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Armchair Politician

A new low for the TFG

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Low ? Evil ? Where were you when entire neighborhoods of Xamar were being wiped out with heavy artillery ? When they were dragging wounded men and pregnant women out of hospitals and selling them to the Ethiopians and their torture chambers ? When they were stopping WFP & UN aid truckers at the reinstated Isbaaros


No, brother. There's nothing more they can do that they haven't done already.


Fa-sabrun saaca. And as sure as day follows night, there will be a Reckoning.

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The crumbling stooges and their evil plots are becoming a thing of the past...the vacuum they'll leave behind will be filled but the question of their fate still remains murky...


As Kashafa said A-Pol this has been the modus operandi of the stooge vampires for years now...using horror, terror and brutality to access and suck the blood of the Somali mothers.


La arkeenoo thou

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"Correspondents say the arrest may be linked to the power struggle between the president and his prime minister."



There is a mediation going on between the two leaders and It will be resolved. This is just a minor issue compared to the carefully planed assasinations of elected mayors and district commissioners by the tribal-based insurgents despite the genuine efforts of the international community to return peace and security in Somalia.

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Meanwhile, Ethiopia has summoned Mr Ghedi to Addis Ababa in what is believed to be an attempt to end the stalemate that is paralysing the Somali government.


But the speaker of parliament told MPs that the African Union and Ethiopia have asked for the debate to be stopped as Mr Ghedi has been called to Addis Ababa to try and resolve the rift with President Yusuf.

What is he, a Xabashi ambassador? How can a prime minister of a supposedly sovereign country summoned by another country's regime?


Oh, I forgot the lackey stooges did not carefully follow the script. It also informs us Baydhabo is not secure enough the Xabashi foreign minister to arrive with his instructions.


Haddana baarlamaan isku sheegii ayaaba asagana la joojiye because Xabashi wants to. Waa yaab runtii.


Shame walaahi, shame, magac Soomaali ku ciyaareen, heybadda ka qaadeen.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

There is a mediation going on between the two leaders and It will be resolved. This is just a minor issue compared to the carefully planed assasinations of elected mayors and district commissioners by the tribal-based insurgents despite the genuine efforts of the international community to return peace and security in Somalia.

A poison is a poison no matter how much they delute it...when will these Somalis see this thuggisness, the viciousness going on in Somalia and the occupation of a whole nation, Waraabanimada taking place inside Somalia and within Somalis as nothing else but purely that....


Elected mayors kulahaa? War dadkan Somalida maxaa kasi ah?

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well, the amxaaro lady has sung! geedi has a leg up on yeey, being an in-law of the duufar zenawi.


yeey is already under house arrest in baidow. his next trip will be back to motel hell-hole in nairobi.


zenawe and his stooge will put up another plan.. since yeey didnt listen and start 2 many front wars.


Monday is the D-day!

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