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Mr red sea a question ;-)

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:



the current Admin is dead ,ninkii waxan kudaydaana wuu ku aakhiro seegayaa,dad la iska xidho oo lagu tuhmo danbi ama la isku xidho bilaa danbi waxaynu ku ogayn Siyad Barre,goormaynu noqonay isagii oo kale?


Diinta Islamka ah,ha lagu xukum SL iyo meelkasta oo ay Somali degto,kabacdi markaas ayey walaaltinimo jiri doontaa,xumaantan jirtaana markaas albaabka ayey kabaxaysaa,oo waxaad arki doontaa Hargeysa oo laba laab qurux badnaatay,nabad iyo sharaf ku nool yiin dadkii waayo Allah ayey sharfeen iyagan Allah sharfayaan,xumaan oo dhan ahna ka ilaalinaya.


taas ayaan rabaa anigu.



Kamalu Diin,


Walaalo,adigu waxan aad is dhexwado maba saconayaan,wax USC layidhaahdaa majirto,warkaa waa laga tagay inaabti.


Indha Cadde,waa shakhsi sida Riyale uu shakhsi uyahay,toobad keen Allahna markasta way banaanta.Meeshu aad leeday wuu haystaana,dadka degan ayaa raba in Shareecada Islamka lagu xukumo,laakin dhibtaado waxa weeye adigu qabiilkiisa ayaad ku nacday ninka,aduunkana Satelite ayaa lagu tartamayaa adna halkanaad kamuujinaysaa nacayb qabilnimo oo aad uqabto reerkaas isaga ah,mana wanagsana if you ask me.

Bal hada saaxiib waxaad qortay dib u akhri dabdeedna waxaad isku daydaa inaad fahamti halka lgaaga hadlaayo.


Cidina kumay odhan Rayaale jecloow laakiin Somaliland shaqsi ka wayn ayaa lagu yidhi saaxiib.


"Nin ay meelu u cadahay baa la yidhi meeli ka madow"


You need some soul searching. I'm not the only one who feel that way but ALL of us can’t see where you're going and where you're coming from.


"Hadalkaaga sumad baa lagu dhigtaa" boy from Burco says that all the time...funny dude! He's SNM veteran and was wounded in 1989.


Bal u fiirso halkuu K.Diin kaala hadlaayay.


You're going million miles per hour. Saaxiib nothing is built over night.


Do you contribute anything to Somaliland success personally?


Do you write any articles criticizing the government?


Do you collect money, books, clothing, medicine and send to the needy?


How often do you go to Somaliland conferences and do a workshop?


Are you a taxpayer?


It starts from within saaxiib.


I don’t think any of us is doing that. Until we became actively involved politically, economically and socially, we need to be careful what we’re saying, how we’re saying and where we’re saying it.


Afarta wadaad ee aad masaajid kula tukataana yaanay maskaxda kaa xadin. Hadaad waraysato midkastaa gacmuhuu dhiig ku leeyahay manttana wadaad bay wada sheeganaysaa. Kii aan wax dilin, mag beenuu cbixiyaya amd beenbuuku dhaaratay ama miskiinbuu dhacay.

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Jaylaani, Redka is a reasonable man and needs no defense. He may not be doing every think he can inuu gacan siiyo dadkiisa but thats hardly an excuse to attack his argument.


The man believes in Islam and chooses it over particular geography and region. Who can top that, i ask?


Anyone? Soo bax, haddii kale dam-damta meesha kala taga, i say!

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:


Diinta Islamka ah,ha lagu xukum SL iyo meelkasta oo ay Somali degto,kabacdi markaas ayey walaaltinimo jiri doontaa
,xumaantan jirtaana markaas albaabka ayey kabaxaysaa,oo waxaad arki doontaa Hargeysa oo laba laab qurux badnaatay,nabad iyo sharaf ku nool yiin dadkii waayo Allah ayey sharfeen iyagan Allah sharfayaan,xumaan oo dhan ahna ka ilaalinaya.


taas ayaan rabaa anigu.



