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Mr red sea a question ;-)

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you are lobbying extra hard for uic, putnland is fair game for them but what about somaliland?


maybe all of us in the should throw ourselfs at the feet of the uic so somaliland can leave their isolation and we can all be part of an islamic republic one nation from hargeysa to kismayo


is that acceptable for you since you are cheering for them

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Did you think about this question just last night.


To answer your question,YES Somaliland is part and parcel of the Islamic state since it belongs to Muslims and I am its leader.


Jaylaani,I know where our destiny lies very well and believe me it's not with Riyale Kahin.

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^^ been asking you the same question for months on end. Red Sea choose sides old man, you can't play for both sides. Incase you didnt understand the question, the question is about if you support a PAN-SOMALI ISLAMIC STATE.

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Originally posted by me:

^^ been asking you the same question for months on end. Red Sea choose sides old man, you can't play for both sides. Incase you didnt understand the question, the question is about if you support a PAN-SOMALI ISLAMIC STATE.

Eventhough this question is directed to Mr. Red Sea I would like to answer for him. the dream of Somaliweyn has collapsed, and The people you calling for Unionist (clancourts) whom are frontrunners for occupation,and myhamn. Every one of us icluding federalist such as people of Bay, Bakool, and Puntland, and the secionist of Somalialand are much healthier minds then Unionist and Centralists because they are not honest about their call. I would like to tell them "practice what you preach" first then come for dialogue.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Did you think about this question just last night.


To answer your question,YES Somaliland is part and parcel of the Islamic state since it belongs to Muslims and I am its leader.


Jaylaani,I know where our destiny lies very well and believe me it's not with Riyale Kahin.

Rayaale waa shaqsi saaxiib.

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People enough attention has been given to me,I thank you,now if you excuse me I have work to do,but before I take off,let me clearify few things AGAIN for those of you who have a thick skull.


I am a Somalilander,I have always been a Somalilander and always will be.However, Does that mean,I shouldn't have a say of anything going in Xamar,Kismayo or rest of Southern Somalia,if so,does that label me as pro Somaliwayne or Pan Somali or whatever that is,I think not.


I am a supporter of the ICU for what they have done in Southern Somalia,and I am not as selfish as some people are in here who have seen the good work of the ICU yet misled themselves into believing that these guys are some sort of 'thugs' hiding behind the banner of Islamism.


I totally disregard what they are made of, care what I do care is their good deeds which is the exact reason why I support them,I didn't say they should rule Somaliland or even Puntland for that matter,I said God bless them for what they have done for the Somalis of Southern Somalia who were in dire need of being rescued from the evil hands of the warlords,that is the reason I support them and so should everyone esle..

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

People enough attention has been given to me,I thank you,now if you excuse me I have work to do,but before I take off,let me clearify few things AGAIN for those of you who have a thick skull.


I am a Somalilander,I have always been a Somalilander and always will be.However, Does that mean,I shouldn't have a say of anything going in Xamar,Kismayo or rest of Southern Somalia,if so,does that label me as pro Somaliwayne or Pan Somali or whatever that is,I think not.


I am a supporter of the ICU for what they have done in Southern Somalia,and I am not as selfish as some people are in here who have seen the good work of the ICU yet misled themselves into believing that these guys are some sort of 'thugs' hiding behind the banner of Islamism.


I totally disregard what they are made of, care what I do care is their good deeds which is the exact reason why I support them,I didn't say they should rule Somaliland or even Puntland for that matter,I said God bless them for what they have done for the Somalis of Southern Somalia who were in dire need of being rescued from the evil hands of the warlords,that is the reason I support them and so should everyone esle..

Wooow Red Sea


What a Humanistic approuch I loved that, but Please don't generalize the Southern Somalia (Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Jubada Dexe, Jubada Hoose, Shableda Hoose) all those state deserve what Somaliland and Puntland deserve. Self Determination.

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Something tells me a PM would have been a more appropriate channel through which to make an inquiry like this (politely).


Originally posted by Jaylaani:

Red Sea isn't from Somaliland. His family is from there but his heart belong to some where else so he would say YES.

Huh? Ma adoo Djiboutien ah oo Quartier Balaayo shalay ka soo baxay ayaad qof Hargeysa ku soo barbaaray hadda Somaliland ka xigsanaysaa? Belo.




Keep your head up. Your views, however you define them, do not make you any less of a Somali or any less of a Lander, for that matter. Qof dagan oo iska qalbi furan ayaa lugu moodaa ee dabeecad-wanaagan aad muujiso Ilaahay ha kuu ilaaliyo.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:


Originally posted by me:

^^ been asking you the same question for months on end. Red Sea choose sides old man, you can't play for both sides. Incase you didnt understand the question, the question is about if you support a PAN-SOMALI ISLAMIC STATE.

Eventhough this question is directed to Mr. Red Sea I would like to answer for him. the dream of Somaliweyn has collapsed, and The people you calling for Unionist (clancourts) whom are frontrunners for occupation,and myhamn. Every one of us icluding federalist such as people of Bay, Bakool, and Puntland, and the secionist of Somalialand are much healthier minds then Unionist and Centralists because they are not honest about their call. I would like to tell them "practice what you preach" first then come for dialogue.
Kamal, If one part of your body aches, how will the rest of your body feels?

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Caamir If one part of my body ache, I would feel ache the rest of my body.


I don't care Ethiopia, Kenya, Eriteria: all I care is USC/ICU warmoners development...that about it I am calling out loud... please comeforward if you are one of them

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Originally posted by Warmoog:



Originally posted by Jaylaani:

Red Sea isn't from Somaliland. His family is from there but his heart belong to some where else so he would say YES.

Huh? Ma adoo Djiboutien ah oo Quartier Balaayo shalay ka soo baxay ayaad qof Hargeysa ku soo barbaaray hadda Somaliland ka xigsanaysaa? Belo.




Keep your head up. Your views, however you define them, do not make you any less of a Somali or any less of a Lander, for that matter. Qof dagan oo iska qalbi furan ayaa lugu moodaa ee dabeecad-wanaagan aad muujiso Ilaahay ha kuu ilaaliyo.
Being Somalilander is a state of mind. My little cousins are born abroad but they are more SOMALILANDER than most people I know.


Markaa walaal sidaad mooday maahee…seefta daji.



Red Sea is great dude indeed just little confused



half of Djiboutians are Somalilanders.....


Do you know TIMA CADE’s legacy started in Djibouti? Malaha walaal Djibouti wax fog iyo dal shisheeyaad u haysataa?

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^thanks for the compliment Jaylaani,however I know I am just fine walaal and my views can always change,it's never this or that for me,there is gotta be better way to reach a healthy conclusion to everything which I seek most of the time.

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