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Che -Guevara

TFG 's Role in Farax's Case

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Dajiye-According to you, Faroole's b*tching weighs nothing in Nairobi-so surely this couldn't be his doing since he is insignificant player.A greater force must have came into play.

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

The Zack-I'm whatever makes the most sense to you.

I was just wondering why u r exteremly excited about this, it won't even make a bit difference and farah will still be deputy speaker in kenya.

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@Che..He got pirate money to hire the greater force, no? :D



You are right about Farole. He is nothing but a stooge for Zenawi. It's also dead wrong to assume TFG guys in cheap hotels are stronger force in Kenya either. Eventually the TFG( if not the Cambaro Buuro :D ) is not involved in this issue in real sense.


The news you posted is a bogus one saxiib!

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I think if it was President Faroole it would have happened back in December when the Faarax visited NW Somalia. I think is just one of his political enemies capitalizing on this oppurtunity. The man had no right to visit that region and speak as if they are seperate form Somalia. That's not their countries stance on the issue and he needs to remember that. He forgot who he works for and stuck his nose somewhere it shouldn't have been.


Politics is a dirty game and people just wait for you to mess up! He was careless and is now going to have to answer for it.


What he did could have potentially destabilized the region because different groups in Somalia can't just breakaway and say they are a country.

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^You are just another misguided pirate man. And what you wrote is rubbish as usual. :D


Farah had every right to visit the Hargeysa just like he did Moqadisho. He went for purpose. He collected facts and the hearings will be held. If you think he was careless when he visited you are talking out of the lower hole and know nothing about this issue. But this will not be last time till the issue of LA is solved.


Come back awoowe.

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Dajiye-Who is it since you have ruled out any Somali players. Is it just sleazy Kenyan politics?



The Zack-The man supported secession, what more reasons do you need?

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The Zack   

thankful, u understand that a mere foreign minister can't do any thing to farah, right? He will have to answer for it kulahaa

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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

According to Dalmar every puntlander is a patriotic loool.

Sacadow, cidna kaama xigta somalinimada iyo wadanimada, it is very easy support United Somalia (northwest, SSC, Puntland, south, western Somalia, and NFD), and forget somalidiid-land and imaginary recognition that will never come


Also wave proudly our noble blue flag, and you will be patriotic Somali like our brother CHE

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The Zack   

Originally posted by 'Dalmar':


Also wave proudly our noble blue flag, and you will be patriotic Somali like our brother CHE [/QB]

Sorry to disappoint u but Che supports alshabaab and those guys wave the black flag, not the blue one smile.gif

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@Che, don't be so demanding awoowe. It will come out in the coming days,...


Waxaanse rabaa inaan kuu cadeeyo in Faarax xilka cid kaqaadi karta ayna jirin wayo waa nin la soo dortay.


Wuxu xilkan dhumin karaa 2 shey oo kaliya haday dhacdo :


1. In wadanka dagaal ka dhaco oo buruburo.

2. In la kala diro barlamaanka oo doorasho cusub galo.


Haddii doorasho la galo xisbiga uu katirsanyahayna ku guleysto waxa lagayaaba in u noqdo gudomiyaha barlamanka mesha uu ka yahay kuxigen.


Taas waa mid qanuun ah oon rabay in aan cadeyo.


Tankale waxa ku hoos jira arintan lama yaqaan waayo dhowr jeer ayuu Farax ku celceliyay : "wax yaalo badan ayaan ogahay." Marka aan sugno waxey la imaadan maalmaha soosocda.

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Are you blind walaal? look at CHE's avatar Image or display pic, you see will the Blue Flag


CHE waa boqor cid ka jecel calanka iyo wadanka Somalia ma joogto SOL, waa xaqiiq



Zackow nin caqli badan baa tahay, Markaa rabshada jooji oo haa u dhaqmin sida Dajiye :D


Waa talo rag iska celi iyo Rabbi ka cabso meel ma wada galaan

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The Zack   

^looooool@dalmar, war anaa kaa aqaano avatarka yuusan ku khaldin saxib, let's wait for his own response af joogo looma adeegee.

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^The blue flag in Che's avatar is surrounded by BLACK thing. But he is too sturb born to see anything that has been said. :D


Dalmar back off adeerkay. Haddi kale dhulkaan ku la gali. icon_razz.gif

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Dajiye-Let me break it down sxb. I feel like we are going in circles. I don't think anything can or would happen to Farax in terms of his political stature, so in that context-there is little the foriegn minister can do to him.Nothing will come of that unless there is vast conspiracy involving all Kenyan heavy weights to oust this man and I know how government operates and what could get Farax out into the street.So in short, the foriegn minister can do little to the man. I agree with you there.


I also don't think his trip to LA has any practical consequences. It doesn't change the reality on the ground or farther Somaliland's quest for the elusive recognition. That said, he must be called out for entertaining secession, even you would agree with that.


Lastly, back to my early question-who's behind this? You said it can't be any Somali player since none of them are influential enough. So, it is Kenyan political mudslinging or there are other things we are not privy to?

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