Kamalu Diin,


Walaalo,adigu waxan aad is dhexwado maba saconayaan,wax USC layidhaahdaa majirto,warkaa waa laga tagay inaabti.


Indha Cadde,waa shakhsi sida Riyale uu shakhsi uyahay, 2)
toobad keen Allahna markasta way banaanta.
Meeshu aad leeday wuu haystaana, 3)
dadka degan ayaa raba in Shareecada Islamka lagu xukumo,

1) You are funny brother. Laba frass baad fuush shanayd hadaadse hal faras baa fuushey. maxaa yeelay waxaad leedahay mar hadii ay Meel kasto oo aynu (Somalis) joogno spacifically North and South becomes under islamic rule then Hargeysa is gonna be double in its size/prosperity. I would like to say, since you are in dennial of Somaliland's progresses, its improvement made, and calling Somaliland is sharing Southern Somalia's tribal hatered, you are funny man.

2) You have more info (memo or pressrelease) of Indhacade ka tobadkeenay wixii uu ku sameeyey Shabelleda Hoose. provide it to us. spokesman. sorry my brother.

3) You have more info (memo or pressrelease) of Indhacade being elected by Shabelleda Hoose inhabitants. provide it to us. spokesman. sorry my brother.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Jaylaani, Redka is a reasonable man and needs no defense. He may not be doing every think he can inuu gacan siiyo dadkiisa but thats hardly an excuse to attack his argument.


The man believes in Islam and chooses it over particular geography and region. Who can top that, i ask?


Anyone? Soo bax, haddii kale dam-damta meesha kala taga, i say!

The man (Read Sea is islamist unionist USC/ICU spokes person under screen.

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Kamalu ceeb wat do you think will happen when ICU is 'defeated'?

You think that silanyo will be named as minister of foreign affairs?

4.5 ensures that somaliland is not given 1:1 share of the the national cake.

conclution it seems that your chaps lost life as well as property for just a demotion.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani


Bal hada saaxiib waxaad qortay dib u akhri dabdeedna waxaad isku daydaa inaad fahamti halka lgaaga hadlaayo.

Horta marka hore shaydaankan kuu khaayiraya iska naar,Acuudu Bilaah dheh saxib.Waxaan qoray,mawax kabadan baa in Somaliland lagu xukumo diinta Islamka ah,waan ogay dadku in ay Islam yihiin laakin diinta Islamka lagu xukumo oo madax ay ka noqoto meesha dad Ilaahay garanayaa,mawaxaa wax kabadan baa?!.



Cidina kumay odhan Rayaale jecloow laakiin Somaliland shaqsi ka wayn ayaa lagu yidhi saaxiib.

Riyale iyadoon cidna odhan jecloow,ayaan xaga Ilaahay ka nacay,waayo Allah ayaa neceb,dadkoo dhana way neceb yihiin,wali socodayoo,qof Riyale wax fiican kasheegayaa ma maqal,siyaasiyanta ku dhahoo.Laakin, Riyale iyo Riyale la'aanba,anigu waxaan taagana hay,sharaf iyo karaamo dadku waxay ku leeyihiin diintooda oo dawlada meesha ka talisaa ay ku dhaqdo,taas Somaliland iyo shacabkeeda waxba kaga lumi maayaan,wax ugu kordho mooyee inadeer,waana xaqiiq lahubo midaasi.



"Nin ay meelu u cadahay baa la yidhi meeli ka madow"

Somaliland,Allah ku mahadinayaa in ay maanta nabad iyo kala danbayn kajirto oo ay dadkeedi meel heer sare ah ay gaadhaan,taasina waataan ku faano,oon markasta halkan ka tuso dadka meesha ay SL marayso,qof Somaliland wararkeeda soogaliyaa meesha oo iiga badan majiro.Taasi waa taa, laakin ta ii cad aniga waxa weeye,Somaliland oo haysataa dad Allah ka cabsi leh ay hogaaminyaan,ay hogaminayaan dad aan dadka dhacayn,dad umada u horseeda wanaaga kuna wacdiya waxay aduun iyo aakhiroba ay liibaani lahaayeen,taas weeye riyadaydu inadeer,wax xumaan oo aad ku nacdaa majirto ayaan umalayn.



