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General Duke

More weapons confiscated..

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The weapons shipments are reported to belong to PM Geedi. Why is the PM buying and bringing into the country such vast and heavy weapons, what is going on? Duke, any answers?

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^And they have being taken away by his forces i.e. the TFG police.


No conspiracy theoreis Juje, If you have facts present it otherwise Ramadaan Kariim

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Yeah, the weapons were bought from Yemen by MO Dhere. Apparently Geedi has his own well armed militia just like Yey has his own. There are no trust among these folks !

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lol...Emperor, Ramadam Kareem. Let us just watch what happens. Obviously drama ayaa meesha ka socota ee yaannan horboodin oon sugno markaas baa wixii jira la ogaan insha Allaah.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

No conspiracy theoreis Juje, If you have facts present it otherwise Ramadaan Kariim

Ramadaan Kariim sxb. You create or plan consipiracy theories amid two intelligent parties or individuals - what is there between these two buffons - open any web page and you will seein detail the conflict beytween Yeey and Geedi. You have been denying for long time see if you can put a lid on it now.

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Simple really, if the weapons were Geedi's & Dheere's, which is what you are proposing.

Then they must not have any power in Mogadishu what so ever as these weapons were confiscated by the security apparatus. Thus your delusion of Geedi Vs Yey is not fonna pay any dividend.


Anyhow our PM, Mayor are doing a hell of a job, so is Slad Ali Jelle, Mr Abdiqaybdeed, and all the fine police officers in Mogadishu.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Simple really, if the weapons were Geedi's & Dheere's, which is what you are proposing.

Then they must not have any power in Mogadishu what so ever as these weapons were confiscated by the security apparatus.

Why dont you come out straight sxb, why the 'sarbeeb'? Just say point blanc that Geedi and co. are powerless in Xamar instead of attaching unrelated explanations.

All we want from you, the well informed TFG supporter - how deep is the conflict?

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by The Duke:

Simple really, if the weapons were Geedi's & Dheere's, which is what you are proposing.

Then they must not have any power in Mogadishu what so ever as these weapons were confiscated by the security apparatus.

Why dont you come out straight sxb, why the 'sarbeeb'? Just say point blanc that Geedi and co. are powerless in Xamar instead of attaching unrelated explanations.

All we want from you, the well informed TFG supporter - how deep is the conflict?


The good general,just like every cornered spokesperson,is downplaying the effects this has on his beloved puppet govt.


Pretty soon,it will be 1991 all over again,yaa ka taliye? Geedi. Personaly,i will support Abdullahi yussuf if these two goons fight.

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Adeer, Geedi is the PM of Somalia, thus why would I attack him? Unless you can not see beyond the prisam of the clan..


He was choosin not by me but President Yusuf, twice even when the Parliment voted him out.


If him and the dear leader have differences of opinion, then what? Who cares?


You seem to base your whole political stance on wishing on stars, and fairytales told by old ladies and propogated by




Farax Brown, alas your desperation is all too obvious, what happened to the Asmara gang and the clan daydreams in Asmara? The TFG is strong adeer, in control and any division, or change will not have any impact on it.

Who is the puppet, those who reside in Mogadishu or those living in Aferwarki's house. :D

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