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US restates interests in Somalia

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US restates interests in Somalia


TERROR: The US wants the African nation stabilized to counter regional terrorism, though Washington's role in the current conflict is raising some awkward questions


The White House on Wednesday expressed its commitment to working with "regional and international partners" in Somalia to establish a functioning central government, and to prevent Islamic extremism from taking root there.

"The US strongly supports the transitional federal institutions in Somalia, because they are trying to reestablish a functioning central government within Somalia that can bring the Somali people out of the period of civil conflict," White House spokesman Tony Snow said at a press conference.


Snow said that Washington has long been concerned that ongoing unrest could turn lawless Somalia into a haven for terrorists.


"You've got instability in Somalia right now, and there is concern about the presence of foreign terrorists, particularly al-Qaeda, within Somalia," Snow told reporters.


"In an environment of instability, as we've seen in the past, al-Qaeda may take root, and we want to make sure that al-Qaeda does not in fact establish a beachhead in Somalia," he said.


"These are problems that we've seen in other ungoverned regions in the past. The terrorists are going to seek to take advantage of the environment and use that kind of chaos in order to put together camps and therefore mount operations around the world," the spokesman added.


"We will continue to work with regional and international partners wherever we can to crack down on terrorism and also to try to prevent its rising," Snow said.

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Mareykanka ayaa ka hadley balan qaadkiisii ku aadanaa sidii uu ugala shaqeyn lahaa saaxiibadiisa heer gobolka ah iyo kuwa heer caalami ah sidii loo aasaasi lahaa dowlad dhexe oo shaqeyneysa oo Soomaaliya ay hesho.


May 19, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Aqalka Cad ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa ka hadley balan qaadkiisii ku aadanaa sidii uu ugala shaqeyn lahaa saaxiibadiisa heer goboleedka iyo kuwa heer caalami ah sidii loo aasaasi lahaa dowlad dhexe oo shaqeyneysa oo Soomaaliya ay hesho, isla markaana laga hor tago mintidiin Islaami ah in halkaa ay la wareegaan.


Af-Hayeen u Hadley aqalka Cad ee Mareykanka oo layiraahdo Tony Snow ayaa sheegay in Mareykanku uu si xoogan u taageersan yahay dowlada FKMG ee Soomaaliya, sababtoo ah dowladu waxey isku dayeysaa dibu aasaasida dowlad dhexe oo shaqeyneysa, taasoo dadka Soomaaliyeed ka saari karta dagaalada sokeeye.


Af-Hayeenka waxaa kale uu sheegay in Washington wax badan ka wal wal saneyd in xasilooni darida ka jirta Soomaaliya ay u badali karto dalka meel ay argagaxisadu ku gambato.


Af-Hayeenka oo la hadlayey saxaafada waxaa uu yiri “Waxaad aragtaan xasilooni daridda Soomaaliya ka jirta iminka, waxaa jira wal wal ku aadan in argagaxiso ay joogaan Soomaaliya gaar ahaana ururka Al-Qaacida.


Af-Hayeenkani waxaa kaloo uu sheegay iney sii wadi doonaan dadaalada ku aadan sidii ay ugala shaqeyn lahaayeen dhinacyada doonaya in Soomaaliya ay kusoo celiyaan, waxaa kaloo hadal kiisa uu ku darey in meel walba ay kaga hortagi doonaan kooxaha agagaxisada ah. SA

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