee Muqdisho.



Warku waxa uu intaa ku daray in kulanka labada dhinac iskula soo qaadeen sidii talo iyo mowqif midaysan uga yeelan lahaayeen awoodda xoogagga Islaamiyiinta ah ee liddiga ku ah labadooda maamulba, isla markaana ay wadajir uga samaysan lahaayeen awood caabidda Maxaakiimta Muqdisho, kuwaas oo maamulka Somaliland iyo xukuumadda Cabdillaahi Yuusuf u arka in ay daba-dhilif u yihiin Maraykanka iyo Itoobiya.



Kulanka Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo weftiga Somaliland ayaa waxa wararkaasi sheegeen in uu ahaa mid qabsoomiddiisa hore loo sii qorsheeyey oo ay ka shaqaysay xukuumadda Addis Ababa.



Xubnaha weftiga Somaliland oo dalka ka ambabaxay Sabtidii toddobaadkan, ayaa ujeeddada safarkooda Itoobiya waxa ay ku sheegeen in uu yahay mid la xidhiidha arrimo ku saabsan xaaladda siyaasadeed ee mandaqadda iyo saameynta ay ku yeelan karaan Somaliland, kuwaas oo ay tilmaameen in ay kala soo xaajoon doonaan masuuliyiinta dawladda Addis Ababa iyo diblomaasiyiinta dalalka shisheeye iyo weliba ururo caalami ah, waxa ay ku soo beegantay saacado yar kadib markii Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayey ay isla gelinkii dambe ee Sabtidii magaalada Baydhabo ka qaadday diyaarad khaas ah oo ay dawladda Itoobiya u dirtay.





Jamhuuriya Online

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If this news turns out to become true, then it has the potential to destablise Somaliland, because it leaves a very bad taste in the mouth of the average Somalilander like me.


The ICU is not an immediate threat to Somaliland and everyone knows that. The Islamists in Somaliland, no matter how many Hadithes they will recite or how many chapters of the Quran they read out, they simply can not and will not go beyond a certain line which is sacrosanct. And that is the independence of Somaliland that young and old equally cherish in Somaliland.


Beyond anything else this news has the potential to really stir a huge storm in Somaliland. Lets just wait and see.

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This is wonderful news for all those would like to see a united Somalia. Talking is always good, even if the two sides will disagree it is positive sign for the people of Somali that at least the politician are talking instead of warring!


The funny thing here is. Yesterday and the day before the media was reporting that the secessionist mafia's foreign minister went to Addis Ababa to request for Ethiopian troops and no one was protesting here on SOL, but as soon as some people here hear that there has been a meeting between the TFG and the Secessionist mafia, there are people pulling faces and tasting irrational hatred in their mouth. It funny indeed. Some people here would rather have our people at the mercy of our common enemy then to see the Somali brothers talk out their differences.

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^^Maybe those same people did not believe the 'bringing Ethiopian troops to SL' story in the first place! Didnt really require a response did it.


Stir away,,,

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^^ Dodgy, perhaps. But I wouldn't be worried about them.


Yes, they can preach about the establishemnt of an islamic sharia state, the abalishment of all things Western including democracy... those are beating around the bush sort of speaking, they will win some audience in that regard.


But when it comes to taking a position in the real body politik then that is when they will realise that all time long they were building a house made of cards. In other words, wasting their time.

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^^I think there has been an over-reaction by the Govnt and Media on the situation in the south.


We will see what comes out of the meeting

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^^^ The overreaction is nothing to do with the situation in the South. They looked around them and saw how many mullahs are stalking the streets of Somaliland. They saw that video (fake or not) and the reaction it created and they knew there is trouble ahead. They saw the burning of those newspapers and they had no choice but to run to adeero abdullahi for a quick consultation against the common enemy.


You’ve got to love the purity of Somali politics and the way it ebbs and flows in unexpected ways. Somebody should start teaching this stuff and pointing out the beauty in which alliances are forged, discarded and forged again with extraordinary ease.

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You can not deny that the mullahs in the north are becoming ever more sympathetic to the UIC. The newspaper was printing alot rubbish anyway. You think the british papers get hysterical check out the Somaliland papers.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

You’ve got to love the purity of Somali politics and the way it ebbs and flows in unexpected ways. Somebody should start teaching this stuff and pointing out the beauty in which alliances are forged, discarded and forged again with extraordinary ease.


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