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King Abdalla invites Somali leaders to Saudi Arabia to complete the peace accord

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Riyaad}12-6-08Maalmaha soo socda ayaa lagu wadaa in dhammaan ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirkii dib u heshiisiinta ee ka dhacay dalka Jabuuti ay u ambabxayaan dalka Sacuudiga si ay halkaasi ugu soo saxiixaan heshiiskii Jabuuti ay kuwada gaadheen dhinacyada Soomaalida. ....................................



Xubno ka tirsan dhinacyadii shirkaas ka qaybgalay ayaa waxay sheegeen in qoraal uu kaga yimid ergayga gaarka ee Qaramada Midoobay uga wakiilka ah arrimaha Soomaaliya Ahmadu Ould-Abdallah, kaas oo u sheegay in xubnihii labada dhinac uga qeyb galay shirkii Jabuuti laga doonayo inay dhawaan tagaan magaalada barakeysan ee Makkah Al-Mukaramah si ay ugu saxiixaan heshiisyadii ay gaadheen.


Goobta uu saxiixu ka dhacayo ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay tagi doonaan xubno uu ka mid yahay Boqorka dalka Saudi Arabia Cabdallan Bin C/casiis Aalla Sacuud iyo Ergayga gaarka ee Qarammada Midoobay u qaabilsan Arrimaha Somalia Ahmadou Ould-Abdallah.


Xubno kale oo uu ku jiro xoghayaha guud ee Qarammada Midoobay Ban Ki Moon, Ergaygii Maryekanka u matalayey shirka Jabuuti, Ergaygii EU-da iyo kii AU-da, ayey Saudi Arabia kula kulmi doonaan ergada labada dhinac inta aanu saxiixu dhicin iyo kaddib marka uu saxiixu dhaco.


Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Nuur Xasan Xuseen [Nuur Cadde] iyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa mar kale saxiixaya heshiiskan ka kooban 11 qodob.


WIdhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center

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Saudi Arabia: Xubnihii saxiixay heshiiska Jabuuti oo lagu casuumay Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya

12. Juni 2008



Saudi Arabia(AllPuntland)-Wakiilka gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Ahmaduo Ould Abdallah ayaa qoraal u soo diray xubnaha Dowladda KMG iyo Isbaheysiga ee heshiiska ku saxiixay dalka Jabuuti kuwaasi oo uu kaga codsanayo in dhawaan ay tagaan magaalada barakeysan ee Makkah ee dalka Sacuudi Carabiya halkaasi oo ay ku saxiixi doonaan 11-kii qodob ee ay ku saxiixdeen dalka Jabuuti, laguna dhaarin doono.


Goobta uu saxiixa ka dhacaya ayaa waxaa kaloo lagu casuumay Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Md. Nuur Cadde iyo Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed, iyadoo uu goob joog ka ahaan doonaan halkaasi Boqorka Sacuudi Carabiya Cabdalla Bin C/casiis, Ahmaduo Ould Abdallah, wakiilo ka kala socda dalalka Mareykanka Ingiriiska, Midowga Yurub, Jaamacadda Carabta iyo ururka Midowga Afrika.


Mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan Dowladda KMG iyo Isbaheysiga Asmara ayaa laga soo xigtay jiritaanka casuumaadaasi oo uu soo jeediyay Boqorka dalka Sacuudi Carabiya Cabdalla Bin C/Casiis.


Dowladda Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa horay sidan oo kale casuumaad u fidisay xubnihii shirkii dib u heshiisiinta ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho sanadkii hore dhamaadkiisa kuwaasi oo heshiisyadii ay gaareen ku soo saxiixay Boqortooyada Sacuudi Carabiya.




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Odeygan mu iska keen dhafo - heshis walba gunanadkisa iyo ducadiis Sucuudiga aya la ada - sa wuxuu noqda ka daro dhibi dhal.

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^Lool, Makka waa meel barakaysan marka dhibka waa Somalida ee isaga ma ahan. Waa anaga in madax adayga nalaka saaro... Lol

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Emperorial, Odeyga Yey madax adeega ku jiro Soomaaliyoo dhan hadii loo qeebiyo wuu ka badnaanayaa, my point is madax adeega iska dhaafa nimankiina dowladan habawsan taageera.



Dawlad dhicis ah oo ku soof oolatey Mpgatati hadana ku umul baxeyso Jabuuti meeleey u socoto garan maayo.

