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Mr red sea a question ;-)

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Jaylaani, walaal ha iga xumaan. I have nothing against Djiboutians. Practically half my family is from Djibouti and I have been there myself. Dal shisheeye iyo dad shisheeye mihnaba uma arko. Being a Somalilander may indeed be a state of mind, but differences of opinion are to be expected, don't you think? It's perfectly fine to disagree with others, but I personally don't believe anyone has the right to question or negate parts of another's identity simply because he/she has different opinions. Your comment seemed odd to me for that reason. I hope there are no hard feelings though.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

With that statement, you won me over.


Laakiin SSUFINIMADA jooji.

Jay,I think I have made far better statements than that one,xagay kaa mareen.


p.s, Suufiyaa?Acuudu bilaah.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

my views can always change,it's never this or that for me,

This is the satement I was reffering to buddy.




No harm done.

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^it means,my views are always with the right side,if Somaliland does something wrong,I will speak against it,if the ICU does something wrong I will speak against it and so's never this way or the highway.


As Warmoog said,we can always have different opinions on issues regarding everything,in fact disagreements are human nature,it shouldn't come to shock everyone that Somalilander critizes his own Admin,I also do the same for every so called leader any where.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

quote:Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

my views can always change,it's never this or that for me,

This is the satement I was reffering to buddy.




No harm done.
It is never this or that: it is always this as I am speaking, and don't count, what I have said a minute ago, against me . that is what you are about Mr. Red Sea. lol

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

quote:Originally posted by Jaylaani:


Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

my views can always change,it's never this or that for me,

This is the satement I was reffering to buddy.




No harm done.
It is vever this or that: it is always this as I am speaking don't count it against me. what I have said a minute agao. that is what you are about Mr. Red Sea. lol

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

^it means,my views are always with the right side,if Somaliland does something wrong,I will speak against it,if the ICU does something wrong I will speak against it and so's never this way or the highway.


I’m not trying to disrespect but I think you’re very confused that is why you’re keep changing your views.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

quote:Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

my views can always change,it's never this or that for me,

This is the satement I was reffering to buddy.




No harm done.
It is never this or that: it is always this as I am speaking, and don't count, what I have said a minute ago, against me . that is what you are about Mr. Red Sea. lol

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so you are saying we can't critize the current SL admin?


are you also saying that we don't need Islamic law in SL?


these are my views,we need Islamic sharica to be implemented in Somaliland in rather peaceful way offcourse,we also need to get rid of these corrupt Siyad Barre's former supporting casts,if you agree with me on this,then I don't now what confusion you are speaking of.


If you are saying that I support the ICU,my answer is that who wouldnt' want to support one who has brought peace in Southern Somalia which was in turmoil in everyway for nearly two decades,you should be happy and in supportive of that as well,since you are muslim.


Jaylaani,you have numerous times accused red sea of being confused,I think when it comes to you and I,I might be agreed with by the average Somalilandder today more often.Because SL lately has done nothing right,therefore it deserves to be critised from every corner,I am sorry if you arent' capable of doing that,but I have and will.


Kamalu Diin, speaking of confused fellow,how bout this guy named Kamalu Diin,I am still not able to understand this guy's position.


Red Sea has had a position,to be ruled in accordance with the Sharica law,if you think this is wrong,adaa cirka roob ku og..

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

]these are my views,we need Islamic sharica to be implemented in Somaliland in rather peaceful way offcourse

I also agree with you - Sharia in Somaliland which contrary to USC/ICU because it made of CIRFO, INDHACADE, ABDIQASIM, AND JENERAAL GALAAL. can you tell me if you don't like this brought to Somaliland then why are you legitimacing on other somalis whom have suvered last seventeen years under their hands. You are being Omar Arte Qalib " reer koofur ayaan lugaha iskugu dhuftay" That is what you are up to. Mr Red Sea


I support the ICU,my answer is that who wouldnt' want to support one who has brought peace in Southern Somalia which was in turmoil in everyway for nearly two decades,you should be happy and in supportive of that as well,since you are muslim.

Lol you telling me Indha Cade has brought a peace into Shabelleda Hoose. Can you explain it to us further.



Jaylaani,you have numerous times accused red sea of being confused

not only Jaylaani said so. but numerious people said so.


Kamalu Diin, speaking of confused fellow,how bout this guy named Kamalu Diin,I am still not able to understand this guy's position.[

I am for Somaliland, puntland, Jubaland, hiiraanland, and Arlaadiland, and I am also anti union, anti domination, anti centralization, anti USC/ICU, and finally anti Somalidoon.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

]these are my views,we need Islamic sharica to be implemented in Somaliland in rather peaceful way offcourse

I also agree with you - Sharia in Somaliland which contrary to USC/ICU because it made of CIRFO, INDHACADE, ABDIQASIM, AND JENERAAL GALAAL. can you tell me if you don't like this brought to Somaliland then why are you legitimacing on other somalis whom have suvered last seventeen years under their hands. You are being Omar Arte Qalib " reer koofur ayaan lugaha iskugu dhuftay" That is what you are up to. Mr Red Sea



Lol you telling me Indha Cade has brought a peace into Shabelleda Hoose. Can you explain it to us further.





Red Sea,


Kamalu said it best....


There is nothing wrong with criticizing Somaliland goverment. I do that all the time..but there is a line most of us don't cross.

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the current Admin is dead ,ninkii waxan kudaydaana wuu ku aakhiro seegayaa,dad la iska xidho oo lagu tuhmo danbi ama la isku xidho bilaa danbi waxaynu ku ogayn Siyad Barre,goormaynu noqonay isagii oo kale?


Diinta Islamka ah,ha lagu xukum SL iyo meelkasta oo ay Somali degto,kabacdi markaas ayey walaaltinimo jiri doontaa,xumaantan jirtaana markaas albaabka ayey kabaxaysaa,oo waxaad arki doontaa Hargeysa oo laba laab qurux badnaatay,nabad iyo sharaf ku nool yiin dadkii waayo Allah ayey sharfeen iyagan Allah sharfayaan,xumaan oo dhan ahna ka ilaalinaya.


taas ayaan rabaa anigu.



Kamalu Diin,


Walaalo,adigu waxan aad is dhexwado maba saconayaan,wax USC layidhaahdaa majirto,warkaa waa laga tagay inaabti.


Indha Cadde,waa shakhsi sida Riyale uu shakhsi uyahay,toobad keen Allahna markasta way banaanta.Meeshu aad leeday wuu haystaana,dadka degan ayaa raba in Shareecada Islamka lagu xukumo,laakin dhibtaado waxa weeye adigu qabiilkiisa ayaad ku nacday ninka,aduunkana Satelite ayaa lagu tartamayaa adna halkanaad kamuujinaysaa nacayb qabilnimo oo aad uqabto reerkaas isaga ah,mana wanagsana if you ask me.

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