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Ethiopia Devilish Plots: Terror in Somalia

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BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopian plots against Somalia fulfilled



Dec 01, 2006 Og-aden Online investigative reporters in Og-aden confirm that the Ethiopian plots against Somalia that we have reported on earlier have now materialized. Our reporter indicates that there have been modifications to the plots hence the Baidoba explosion can be directly attributed to the Ethiopian government.


A high-ranking Ethiopian official who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the operation briefed one of our reporters. This source claims that since the American government has unexpectedly bought into the Ethiopian propaganda machinery, plans to carryout attacks against Kenyan and Ethiopian targets were abandoned.


Instead the source says, carrying out bombings in the seat of the Somali government, Baidoba become important for two reasons. First as happened yesterday, it was carried out to coincide with the introduction of the motion at the UN by the Americans to authorize Ethiopian, with IGAD cover, invasion of Somalia .


It was also meant to convince the skeptics at the UN mainly the European governments such as France and England that the Union of Somali Courts (UIC) use the same ‘terror’ tactics as is known to the terrorist networks around the globe .



Og-aden Online News



The battle is no longer between factions but one for defending Islam, whose miracles in salavating our people, are deeply resented in Addis-Abeba by the minority Tigre maffia.


Hence, "Terror" is the latest label par excellence whereby the despised criminal TPLF sell its policies abroad and thus perpetuate the subjugation of Ethiopians as well as Somalis, not least the marginalized, routinely terrorized Somalis Galbeed.


Consequently, anyone who relays the same odious propaganda against Shariah implementation become ipso facto accomplice with the Bloodthirsty Thugocracy in Addis-Abeba, allergic to anything connoting moral values and struggle against oppression...

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