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^I agree with you on that point, Laakiin dhanka kalena haday madax adeega joojin lahaayeen wax mahalaabeen, hadaan lakala roonaan roob ma do'o, simple as that, also you can't expect a government to give up and disarm but all logic dictates that the opposition should....

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When will somalis realize this is their problem and unless they really get down to core issues that are keeping them apart will not be solved by strolling around the globe and waiting on to be reconciled by others. It's just not gonna happen. If you want peace, you really have to be up for it and be willing to sacrifice alot of things. I am not sure the so call TFG is willing to sacrifice one thing, to tell the Ethiopians that they don't need their protection. The TFG as terrible of a body of ex warlords it may be will be allowed to 'functionate' only if they tell the EThiopians to cut and pack up from our soil. But I highly doubt that, therefore there can be no peace as long as somalia is occupied by foriegn forces and people are being killed by them.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^I agree with you on that point, Laakiin dhanka kalena haday madax adeega joojin lahaayeen wax mahalaabeen, hadaan lakala roonaan roob ma do'o, simple as that, also you can't expect a government to give up and disarm but all logic dictates that the opposition should....

I think we are getting somewhere. There is no dying the TFG contains bunch of ex warlords and thugs who took part in the prolonged civil wars that caused the deaths of milions of somalis.


On the other hand, the Alshabaab freedom fighters must come to the table and make their objectives clear to everyone by saying listen this is somali problem. We will lay down our arms and strike peace if the EThiopian troops withdraw from our soil ASAP uncodintionally and stop meddling with our affairs. And furthermore assure and give the TFG that any of its members will be safe and elections agreed upon can be held.


From that point, the TFG needs to remind the Ethiopian invaders to withdraw immediately and shall negotiate with the freedom fighters. The Alshabaab or other freedom fighting group are willing to work with that.



Thus far, the TFG has not sacrificed any of its positions why should Al shabaab abondened their core believes, to fight the aggressors and invaders of Somalia, Ethiopia.

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^Saxb Soomaali heshiisay, Dayrada jooji, Peace is finally coming to all Somalis, and Millions of Somalis have hope now and are counting on these leaders, marka saaxb naga qalee!

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This is a great news. Somalis desparetely need Saudi's help on this. And that the King called somali parties to the holy land is a good news.

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You can't be serious in thinking this will bear anything.


This is just a word on a screen, but the reality on the ground is much different and needs alot more than that to bring peace about.


ps. Naga qaleeda markaad leedahay dhulka miyaad iga xigtaa?

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

This is a great news. Somalis desparetely need Saudi's help on this. And that the King called somali parties to the holy land is a good news.



Xiin faniin,


Saaxib how is this great news? Hasn't this happen before, hasn't all this been tried before?


How many more tries will people attempt before realizing this is not the way to do it.

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Bada Cas,Yes, It happened many times before, but Somalis should NOT give up, They have to do it again and again, till they get it right and get Somalia out of the mess,and Saxb sina kaama xigo wadanka, Marka qalad ha u qaadin.

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Tell us when Courts and TFG ever signed a peace deal like this one?


You see Redka while the only quandary you face in your life in the land of the brave is to choose between two equally lovely girls, tens of thousands of your people back home in the south face death & life decisions in a daily bases. They have been through hell adeer, and they need some measure of peace. Most people want to get back to their homes and go on to raise their children. That’s the kind of opportunity innocent Somalis don’t have, and desperately want to get it. And that’s what this agreement may ultimately deliver. What are meaningless to the affected innocents are the Diaspora pens like yours who treat this shacbis tragedy as a peace of literary drama and produce scathing critiques, and babble with empty threats from afar! Horta yuu Shariif matelaa, they rhetorically ask! Lest you did not notice yet, the resounding answer to that silly question has been: US. Anaguu na matelaa. Sharif and his team, represent the real interest of shacbu suumaal---and the shacbu knows adeer.


Adeer sacuudigaa la tegi, oo waa lasoo ducaysan, oo Ilaah ba lasoo baryi inuu dalka nabad ka dhego, oo carabtaa lasoo tuugi bal inay isku dayyaan isku kaayaa keenaan. In short wax walba oo soomaali lagu heli karo waa lasyku dayyaya yaa Redka…


Even though only Allah knows how these clauses will be implemented, the possibility of peace and the shoot of hope that come down on us from Jabbuuti can not be denied! Dismissing it only shows what your priorities are and where your concerns lie!

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