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Prof. Samatar: Ethiopia ayaa Somaliland Aqoonsanaysa

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“Ethiopia Waxay doonaysaa inay Somaliland Aqoonsato idinkana Parlamaanka Muqdisho waad isdilaysaan oo waad huradaan”Prof: Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa Saxaafada Muqdisho fariin u mariyay DKM



“Ethiopia Waxay doonaysaa inay Somaliland Aqoonsato idinkana Parlamaanka Muqdisho waad isdilaysaan oo waad huradaan”Prof: Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa Saxaafada Muqdisho fariin u mariyay DKM dhagayso.


Wariyeha Radio Hadhwanaag ayaa Barnaamij kasoo diyaariyay mar uu Prof: Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar cidaacadaha Muqdisho ku sheegay in ethopia ay doonayso in Somaliland ay Aqoonsato

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The Zack   

Its to the benefit of Ethiopia that Somalia stays in the current state so Samatar got it wrong this time. Nobody is recognizing anybody.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

lool@professor Samatar talking out of his ***..


why dont they just recognise them aready?

Exactly! where is the recognition folks?

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Ethiopia think tank folks in Addis are neither gullible nor naïve idealists as some of us on SOL are: Ethiopia interests are served well in the current status quo. SL and PL being satellite states that report periodically to Mekelle clan and, the nominal TFG which also operates under the blessings of Zenawi. On astronomical view, Ethiopia has no need to review or adjust its diplomatic ties with Somali political players. What is the point of recognizing SL while antagonizing PL, and the rest of Somalia when unionists and secessionists alike are doing Ethiopia’s bidding; Al Shebab included.


In the case of recognition; it is as much of distant and elusive dream as it ever been. Twenty years passed, SSC & Maakhir communities have taken things into their own hands. Awdalites have awakened and determined to run their own affairs. The multi clan party system of the north western enclave has reached its stagnation point. How can clannish dogmas driven enterprise give a birth to a modern state, is in the minds of diehard secessionist? What is next is anyone’s guess….. Revolution within is inevitable methinks.

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No need for name calling. Prof. Abdi Ismail is a American Academic Professor who left his home country Somalia, more then 30 years ago.


He provides his opinion in articles and intervieuwes about the current political situation in Somalia and Somaliland. But he does not determine the fate of the people on the ground nor will he have any influence on the future or history of the country. He is merely an observer with his own opinion nothing more.

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