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Mujaahideenta Soomaaliyeed in Gobolade Dhexe

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^^ Did I say Ethiopians were in whatever city you just named. god! I am telling you this group from colonialism, to the current era, have been collaborators( or apologists) and never lifted a finger against colonialism or Xabashi occupation:



their indirect rule arrangement with the British, the brotherhood’s leaders would have

presumably had no need to challenge British authority in as much as this authority

refrained from intervening in the social and cultural affairs of Somaliland society. The

prime Qadiriyah concern was the introduction of Christianity into Somaliland. Once

this was ironed out, it was the Qadiriyah leaders who welcomed the establishment

of schools, especially into the Sahil area of Sheikh.90 In fact, according to Renders, the

Qadiriyah leaders cultivated excellent relations with some among the colonial regime.91


http://www.nuradeen. com/CurrentIssues/Is lamAndStabilityInSom aliland.pdf



Thus, how are they are mujahideen? Why do they colloborate with the Xabashis in Somali Galbeed if they are truly mujahideen. Why did they not take part in the resistance against them, but chose to colloborate instead. If they are mujahideen why do they say that the jihad in their heart is greater? If they are Mujahideen why do they supplicate to dead Sheikhs and not Allah directly? I will accept that this group is indeed brave, have routed the shababs and handed their behinds to them in some instances, but they are not mujahideen, as this is an insult to the religion of Islam.


good day.



ps. what is a mujajid according to you?

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Where in your quote does it say they collaborated with the British?


They supported the establishment of schools which is consistent with their ideology of civilization-buildin g first and foremost.


Also, how do you consider the Qaddirah from Norwestern Somalia? Should Alshabaab also fight the Ethiopians in that corner of Somalia or are they only good when they fight Ethiopians and ''warlords&clan militia'' in Ceelbuur while not adressing the political pretenders and clan militia's masquerading as ''national army'' of the secessionist entity?


As for your definition of Mujaahideen,


Siilaanyo was famoust for calling the SNM fighters Mujaahideen while we all know that SNM was allied to the Ethiopian regime.


Are they Mujaahideen or was Siilaanyo wrong?


It is easy to talk all principled and brave as long as your own affaires are not looked into closer.


So answer me the question on Siilaanyo's use of the term 'Mujaahideen'.

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Its me right to use any avatar Laakin adiga sidi Jir jiroolihi oo Kale ayaad marba shaati so xirataa Qabiil M Society la dhaho aya qabliga ka dhex jiiray ...

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I feel flattered if a supporter of the late dictator critizes me and accuses me for no apparent reason.


Their animosity towards my views shows exactly why I and them are different.


As for NGONGE,


Let us see whether Al-Zeylaci can act principled when the affaires he and most secessionists shy away from are discussed.

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Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

Meiji, do you deny Qadiriyah have never resisted colonialism or Xabashis occupations? Do deny they twist hadiths to support Zenawi and his occupation forces. Do they not believe that Ethiopia occupation should be obeyed since they claim the prophet(saw) made hijra there and commanded not to agress
I am telling you straight up facts, whilst your telling me fulan has big biceps and fulan is tradtional nomad.



wth, sum1 plagalarised one of my posts on this forum, word for
, which i stumbled across googling something about this topic. who are you?

Can you kindly provide the necessary documentation so that we can continue this discussion? You have a very powerful charge

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Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

If they are mujahideen why do they say that the jihad in their heart is greater?

Logically speaking, can't this question not be asked Abu Turki who fights non-existent "kafirs" in Jowhar and Galgaduud while his people are being prosecuted in the occupied territories?

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You are tediously relentless, saaxib. However, when put on the spot, you never put your hands up and admit to your errors but instead digress into issues that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. A prime example of that is your mention of the name of Siilanyo! What has he got to do with these 'debate'? Al Zaylaci is not a supporter of SL (if that is what you think).


Answer his questions, son. Don't run now, son.


** Tries to hold Fu-Fu back and quickly checks for any pointy bits **

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


You are tediously relentless, saaxib. However, when put on the spot, you never put your hands up and admit to your errors but instead digress into issues that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. A prime example of that is your mention of the name of Siilanyo! What has he got to do with these 'debate'? Al Zaylaci is not a supporter of SL (if that is what you think).


Answer his questions, son. Don't run now, son.


** Tries to hold Fu-Fu back and quickly checks for any pointy bits **

Well, Meiji is right in using appropriate examples to illustrate the bankruptcy of Zeylici's arguments.


You can't use one criteria for the problems in the South and another totally different one in the North.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Has Zeylici mentioned the north?

Meiji's question is valid, despite the cries of foul play.


Zeylici has been asked a very appropriate question. Why shy away from it, if his views on both situations don't contradict?

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Heh. Valid my foot. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Plus, and I repeat, it misses the point entirely. Zeylici is not an SL supporter and probably does not care for what the SNM called themselves (hell, I am an SL fan and I question their Mujahidiin label).



It's gone beyond 'foul play' for Meiji, saaxib. Way beyond.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Heh. Valid my foot. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Plus, and I repeat, it misses the point entirely. Zeylici is not an SL supporter and probably does not care for what the SNM called themselves (hell, I am an SL fan and I question their Mujahidiin label).



It's gone beyond 'foul play' for Meiji, saaxib. Way beyond.



Well, as I said, Meiji's question to Zeylici still stands despite your stage-show acting. Instead of speaking for Zeylici, why don't you come up with your own arguments, so that we can critique it on its own merits?


Zeylici used a fallacy of equivocation to prove a defunct point.Thus, Meiji is correct in asking him a follow up question, to clear some doubts.


I don't know why he should be silenced.

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