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Ethiopia occupies Somalia key town (Beled-Xaawo)

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Ethiopia occupies Somalia key town

Sat. July 01, 2006 08:34 am.


(SomaliNet) Ethiopian troops are reported to have taken the control of Beled-Hawo district in Gedo region in southern Somalia on Saturday and they began talks with the district’s officials, a move that aggravate the tension in Somalia.


400 Ethiopian troops with 9 battlewagons could be seen entering the Somali’s Beled-Hawo town bordering with Ethiopia and they suddenly made bases at the corners of the town, local resident told Somalinet.


Sources say Ethiopian officers have engaged talks with the authority and business people in Beled-hawo. It is not clear what they are discussing with them but unconfirmed reports say they are raising the concern over the power of Islamists in the region.


It is yet known whether the latest occupation of Ethiopian troops in border town of Beled-hawo is relating to the plan of foreign troops deployment that had been approved by the Somali legislators based in the provincial town of Baidoa 250km southwest of the capital.


Earlier Addis Ababa government vowed to defend the transitional federal government seated in Baidoa against any possible attack from the Islamic courts union.


On their side, the Islamists who control the capital Mogadishu and other key towns in central and southern Somalia said they will fight Ethiopian troops if they move into Somalia soil.


Many people in the capital city Mogadishu have condemned the Ethiopian occupation in parts of Somalia as an aggression.


“We are ready to scarify our lives defending our country against the enemy government of Ethiopia,†one of Mogadishu residents said “Ethiopians should remember the 1977 war in which they lost more,â€


The power rise of the Islamists in Somalia increases the regional concerns over that Islamic militia might pose Taliban-rule style in horn of African nation, analysts say.

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Ciidammo Itoobiyaan Ah Oo Soo Galay Magaalada Beledxaawo


Ciidammo aad u hubeysan oo wata 7 gaari ayaa saaka waaberigii soo galay gudaha magaalada Beledxaawo, waxaana ay isla markiiba qabsadeen saldhiga booliska ee magaalada. Dadka reer Beledxaawo ayaa ku waaberiistay ciidammadaan oo sida la filayo jaray isgaarsiintii oo iminka aan si hufan u shaqeynaynin iyo gaadiidkii ka bixi jiray magaalada iyo kuwa soo gala oo dhammaan istaagay.


Ciidammadaan oo ka soo kallahay degmada Doolow ayaa waxa aan la ogayn sababta ay ugu soo jarmaadeen degmada Beledxaawo oo xuduud la leh degmada Mandheera ee Kenya. Wararka qaar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in ciidammo kale oo lixaad leh ay u gudbeen dhulka baadiyaha ah ee magaalada Beledxaawo ku xeeran, iyaga oo aan la ogeyn dhinac ay u dhaqaaqeen.


Saraakiisha ciidamada ayaa masuuliyiinta iyo waxgaradka ku sugan magaalada ilaa iyo hadda kula jira shirar isdabajoog ah, iyada oo aan la ogeyn ilaa iyo hadda waxyaabihii shirarkaasi laga wado hadlay.


Ciidammo lixaad leh oo tiradoodu kor u dhaafayso 9,000 askari ayaa ku sugan magaalada Dolow ee Itoobiya oo 40km u jirta beledxaawo. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa markastaba soo geli jiraydegmooyin ka tirsan gobolka Gedo iyo weliba gobollada Bakool iyo Hiiraan iyo Galguduud.


Gedo News Desk

Gedo, Somaliya

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This is sad saxib. Yet another assault on our dignity. The powers that be in the south should organize a war on these emperial thugs and their supporters.

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Ethiopia has always been at the border. In the absence of a central government, they have also always discussed Gedo-Ethiopia relations in the border city of Beled-Xaawo. They are doing it now and they have always done it in the past. The only difference, of course, being that now Ethiopia's actions toward Somalia is under scrutiny.


All this manouvering and pestering by Ethiopia is aimed at the Islamic Courts. They have not shown agression towards reer Gedo and it is not in their interest nor reer Gedo's. Laughable as it may seem, the Ethiopians are asking reer Gedo if there is anyway they can help them with development. There are also reports saying that the Ethiopians helped end the rift in the Beled-Xawo municipal squabbling.


Reer Gedo have clearly told the Ethiopians they will not allow agression towards them and that, were they to sense it, they will fight against it as they have successfully done in the late 90's.

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