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Close Friend, Father-in-law and First Successor of the prophet(SCW)

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Abdullahi Ibn Abi Quhafah, the real name of our hero, was a well-known merchant in Makkah.He was a close friend of Muhammed(scw) even before the latter became a Messenger of Allah. This intimate relationship was responsible for the fact that he was the firts man ever to joining the faith of Islam. For he knew Muhammed's character too well to doubte his claim of Prophethoow. From that moment and until the death of the Prophet(scw)twenty-three years later-and even after that- Abu Baker(radily-Allahu anhu)proved to be the most loyal freind and follower of the Prophet Muhammed (scw). It was this unlimited loyality and unfaltering faith in the Prophet that earned our hero the title AL-SIDDIQ, which means the true believing person or the person who never doubted anything reported by the Prophet(scw). This title was given to him by Muhammed(scw) personally after the event of Israa' and Mi'raaj(the Night Journey if the Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem and his Ascension to Heaven).



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Qac Qaac   

As i would like to call him the # 2 man, right after our prophet scw... what a man, what a degree waaw. ilaahey asaga ookale dad camal ah noo soo celi. abu bakr rc.. umar gave up on him.. sub xanallah, what u think about us.

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