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President Abdullahi Yusuf welcomed like a royal family member in Nairobi Kenya today

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Today the President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad arrived in Nairobi to a huge and unprecedented welcome that would make a 'state-visit' seem utterly insignificant!


He was treated with the red carpet and like royalty has arrived in Kenya! To say it is a state-visit would truelly undermine the undertakings today in Kenya!


The detailed security given to the President and the guard of honour received by the President would even make Bush Junior envious!


Not to say, the security at the airport! If one didn't knew better, you'd have thought the top G8 leaders together with the world royalty would be assembling and convening today in Nairobi!


After the grandiose welcome at the airport, the President headed straight to the Kenyan 'State-House' to be welcomed by the President of Kenya like 'two old friends finally meeting one another after 40 years of separation!'


It has to be mentioned aswell, that a special chartered plane from the kenyan President itself brought H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf from the transitional interim government seat of Baidoa to Kenya's capital Nairobi!


Stay tuned inshallaah for this unprecedented royal visit by H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad to the neighbouring state of Kenya!

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War deg deg ah: Madaxweyne Claahi Yuusuf oo tagey Nairobi.





War hada naga soo gaarey magaalada Nairobi ee caasimada wadanka Kenya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed uu ka degay magaalada Nairobi.


Madaxweynaha ayaa ka ambabaxay magaalada Baydhabo oo fariisin KMG ah u ah DFKMG ah, waxaana garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Nairobi si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyey masuuliyiin ka tirsan Dawlada Kenya.


Safarka Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa ku soo aadaya iyadoo xukuumada Kenya ay shaaca ka qaade inay gacanta ku dhigtey 11 xubnood oo ka tirsanaa Maleeshiyaadkii maxkamadaha ee laga itaal roonaadey, kuwaasi oo qaarkood ay yihiin ajanabi.


Kenya ayaa sheegtey inay dadkan baaritaan ku sameyn doonto.


Keyse Caamir


SBC Nairobi

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C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed oo gaaray Nairobi oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey.


Last Updated::2007-01-02 15:16:37




Nairobi:- Madaxweynaha DFKMG Soomaaliya C/laahi Yusuf Ahmed ayaa maanta si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Nairobi.


Madaxweynaha DFKMG oo ay siday Diyaarad khaas ah oo kasoo qaaday magaalada Baydhabo, ayaa la sheegay inuu u yimid magaalada Nairobi casumaad uu u fidiyey Madaxweynaha Kenya Mwai Kibaki.


C/laahi Yusuf iyo wafdigiisa ayey kusoo dhaweeyeen Airporka Xildhibaano iyo wasiir kamid ah DFKMG iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo ka socota dowlada Kenya.


Madaxweynaha DFKMG ayaa si diiran Airporka loogu soo dhaweeyey ayadoo ay halkaasi ka muuqdeen ciidamo badan oo ah kuwa Amniga oo si weyn u sugay amniga Airporka Joma Kenyata ee magaalada Nairobi.


Ahmed Musse

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Brother the Kenyan President is in Mombasa and the Somali president was met by the Foreign Affairs minister Raphael Tuju, but all the same this is the first time I have seen anyone from somalia being given such treatment, from a personal point of view my heart quivered to see it happen.

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Bush will never envy Yusuf, lool, he gets treatments that are more exquisite every single day.


While Yusuf only sees this occasions ones in a blue moon.


You Somalis like to exaggerate everything.


He went to Nairobi but couldn’t come to the capital of Somalia, to ensure the people of their safety and unity. To give them some common understanding?


Well it looks like our president is worse than bush. Bush was only taking vacations during summer nevertheless he got serious after 9/11. Warlord wearing an Armani suit still wants to fly around and stay in different hotels around the world.


Some president.

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mystic, walaal, are you just being a devils advocate or are you serous? There no need to for the president to rush to the capital. The prime minister is there and working hard to retore some order and fix things before the entire government relocates. Also, the president is not on vocation.

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Just to remind my door knob xabashi lovers here: The[Handpicked] Govt of warlords of the former somali republic was created,made and inaugurated in KENYA! In anycase, If you recall, the inaugration process was actually very lavish and quite frankly the most interesting historic event for a somali,sadly though they ended up using a xabash to fight its wars and invade its own NATION. I hope and pray that they inshallah will be wise to realise that the nation needs them.

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