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Breakings news: War has spread out to Baidoa!

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Reports say, that after a fierce battle broke out today in Diinsoor Bay region of Somalia, which is about 125 kms away from the seat of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia!


The latest news is, Baidoa is in real danger of being captured by the UIC in an amid attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of Somalia and its instituitions, which is a clear violation of resolution 1725 adopted unaminously late afternoon New York time, December the 6th!


The resolution outlines the clear act of disapproval of overthrowing the TFI by force and I call upon the International Community to act in their capacity to fulfill their promise to the Somali people and deal with this warmongers!


I'm Grateful to yours and thanks in Advance!


Sheikh Yusuf,

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By Sahal Abdulle

Friday, December 08, 2006



MOGADISHU, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Fighting broke out on Friday between Islamist fighters and government troops backed by Ethiopian soldiers near the government base in Baidoa, a witness and top Islamist said.


The witness told Reuters he could see fighting going on in Safar Noolay, 30 km (19 miles) southwest of Baidoa along the defensive line the Islamists have set up to encircle roughly half of the only town the government controls.


"I see huge smoke clouds and I am hearing artillery fire and small guns exchanging fire," witness Adan Isak Ali, who said he was located about 3 km (1.5 miles) southwest of the fighting, told Reuters by telephone.


Ali told Reuters he saw Ethiopian and Somali troops heading in the direction of the Islamist defence line. There was no independent confirmation of the fighting or word of any casualties.


Earlier, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a top leader of the Somali Islamic Courts Council (SICC), told a crowd gathered in the capital, Mogadishu, after Friday prayers that he had just heard a report of an attack by the Ethiopians and government.


The government could not be reached for comment.


Ahmed placed the location in Dinsoor, located roughly 100 km (60 miles) southwest of Baidoa on the same road as Safar Nooley.


"The news reaching us from Dinsoor indicates that Ethiopians have attacked Dinsoor," Ahmed said.


The SICC has declared holy war on Ethiopia, which it says has invaded Somalia to prop up the interim government.


Ethiopia has consistently denied it has any soldiers, besides a few hundred military trainers, inside Somalia. But security experts estimate there are between 5,000 and 10,000 inside Somalia, along with heavy weapons and armoured vehicles.


Many fear that any conflict between the SICC, backed by Eritrea, and the interim government could erupt into a war that spreads across the Horn of Africa and possibly further south.


Source: Reuters, Dec 08, 2006

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Sheikh Yusuf I dont think no one cares about the Resolution, but according to latest news the ICU is planning to uproot the government from Baydhabo.

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I don't think the UIC fully understand the inherent flaws in their logic of over-running Baydhabo. They might succeed in this futile attempt, but ensuing carnage will have a serious ramifications for southern Somalia as Yeey, and his Ethio masters will not be bullied into fleeing that easily.


Somalis in the south had enough of this violence, and many more will lose their lives. Sadly, no will be held accountable.

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There are no winners in this.


I feel sorry for the Mothers and the kidz who are being caught in the middle all this mess.


Tolow Cabdilaahi Yusuf aakhiro halkee lagu xisaabinayaa?


Don’t even get me started with these red bearded morons called maxkamado.


If they’re for the “people” they should do what ever it takes to prevent war with Habashis.

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"Somalis in the south had enough of this violence, and many more will lose their lives. Sadly, no will be held accountable." This is what we have been saying for many yaers, yets facts on the ground say something really different. They are not tired of at all. Two entities are left in southern Somalia after so many have defeated, let them fight it out and see who comes out because the country can not be in limbo any more or be held hostage by these moryaans thinking they own islam.

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If they’re for the “people” they should do what ever it takes to prevent war with Habashis.

Yes, they should allow Ethiopia to over-run the country and every family should take in an Ethiopian maid and handyman in their homes.

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Paragon....Jokes aside, there is literally Ethio maid and handy all over Somalia. There could demographic shift.



