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Sunny Evening in Bosaso City (Video)

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Nothing to thank for Walaal, Yeah as you put it there are more at the above link you posted but actually one of them i've posted way back before i got banned of course but that's history folks we do not with to indulge to any further, the other video deals with the dilemma of the somalis in Eastleigh where the government of Kenya announced last june that all the somalis without proper papers have to leave the country.


But overall the dude, Ruud Elmendorp who is a dutch freelance journalist commentators about different events in the whole of africa which the international community does't report enough off, that include massacres, weather disasters like the tsunami and much more.

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Walle Somalis are the most racsist and rudest people on universe. Have you seen the guy shouting from his mini Bus "Go back to your country" to the poor dutch freelance journalist.


Amazing is that the Somalis hospitality...

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