You need some soul searching. I'm not the only one who feel that way but ALL of us can’t see where you're going and where you're coming from.

Regardless of what I need,Allah will guide me towards the righ path,I can only hope for that,however,as far as the opinions raised by others such K.Diin and others,well I just have to say,I have different outlook in life,personally I am sure my way is more reasonable.I appose everyone who speaks on behalf of any former Siyad Barre's supporting cast,I appose everything they stand for,so for those who think that I dont' know where I am going,well they have only chosen to blind themselves of my positions,because they want me to say that I support Riyale Kahin,they want me to say that I support Faisal Cali Warabe,or on the other hand they want me to say that I support Abdullahi Yusuf and his non existing TFG.I have only one to say to those people,which is that Mr.Red Sea is for Islamic nation,under the noble of words of the Quran as its constituion,I am for that and only,I shall not stand with the corrupt rulers who work for their own interest,this is my position,if people dont' like it,then they can rip the earth apart,or reach the mountains in height,that wont' rattle my position a bit.



"Hadalkaaga sumad baa lagu dhigtaa" boy from Burco says that all the time...funny dude! He's SNM veteran and was wounded in 1989.

Hadalkayga sumada ku taalaa waxay tahay in Somali oo dhan diinta ay haystaan looga dhigo sharci dhaqameed oo lay iska daayo ex-warlords,corrupt politicians iwm ee ay durbaan tumayaan oo ay xaqa u soo leexdaan halkiisa oo ay Allah ka cabsadaan,wa taas sumada hadalkaygu saaxib ahaydna.



Bal u fiirso halkuu K.Diin kaala hadlaayay.

Kamalu Diin,isagu xaqa ayuu kasoo horjedaa,Riyale Kahina wuu usacab tumayaa,Abdullahi Yusuf na wuu usacab tumayaa,dhinaca kalena wuxuu ku sheegayaa dadkii kale dhiigya cab miidhan markay ay runtu tahay in ay Riyale Kahin iyo Abdullahi Yusuf ay yihiin laba munaafiq oo liita.Markaa siduu qof sidaasi aniga iila talin karaa, waa hadal afka ka wayn.



You're going million miles per hour. Saaxiib nothing is built over night.

Anigu waxaan dhiso karo ayaa iska yar,shakhsi kali ah ayaan ahay,waxaan aan ku hadlayaana waa hadal uun,laakin in aan niyaysto wax wanaagsan ama hada ha dhaceen ama boqol sano kadib,wax wanaagsan ayuunbaan niyada gashanayaa.Ana kuma lihi wax walba haday dhacayaan ee waxaan ku leeyahay wixii hada dhacaya ayuunbaa waxna lasocdaa waxna kasoo horjeedaa.


Do you contribute anything to Somaliland success personally?

meaning that I build homes,I personally haven't built any homes in Hargeysa,but my family have,but personally I give Sadaqah to those that need which are mostly my distance family members,they are Somalilanders aren't they?


Do you write any articles criticizing the government?

I do my critism here the most,I haven't written anything critizing the SL adminstrations directly,so the answer is no.


Anyways,what is the point of writing articles to Riyale and his stuff,since they couldn't realize their wrong doings themselves,there are enough critism towards them as is,they would have listened to that,hadii wax damiir ah leeyihiin.



Do you collect money, books, clothing, medicine and send to the needy?

A group of friends of mine and I decided to start a community fund raising to build a communtiy center in Hargeysa as well as computer labs,so that the young and the old can be computer literate in order to help themselves down the road.The community center that we planned to put together is also a place where people can come and have all kinds of activity ready for them in order to gain more skill,so far Insha Allah we have planned,Insha Allah we will do our part in rebuilding Somaliland and its people.That I don't have to tell anyone that I am helping and doing my part in SL.


