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Naxar Nugaaleed

Puntland Vice President returns after State Visit to Ethiopia

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The Vice President of The Puntland State of Somalia, Hon. Mr. Hassan Dahir Mohamud returned to Bossaso this afternoon after short trip to Ethiopia.


Mr. Hassan told reporters at the airport, that during his visit to Addis-Ababa he met different high ranking officials from the Ethiopian government and they discussed the commercial trade between Puntland and Ethiopia and other social issues.


“Our mission to Ethiopia was successful, the Ethiopian government and Puntlland will work together as a partners in areas such as commercial trade, social economics, and security. We are good neighbors and we will continue to be that” said the Vice President.



The vice President and his Delegation were welcomed at the Bossaso Airport, by some members from the Puntland cabinet along with local and municipal government





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The maturity of Puntland and the speed of it is absolutely amazing.

In addition to the airport agreement, which in a very short time will make Puntland a hub, considering ethiopian airlines is the most financially healthy and technically computent for the third year, Puntland is also making the exact arrangement with ethiopia as that of Sudan.


Sudan has built and handed a dry port to ethiopia in Port Sudan. half of Tigray, half of Amara and Benshngul states in the north west are best served by Port Sudan than even Assab.


Puntland is laying the ground work for specialized ethiopian imports that the convenience and facility incentives can make up the difference of distance with Djibuti and Somaliland. If for example Puntland corners the state imports of ethiopia, that in itself is enough to pull other businesses.


Security wise they both know and are open of what they expect from each other. The ethiopian side will not allow its border to be used for destabilizing the security of Puntland and Puntland territory will not be used to destabilize ethiopia. In this Djibuti, Somaliland are also doing now the same.


The maturity of Puntland is that:

1. It has to deal with all countries including Yemen, but never undermining the republic of somalia.

2. It even invites the TFG and explains the projects and their implications and obtains agreement from the federal government of somalia. The speaker was very impressed by this, but I hope he keeps that in mind as he sits in Mugadishu.


I hope the TFG realizes that Puntland can only carry so much and have only so much patience. Another federalist state must start functioning soon. It will be unstopable federal domino then to Mugadishu.

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"Recently, exploration teams from Australia have been hunting for oil in Somalia’s Puntland. Canadian lawyer Jay Park, “one of the world’s top oil and gas lawyers,” is working with the Somalian government to create a "credible petroleum regime". According to Park, "(Somalia) is one of the poorest countries in the world, but it may be sitting on some of the greatest oil and gas treasures.”"


Competing Geostrategic and Energy Interests in Somalia

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^^^ They can hire Ojay's lawyers for all I care, but they ain't taking out an ounce of gold or a drop of oil. How about that?

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Lol- Che. He comes around praising Cade, well this friend of ours surely has alot of disappointment in store for him. Is it navette that makes him harbour such perceptions or just plain old 'tow of Woyane (and her peripheral colony's)line'? Don't know for now but we shall learn more of his state of mind as matters progress.


The jury is out on him currently.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

^^^^According to Somali-Friend, everyone who serves the Woyane has reached a level maturity that's unprecendented in the horn...loool


Ever tried to look at it from the other side or end? What if the Woyane is serving (since you seem to like this word) the somali?

Talking about serving, how about serving egypt arabs in its fight against ethiopia for no benefit to the somali what so ever? That is called brotherhood, I think not serving.

I think Yemen is just too far to think of how Puntland shows matured relations. Puntland and somaliland should have been friends with egypt

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Puntland and somaliland should have been friends with egypt

Ok, Where I have said that,or do you just presume things?


I see your logic. In your head, anti-Woyane means pro-Arab...loool


I guess now we know what's bothering the most


Paragon....Time will tell bro.

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Puntland is moving steadily but surely in the right direction. Ethiopia with its 70 million + population is an important regional market and one Puntland needs to develop further.

Business and the creation of jobs and opportunities is what will win in the end.


In this globalizes world you have to have the right image, for example why should Puntland not do business with Ethiopia or foster a relationship with that country since all its neighbors including Somaliland, Djabouti and Sudan are all trying to get a piece of the action?


Deeper business ties with Yemen, Oman, and Ethiopia will create wealth for the sate of Puntland. Exploitation of the natural resources of the state will enable us to feed, clothe and care for the majority of our citizens as well as develop real cities and infrastructure.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Puntland is moving steadily but surely in the right direction. Ethiopia with its 70 million + population is an important regional market and one Puntland needs to develop further.

Business and the creation of jobs and opportunities is what will win in the end.


In this globalizes world you have to have the right image, for example why should Puntland not do business with Ethiopia or foster a relationship with that country since all its neighbors including Somaliland, Djabouti and Sudan are all trying to get a piece of the action?


Deeper business ties with Yemen, Oman, and Ethiopia will create wealth for the sate of Puntland. Exploitation of the natural resources of the state will enable us to feed, clothe and care for the majority of our citizens as well as develop real cities and infrastructure.


You need to look at it, at least sometimes, from this angle, like the General did.

It comes from the confidence of knowing who is offering what to whom.

Puntland has a lot to offer in all areas, so Puntland has the better position of getting unfettered access to Ethiopia. And it already gets it. Puntland also knows is competing against others and has to overcome the distance by some other incentives, after all its trade.

As people, believe it or not both sides of the trade may even be conducted by Somalis or one where the Somali is most prominent.


The countries that are already there or shortly will be in Puntland are also more friends or non-threatening to Ethiopia. China and Yemen are common friends and if the Canadian, Australian, American business came will not be threatening to either. Russia will not be far behind. Thanx to oil it has made a remarkable comeback to its position as major power.

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Puntlander ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


stay in Puntland we admire you guys for all success you guys develop in north east of somalia ,


cade should build you guys airport tho whats with this airport ???????? How can he offered to wage war while he can not even build one airport .


With all success story i heard from puntland , I' am realy amazed with this terrible Airport .

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^^^ Why do you think its so terribel? Its the first ever airport in the history of Bossaso, and this will only be the first phase.


Also Cade is not waging war, but defending his country from the Clan Courts.


The countries that are already there or shortly will be in Puntland are also more friends or non-threatening to Ethiopia. China and Yemen are common friends and if the Canadian, Australian, American business came will not be threatening to either. Russia will not be far behind. Thanx to oil it has made a remarkable comeback to its position as major power.

Saxib, Puntland wants to be the new UAE, but with much larger better land and area. Trade is vital for the whole of East Africa. What has kept us so poor is the fact that we have never built up our infrustructures and invested in our people. But in this new global world in which information is available to all nations can catch up in a decade. You only have to look at China, India, Brazil and even Vietnam..

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General Duke ^^^^^^^^^^


Gneral DUke Qoute "Saxib, Puntland wants to be the new UAE"


I wish puntland the best luck wallahi,


What took the development of airport so long , General


From my knowledge if i not wrong Bossaso is the commercial city of Puntland so therefore a Full functional airport with runways etc is needed .


That pic dont look like the Bossaso that was advertise to me .

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weeeeeeeeew,that was a quite a ride man,I saw Addis Ababa and I met the Ethiopians,yeah the Ethiopians,yes.


Cadde Muse defends his country? what country,have you declared independence or what? since when was Pl a country of its own.

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red, I am starting to believe you have cought that somali disease: meaningless opposition. Just today, you attacked the somaliland administration, that of puntland and the Transitional government. Why do I feel that should this terrorist you support come to power, you would attack them too?

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