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Qanyare cheats Reer Gedo

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Warar ilaa maalinimadii shalay soo baxayay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in wasiirka Amaanka Qaranka Dowlada FKMG Maxamed Qanyare Afrax uu u magacaabay inuu noqdo taliyaha Ciidan Boliiska Soomaaliyeed Cabdi Xasan Cawaalle Qaybdiid.


Iyadoo wararka qaarna ay sheegayaan in magacaabistaas ay tahay mid aysan waxba ka ogayn Madaxwaynaha iyo Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo iyagu iminka howl shaqo u jooga dalka Liibiya.


Magacaabistan ayaa ku soo beegantay xili khilaaf xoog leh uu u dhexeeyo Ra’iisul wasaaraaha iyo xubno isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaano uu ka mid yahay Maxamed Qanyare kuwaas oo iyagu diidan in dalka la keeno ciidamo ka socda wadamada Safka hore iyo meel aan magaalada Mogadisho ahayn inaysan DFKMG-ka ah fariisin u noqon Karin.


Magacaabis la sheegay in Cabdi Qaybdiid loo magacaabay taliyada Boliiska Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxay la yaab ku noqotay qaar ka mid ah dadweynaha Baardheere iyo xubno xildhibaano ah oo ka soo jeeda Beesha Sade oo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi iyadoo mudo bil haatan laga joogo Col: Maxamed Xasan Ismaaciil lagu wargaliyay in loo magacaabi doono Taliyaha Ciidan boliiska Soomaaliyeed.


Xubnahaasi xildhibaanada ah ayaa waxay sheegeen in Magacaabida jagadaasi ay ka wada hadleen Mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa dowlada taas oo ugu dambayntii sababtay in Col: Maxamed Xasan Ismaaciil oo ku sugnaa degmada Baardheere looga yeero magaalada Nairobi isagoo xiligaasna la kulmay qaar ka tirsan xukuumada iyo Baarlamaanka.


Col: Maxamed Xasan oo aan wax ka waydiinay sida uu u arko xilka la sheegay in loo magacaabay Cabdi Qaybdiid ayaa ku tilmaamay magacaabida xilka noocaas oo kale ah inuusan magacaabi Karin Qanyare arintana ay qayb ka tahay khilaafka dhinaca siyaasada ahaa ee waayadanba u dhexeeyay xubno ka kala tirsan labada Gole ee dowlada.


Colonel-ka ayaa wuxuu intaasi ku daray in markii horeba jagadaasi ay ku timid awood qaybsiga xaga beelaha taas oo ay qayb u heleen Beesha ******* gaar ahaan Beesha ****(Reer Gedo).


Xasan Cabdi Keynaan



Who gave TFG Security Minister Qanyare the authority to name this kind of position (esp to a side-leaning man like Qeybdiid)? Just shows Abdiqasim Salat's influence on these retarded warlords. One civil servant (Abdiqasim) outsmarting all these warlords - all the while destroying them one by one or forcing them to be allied to him. We'll see what other members of the TFG say about this "appointment."

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Qaynyare, cheated them huh. But was he not a friend of the JVA? alas I dont think he has that power, soon the other dude will be names I am sure. Anyhow Abdi Xasan Awale Qaybdeed is a strong man, I never heard of this Gedo man is he any good.?

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

I never heard of this Gedo man is he any good.?

Since you have not heard of him then he must not be good Duke..


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I don't see the need for Gedonet to make a big deal out of this. It's a symbolic title for godnessake!

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LOL Although its technically "symbolic," I think GedoNet is right in bringing it up because, as they said, it has to do with the delicate balance of clan power the 4.5 formula was founded on. If all parties agreed that Reer Gedo would get national police commander, then why not bring it up? Seems like Mog. warlords and associated are busy using "the law" to discredit anything they oppose. The same should be done to them, no? They report the news, we make our judgments. I say Qanyare is up to no good with this nomination of an Abdiqasim Salat-allied faction leader. He'll prolly name Gen Galaal as commander of military - which essentially means the USC is back in formation again HEHE

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