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Mogadishu warlords are finished. concedes defeat

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Your arguments is based on a falacy, I once heard some here who beleived in the promise of Qaynyare and Sharif and we saw how that ended up. Brother do not delude yourself these courts are no more rightous than the other factions in Somalia. They can say they will return to the Holy book and the Sunna, but the Somnali acronyms of USC,SSDF,SNM,SNF,SPM all had noble titles cloaking the clan. Ifkahalin, Chercole, AL furqan are all clan based organisations. So who is living in fanatasy, those who support as multi clan government or a man who claims that his clan has a sole right to hide behind the religion of Islam. Its disgusting i tell ya.


So give it up man, your stance is amusing to say the least. These courts can outmuscle a few dead enders but can they rise above their criminal elemnts to play a tangible role in Somalia?

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^^Saaxiib, I believe without the bubbling of tribalism in your mind, I think you would visualize things differently from the right perspectives that serve the interest of our religion as well as our people. But since that is not happening in the way you percieve things, I guess its time for you to check your unsatiable appetite for Qabyaalad. I said that because of my long time observations for your activities in this section had shown that you selectively centered the hate of your fellow brothers and sisters in Muqdisho. I think neither the management of the site, SOL nor I, can tackle your unchecked animosities that surface from your writings, but I can pray for you to the Almight, that He may grant you a sound health, free you from tribalism, make a believer of the good Islamic movements, and thus reversing your current futile energy for tribalism to the contributions of the holly struggles of our people, i.e. the likes of Islamic courts.


Ilaahey haku caafiyo, aamiin.

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lol. Brother lets agree that Islam being the complete religion, creed and way of life has no place for clans, nationalisam and self interest. Now if your point is that these clan based courts are the building blocks to an Islamic nation then I agree with you. Though I will not take your word or Xasan Dahirs but their actions and this will help me in my deceion in supporting them. Regardless of what Abdullahi Yusuf or TFG does, I am for peace and I will defend my religion.


But so far I have seen nothing but a new faction who yesterday were happy to be smiling with Musa and Qaynyare. But who knows...

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Sxiibayaal maxaa u murmaysaan, the history of warlords are finished, they are done, and i hope all the crimals, (and We all know who they are) brought to justices, and be punished...let's hope that one day idea of tribe/tribalism would come to an end..


Dood aan macnaha laheyn iska daaya....



Go figure:..........

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MMA....Amiin to dat horta...Not big fan Gardheerayaal..huh..loool


Runtaa waaye laakin...Gardheer won't have any credibility if they don't disarm Caato, Qeybdiid, Aidid Jr, basically the lot from Mudug and Galgaduud.

Widaaygiis, aniga waligeeyga reerahaan seef laboodka ah highly suspicious aan ku ahaa. And I don't think iyagoo awalba awood lahayn ayee wax sheegi jireen, maantana kistoo little power helay maxaa u maleysaa.


For one thing, dadkaan seefta laboodka badan waa dad magacangag ah, oo wax oo tooda ahayn, mabda' tooda ahayn aanan yeelayn. Tanaasul wax la yiraahdo afkooda ma qabto.


Aniga Xamar waan tagay, duqa. Waan soo arkay waxee yahiin, wax qumana masoo arkin. Wali waagaas isbaaro ayaa u taalay wadooyin badan, euphemistically waxee ugu magac dareen 'jidgooyo canshuur laga qaado,' instead of what they are: Isbaaroooyin.


Diinta waxee ka aaminsan yihiin isoo raac ama seefta ayaa ku taqaano, oo qofkee is mucaaradaan aflagaado loogu daro, sida gaalraac, munaafuq, daalim iyo jihaad aan ku jirnaa, iyo waxii saas lamid ahna.


Waa dad ka faa'ideystay qaxarkii dalkeena ka dhacay. Anaga diin quman oo la is xishmeeyo ayaa ku dhaqmi jirnay kun sano iyo ka badan, oo hadii mabda' la isku qilaafo, xoog ma jirin, ninba tiisa uu ka adkaan jiray oo la isku ixtiraami jiray.


Maya, iyaga ma yaqanaan saas. Waxaaba moodaa furaha janada inay iyaga gacanta loo galiiye oo qofkii galaayo iyaga lala tashado. Markuu Indhamadoowe idaacadaha ka lee yahay, waa qabqablaha ugu weyn xooga ku heysto Shabeellada Hoose, qabqabliyaasha kale dad diinta ka baxay oo xaasaskooda ka furan. Ninkaan camal ayaa ka buuxo qolooyinkaan surwaalka gaaban.


Hadee Islaanimo ka tahay, mida koowaad Indhamadoowahaas ayee run u sheegi lahayeen, oo masaakiintii ka sakoow dhirtii dhameeye oo waa taas dekadda Baraawe laga dhuufiyaa. Jubbooyinka iyo Shabeelladaba saxaro iyo nabaadguur uu ka dhigay.


Aawey diintii? Kama hadlaan taas. Korneel Aweys oo waligeey taas ka hadlaayo ma arkin. Same with wadaada ku sheegaan maxkamadaha la baxay.


Teeda kale maxkamadahaan markee qabsadeen Balcad iyo Dayniile, waxee xukunka loo dhiibay dadkii deegaanka u dhashay. Maxaa loogu diiday saas dadka deegaanka u dhashay oo gumeysi ku jiro in Shabeellada Hoose iyo Jubbooyinka qaar kamid ah ee iyaga ka taliyaan? Maxaa loogu diiday qof deegaanka ka dhashay in Baraawe, Marka, Qoryooleey, Afgooye, Daafeed, Sablaale, Jilib iyo meelahaas kale loo dhiibo. Maya, waala iska indha tiraa.


Teeda kale dadkaan leh waayadii dagaal-oogiyaasha waa u dhamaatay, I didn't know they only controlled Xamar. Dagaal-ooge is firm and alive, and well waliba. Waa kuwaas meelahaas ka wada taliyo, hadii kuwii Xamar ku haray xataa hadii laga soo tago: Seeraar, Goobaale, Xaabsade, Shaatigaduud, Max'ed Dheere, Dabageed, Sheydhaan Madoowe, Hiiraale iyo baando kale.


Qabqable jabo kuwaan ma ugu horeynin. Kuwa badan ayaa ugu horeeye, kuwaan waxee ugu duwan yihiin kaliya warbaahinta Soomaalida iyo caalamka ayaa kusoo jeeday, oo nalka ku shidnaa.


Kuwa iyaga ka horeeyo oo siibtay waxaa kamid ah Axmed Cumar Jees [at one time one of the most powerful warlords, perhaps the second most powerful]; Gabyoowgii geeriyooday; Cali Mahdi Max'ed; Max'ed Xirsi Moorgan. Caydiidkaan yar oo asagana ku socda jidkaas.

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MMA, well put brother. Its one think supporting the religion, but it is amazing, to think that only in Mogadishgu are Muslim concers. Much like how ALi Mahdi, Aydeed and Abdiqasin thought the whole country was Mogadishu.


The test for the courts is to bring justice to the lower Shabvbele and the south, by removing the clanist warlords Inda Cade, Seerar, Goobanle, Dhuxulow, and giving back the country back to the people of the region. Let every clan rule its area. We are on a Jihad makes no sense when they profit from drugs, charcoal and the tax on the back of the poor.

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A tribalist of that sort would never come to terms to distingiush the thin lines between the Islamic Courts and the people who are not posing threats but soon to be uprooted by the glorious mission of the Islamic Revolution. In my understanding, tribalists are deaf, blind and sometimes dead in the brain. The best way to approach them is to show the level of their tribalist impulses.

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