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Puntland President starts process for expansion of University(pics)

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Boosaaso,Puntland:Madaxweynaha dawlad Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta Dhagax dhigey dhisme cusub oo ay yeelaneyso jaamacada bariga Afrika.

Madaxweynaha oo booqday shalay Jaamacada Bariga Africa ee Magaalada Boosaaso, halkaasoo uu kaga qaybgalayay Barnaamij ay Jaamacadu ku soo bandhigaysay Dhismo Cusub oo loo dhisayo Kuliyada Caafimaadka iyo Hool shirarka loogu talagalay ee Jaamacada Bariga Africa oo uu dhagax dhigey Madaxweynuhu.

Madaxweynaha ayaa u sheegay Hormuudka Jaamacada iyo Marti sharaf kale in Puntland ay soo wajaheen Xaalado adag iyo Dagaalo lagu doonayo in lagu dumiyo Puntland iyo D/Federaalka Somalia.

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Puntland has seen an unprecedented amount of rebuilding under this administration, people on the ground there are fully aware of this. There is no doubt that a lot of work needs to be done. Namely the enormous task of finishing off the airport; although ambitious because no one else has ever tried to build it until this administration a lot has been accomplished. Their efforts must be commended! The Puntland Livestock Quarantine is also something that insha’Allah will generate more employment for the citizens of Puntland and allow farmers the opportunity to sell more livestock; something the live stock ban is making impossible.

Security is another huge factor and the administration must realize that things in Somalia have been turned upside down over the past few years and that there are more determined enemies looking to see Puntland destroyed. Bold and well planned out strategies must be developed to combat these criminals.

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Too many people here are misinformed and believe Puntland is finished and that it didn't exist, your own leader Riyaale said it himself! I just wanted to educate people that Puntland is alive and kicking, and will be long after this administration is gone insha’Allah.

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