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US To Open a Diplomatic Office in Somaliland

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Seattle (, 01 june 2008 - sarkaalka ugu sareeya ee Maraykanka u qaabilsan Arrimaha Afrika , Jendayi Frazer , ayaa sheegtay inuu Maamulka Madaxweyne George Bush ee Maraykanku doonayo inay xafiis diblomaasi ah ka furtaan Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa. Sidoo kale , Frazer waxay nasiib darro ku tilmaantay inaanu midowga Afrika weli go’aan ka gaadhin qaddiyada Ictiraafka Somaliland , iyadoo xustay in taasi ay raajisay go’aankii ay dawlada Maraykanku ka gaadhi lahayd in ay Somaliland u ictiraafto qaran madax banaan.


Ms Jendayi Frazer oo Khamiistii ina dhaaftay Muxaadaro loogu magac daray ‘’Mustaqbalka Afrika iyo Siyaasadda Arrimaha Dibada Maraykanka’’ ka jeedisay hoolka William H. Gates ee Jaamacada Washington oo ku taal Magaalada Seattle ee gobolka Washington.


Jamaal oo shahaadada Loo yaqaano Ph.D ka diyaarinaya jaamacada Washington ayaa Jendayi Frazer waydiiyay su’aal ahayd ‘’Su’aashaydu waxay ku saabsan tahay Somaliland , dhawr bilood ka hor , Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa Washington DC yimid , ka dibna adiga ayaa Somaliland tegay , inkastoo tegistaadu ay aad u raagtay , hadana dadka reer Somaliland aad ayay ugu riyaaqeen booqashadaadii , haddaba ma noo sheegi kartaa sida uu yahay xidhiidhka Maraykanka iyo Somaliland?’’.


Frazer oo su’aashaasi ka jawaabaysa ayaa waxa ay tidhi ‘’Waa dhab waxaa aad sheegtay , Madaxweynaha Somaliland wuu noogu yimid Maraykanka , aniguna waan tegay Somaliland , xidhiidhna waanu la leenahay Somaliland , waxyaabo badan oo wanaagsana way qabsadeen ,Somaliland dimuqraadiyad baa ka jirta , doorashooyina way ka dhaceen qaar kalena way soo socdaan , markaa arrimahaas oo dhan baanu danaynaynaa oo aanu kala shaqaynaa Somaliland.


Waxa kale oo aanu Somaliland wadaagnaa oo aanu iska kaashanaa arrinta la dagaalanka Argagaxisada.


Ms Frazer waxa kale oo ay ka hadashay arrinta ictiraafka iyo mawqifka ay ka taagan tahay xukuumada uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay George Bush, waxaanay tidhi ‘’markay arrinta ictiraafka noqoto, anagu waxaanu nidhi waxaanu sugaynaa oo aanu filaynay inay midowga Afrika tallaabada hore qaadaan , waxaanu rajaynaynay inay go’aan ka gaadhaan arrintaas , nasiib darrose midowga Afrika weli arrintaas go’aan kamay gaadhin , taas baana raajisay go’aankayagii’’.

Ugu danbayntii , waxay Jendayi Frazer sheegtay inay xukuumada Maraykanku damacsan tahay inay xafiis diblomaasiyadeed ka furato Magaalada Hargeysa ee Caasimada u ah Somaliland.



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Dr Frazer answered: Yes, the President of Somaliland did come to Washington and I did go to Somaliland. Somaliland has done a lot of good things. They have a democratic system. They had elections, and they have elections coming. We support the democratic process there. We also have mutual interests in combating terrorism. When it comes to recognition, we were hoping that the African Union would make a definitive statement on this, but unfortunately, the African Union has not made a definitive statement and that has delayed our taking of a position on this matter. One of the things we are considering now is to have some sort of diplomatic representation or office in Somaliland, but I am not sure whether we would be able to do it in the remaining six months of our administration.

So there is nothing new yaa JB?? US is waiting for AU like everyone else. Better you start lobbying AU dear, instead of the white house nooh? :D

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They always say that but this is slightly different. Now they are argue the AU to hurry up.


The lobbying is on the way ,,, secretly. I don't wanna reveal that but so far so good. :D



But the office has no relation with the recognition.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

quote:Dr Frazer answered: Yes, the President of Somaliland did come to Washington and I did go to Somaliland. Somaliland has done a lot of good things. They have a democratic system. They had elections, and they have elections coming. We support the democratic process there. We also have mutual interests in combating terrorism. When it comes to recognition, we were hoping that the African Union would make a definitive statement on this, but unfortunately, the African Union has not made a definitive statement and that has delayed our taking of a position on this matter. One of the things we are considering now is to have some sort of diplomatic representation or office in Somaliland, but I am not sure whether we would be able to do it in the remaining six months of our administration.

So there is nothing new yaa JB?? US is waiting for AU like everyone else. Better you start lobbying AU dear, instead of the white house nooh?
:DYou continue to lobby the US and the British Governments. The lousy AU are puppets.

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^^lool. Rehashing old statements and fake news has become the way of our secesionist brothers.

The US would tell Hatuf but not update their own state department website :D

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