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Somalia: Puntland leaders attend Eid celebrations among thousands

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Lol the people on this forum have hit a all-time low. Now a president of a state can not have bodyguard? ummm so that means obama and every u.s president who has escorts of secret services protecting them when they are out and about in town are not supported by the people?


It's called personal security, their can be any mad person in public who will want to harm the president, but that is just a single person not the whole region.


lol it is amazing the amount of hate puntland generates considering the region is pro somali unity region that has been congratulated recently by washington for it's genuine acts of trying to find peace within somalis.


See real states like puntland and djibouti are actively involved in trying to find political solution to the stalemate of our nation and therefore they need to be praised not harassed or condemned.


It is very easy to turn the other way and just ignore somalia anyone can do that, it is different story trying to participate in constructive way to find a long-term solution to the mess our nation is in. Puntland has proposed that solution through federalism and they have lobbied hard for years to make sure that it is the legalized system and supported system of any future national government.


They have achieved this through legal means not illegal means. Puntland can do exactly the same thing as hargeisa and just ignore hamar. I mean this is easy route anyone can take. But Puntland is a patriot state and leader of somalis and therefore it is upon them to act like a state and leader and find a long-term solution for all somalis.


Today Puntland enjoys the support of many allies most notably the e.u and the u.s.


I really sometimes wonder at somalis what do you want Puntland to do? do you just want that region just to turn away and look the other side and let mogadishu keep burning? well sorry that is not very brotherly like nor is it islamic like and it won't be a policy that puntland will tolerate.


Somalis are Somalis no matts ter where they are, what hurts 1 somalis regardless of their location in somalis affects us all and this is the puntland policy and it is ISLAMIC policy unlike the shabab guys going around terrorizing innocent civilians or the hargeisa people ignoring hamar like it don't even exist. Where does islam teach these sort of policies? Where does islam teach to turn away from your fellow muslim brother? when does islam teach to terrorize innocent civilians like shabab are doing? No islam doesn't teach these evil nonsense.


What islam teaches is stand by your muslim brothers through good and bad times and to help one and another in the best possible manner.


Puntland and Djibouti are really the only regions today that actually back up their islamic faith through their POLICIES. We can not say the same for the hargeisa or shabab ppl.

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MMA: Adeer it seems only Sharif Hotel prayed inside his hotel room. As Meiji showed old Xasan Dahir prayed in the open and so did some of the other groups in Beledweyne, kismayu, and elsewehere.


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