Naxar....I guess the end justify the means for you.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

quote:If they’re for the “people” they should do what ever it takes to prevent war with Habashis.

Yes, they should allow Ethiopia to over-run the country and every family should take in an Ethiopian maid and handyman in their homes.
Didn't they called for Jihaad against Habashis months ago? I would say they started it and now Yey will finish the rest.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

I don't think the UIC fully understand the inherent flaws in their logic of over-running Baydhabo. They might succeed in this futile attempt, but ensuing carnage will have a serious ramifications for southern Somalia as Yeey, and his Ethio masters will not be bullied into fleeing that easily.

Whether they will flee is only a matter of question or as is the case now time. But let me ask you this, though I agree with you it will have a serious repercussion of carnage unseen before,but what makes you think it will be limited only to the south?

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With all due respect to the oppositions of the good of the ICU,I would say,when does one try to avoid or sit back when he sees his country being overtaken by unmerciful enemy who happened to be a Christian invader.


If Ethiopia doesn't want to deal with war,then they should withdraw troops from Somalia,that is if they want to have peace and peaceful neighborbor.The Islamic courts Union have declared Jihad on them because it suits them well after they have deployed troops into Somalia without the consent of the people,they have absulately no right to be there,for that reason they should be met with challenge like its kind,their hand should be cut off indeed that is reward for any agressor.


Agression is not something to justify,the Tigray regime is spreading fitnah in the horn of Africa,they should be dealt sooner or later before they succeed in spreading this Fitnah whatever and however long it takes.


Those who would get caught in the crossfire should know Allah will raise everyone in the day of judgement based on their intentions in this life, but Fitnah is greater than the killings,so war it's until Ethiopia and rest of so called "Peacekeepers"(not sure how one can keep peace,when people are have relative peace) leave Somalia .In reality,they don't want peace to take place in Somalia,they can't stand the early success of the ICU,if they weren't then they would have worried more about the crisis in Darfur with over 400,000 Southern Sudanese being murdered,that is where peace is needed the most,they should priortize that.


As the Somali saying goes 'dantiisa ka taliye,ayaa tu kalana ka taliyah'.


Unfortuanately,the Sudanese government should be told to deal with its own problems and the crisis taking place in its own back yard.You ask what crisis? the genocide in Darfur region.


In addition,Ethiopia should worry about it's starving nation,they have one million army among the most in Africa,yet their people are among the poorest in the world and face starvation worst than anywhere else in Africa,they should be concern about this.


If I were them,I would worry about my starving population,I would worry about the HIV/AIDS wrecked population in their countries,but I gues the blind doesn't see anything until made contact with rockbottom,soo ha soo socdaanee daa,waxay helaan markhaati ayunbay kawada noqon....aragnaa.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

In addition,Ethiopia should worry about it's starving nation,they have one million army among the most in Africa,

This is one of the things that makes the ICU crowd really unique in the world. They lecture everyone about the religion, but never speak truth.

Ever heard a HizbAllah speak untruth about something you can find easily in different sources, never. Even western media relied on Iran Islamic Republic to tell the truth about the war they had with Saddam's Iraq than any other source.


Even Israeli media takes it for granted that HizbAllah will tell truth or the closest to it. Lecturing Islam to moslems and untruths don't mix. It hurts the religion more than its known enemies. It shows someone is using Islam as a cover. Its bad.


Mr. Red Sea,

Ethiopia as you said is one of the poorest countries, but its budgets is known. It has a government regardless of bad or good. The information you tried to wool over is known information.


You could have taken the most exaggerated numbers about ethiopia. It has 150 thousand Armed forces the highest number told by the opponents of the government.

According to Janes Defence, Ethiopia has 120,000 (which they show between 100 and 130 thousand).


One fact no one can deny is also that ethiopian armed forces is voluntary and are paid (regardless how much).


There was no need for you to throw in some number and destroy your lecture on religion.

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