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Bosasso Tahribyaal Getting Scammed By Smugglers

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Dadka Tahriibayaasha oo cabasho ka muujiyay lacago Madaxfurasho oo ay ka Cabashadan ayay qaar ka mid ah dadka Tahriibayaasha ah ku muujinayaan lacago ay ka hor marsadeen kuwa dadka Tahriibaya oo muddo bil ka hor ka qaatay lacago gaaraya 120 Dollar ,Balse dadkaasi ay sheegeen ilaa iyo hada inaysan helin gadiidkii ay ugu safri lahaayeen wadanka yemen.


Xabiibo Axmed oo ka mid ah 46 qof oo ay lacagihii bixitaanka laga hormarsaday ayaa SBC International u sheegtay inay ku dhibaateysan yihiin Magaaladan Boosaaso arintana aysan jirin cid uga dacwoodaan taaso oo ay ku qeexday in booliisku ay ku rad joogaan dadka taahriibdoonka ah sidaasi darteedna aysan u dacwoonkarin xabiibo oo si qaasa ah u xuseysa inay ku dhibaateysan yihiin


Sidoo kale Axmed Shugri oo isagu sheegay inuu ka yimid Killinka Shanaad ee Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in lacago yar oo uu shaqeystay ay ka qaateen Dadka Tahriibiya dadka kuwaasoo u sheegay in ay sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan u saari doonaan Dooni uu ugu safro wadanka Yemen balse waxaa uu si weyn ugu nuuxnuuxsaday isaga oo careysan in lacagtii ay ka maqantahay doon uu raacana usan helin


Ugu danbeyntii iyadoo xilligani ay tahay xilliga badxiranka oo ayaa tahriibayaasha ay u muuqdaan sannad walba inaysan u kala soocneyn xagaa iyo xagaa la’aan oo marwalba waxay sheegaan inay nolosha ay haatan ku nool yihiin ay uga fiican tahay nolosha ay ku jiraan islamarkaasina ay naftooda ku biimeeyaan Bada u dhaxeysa Soomaaliya iyo Yemen


Qulqulka Tahriibayaasha Soomaalida ay ku aadayaa dalka yemen ayaa ku soo aadayaa xilli hayada qaramada midoobay u qaabilsan qoxootiga ay si weyn walac uga muujinayan Tahriibayaasha Faraha badan ee ku qulqulaya halkaasi


habada dadka Tahriibayasha ah ayaa inta badan ka kala yimaada koonfuurta dalka Soomaaliya iyo wadamada Ethiopia iyo Eriteria kuwaasoo inta badan Sheegta inay ka soo cararan Dhibaatooyin isku jira Dagaal,Shaqo la’aan iyo Abaaro baahsan oo ka jira qeybo ka mid ah Dalalkaas

Source: m/view.php?articleid =10815

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War waxaan dadkan yaa naga gabto...reer koonfur, eritera, and ethiopia are using bosasso as launching pad to go to yemen.


sland ppl are also doing this shit, unhcr reported that they are dying in the high seas of mediterrenean trying to reach italy or their in libyan and sudanese jails locked up because they were caught at the border illegally and the women have been sexually harrassed.


Read the unhcr article here /refworld/country,,, ,SOM,456d621e2,49db0 6943c,0.html


Read this hargeisawi based organization that states the the ppl who are doing this is not idp's from the south or ethiopia as is the case with puntland tahribyal, but these ppl are native slanders who are mostly burco,berbera, hargeisa, etc but also happens across all the sland cities. index.php?option=com _content&task=view&i d=199&Itemid=1


Wa very sad situation unemployment n poverty in sland is so bad their own natives are risking high seas..thank god we don't have that problem with our natives who are not doing this thing on our shores, it is ethiopians and idp's from the south who are doing this on our ports.


Infact if u read the article i posted in the above post from sbc regarding bossaso tahribyaal, that ethiopian guy had a job and was doing quite well economically he said and was earning a decent living, those poor hargeisa natives are unemployed and starving and need to risk their lives on a boat or are in jails in sudan and libya and their women being raped. Imagine how worse the situation must be for hargeisa idp's if the natives are doing that bad.


Anyways were lucky were not cursed like other somali ppl's, be proud we are puntland :D

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