How often do you go to Somaliland conferences and do a workshop?

I have attended almost all Somaliland confereces except few that I haven't had the chance to go,usually I don't go to distant once,since I am busy keeping up with my every day life myself and school so.


Are you a taxpayer?

Again,there is no way I would be able to do that if I am not living in Somaliland,however,the tax payers in Somaliland are getting their money wasted,because they pay and they get nothing in return,the roads in Hargeysa haven't been built as of yet,there haven't been much that the government has done with their money except Riyale and his vice president are paid nearly 600,000 dollars combine,that is not fair walaal,you know that.



It starts from within saaxiib.

Exactly,that is why I am concern for the future of Somaliland when I speak out against it,I am actually trying to find ways for us to improve from the status quo, I doubt any current politician in SL will be able to do that,taht is why we need to look for people whom the people can put their trust on,it's not Riyale or any of his kind,it's Sh.Mustafe X.ismail,Sh.Dirir and their likes.


I don’t think any of us is doing that. Until we became actively involved politically, economically and socially, we need to be careful what we’re saying, how we’re saying and where we’re saying it.

I can safely say I am involved in small part though in socially and econmically,as far politically,the only thing that I have the power to do now is to get the good word out there that Sharica law should be our political agenda Insha Allah.


Afarta wadaad ee aad masaajid kula tukataana yaanay maskaxda kaa xadin. Hadaad waraysato midkastaa gacmuhuu dhiig ku leeyahay manttana wadaad bay wada sheeganaysaa. Kii aan wax dilin, mag beenuu cbixiyaya amd beenbuuku dhaaratay ama miskiinbuu dhacay.

Masajidka salaad ayaan utagaa ee siyaasad kama helo saaxib,wadaadona waa Awliyo dii Allah,Allah agtiisana sharaf ayey ka mudan yihiin hadii aanay waxba agtaada ka ahayn,taa lasoco.

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Ahmed_Guree: somalidoon/freelance ogoonta biliqo-ujoog mar danbe (SPM/ONLF) no more citizenship...... USC/ICU is going to use you later will trash you just like you uncle SIYAD BARE, and Menez Zanawi in Ethio-Eriterian war don't forget that. Bililiqo waa idiinkaga dhamaatay. keep dreaming.

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Kamalu Diin,there is no such thing as Islamists,that is the term you herad from Bush's political lot,it doesn't sound well to my ears coming from supposedly a Muslim individual,and again there is no such thing as USC,you are behind.The USC you speak of was defeated and kicked out of Xamar for good,if taht is the case then I can also say that Abdullahi Yusuf is SSDF,Hiiraale SNF,etc...



Ahmed Guray,SL isn't part of Abdullahi Yusuf's government,you are dreaming as well,whether the ICU is defeated or not,I will always be seeking how to rule Somaliland based on the Sharica law,not some warlords's agend,as Somaliland has a corrupt ruler as it is.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:



Hadalkayga sumada ku taalaa waxay tahay in Somali oo dhan diinta ay haystaan looga dhigo sharci dhaqameed oo lay iska daayo ex-warlords,corrupt politicians iwm ee ay durbaan tumayaan oo ay xaqa u soo leexdaan halkiisa oo ay Allah ka cabsadaan,wa taas sumada hadalkaygu saaxib ahaydna.


[ [/QB]
You’re too busy to be politically correct about Somali dynamics and its politics in general.


You can't support Somaliland and than advocate for “Somalia” in the same context.

It doesn’t work that way my friend. NOT to your extend for sure.


Bal maxaa waxa "Somalia" lagu xukumayo kaaga shan iyo toban kumuba aqoon sanee.


Sorry buddy…I didn’t ask you these questions to discredit your creditability. I was just trying to make a point.

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^forget Somalia,let us speak about Somaliland,do you agree with me that we shall rule our region based on the Sharica law? if yes,then God bless you,if not adaa cirka roob ku og.

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