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BBC Wareysi: Garaad Abshir Saalax ”Waligeen Puntland Ayaan Ahayn

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All that matters is a peaceful talks right now ,, that is what i've been saying. Agreements later but there is no bloodshed as some here would like to see.


More to come ,,,,, it is just the beginning.

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A good metaphor for secessionist’s strategy: rearranging the deck chairs of a sinking ship


The whole process failed, and they talk about peace treaties with traditional leaders who openly profess to support the unionist agenda.



It’s a change to be sure but does not warrant good NGONGE’s exuberant excitement here.

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^^Awoowe waayadan way kaa daadsantahay runtii


Bahashaa kugu cusub markaasaad sidii SNM tii in 2010 u hadlaysaa :D


Siilaanyo waxaan ku iri nin xun maaha, intaa haddaad ka caraysantahay waxba kama qaban karo :D

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^^ Cadho maxa keenay dee? War soaal uun ayaan ku waydiiyaay. Wa adigi laha ana og Siilaanyo wuxu sameen doono iyo wuxuu ku fakaro. Dee cashada na inuu sheeg. :D

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^^Awoowe waxaan Siilaanyo ka iri kama duwana waxaad Nasir ka tiri :D (laakiin anigu ku weydiin maayo Nasir cashadiisa LOL)


Shiddada ku haysataa waa xamaasad belo ah ayyaamahan kugu cusub, waadse soo noqon haddii alle idmo :D

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^^ Ceeb caleek dee. :D

Nassir sabab ba jira ii geeyay in aan waxa ka sheego (isna wuu la socda). Adigu se, taada hawadaad ka keentay! :D


Siyaasada wax ma ka taqana, Xiin mise waxaago waa iska rajo uun? Bal ii fadhi aan ku bare. :D


Haye, diyaar ma tahay?




Farole has alienated the people of SSC and Maakhir.




SSC broke down into groups and (all of them) don't want anything to do with PL.




SL is gently approaching such groups and showing them there is a much better alternative.




Contact is being made and only friendly gestures (and comments) are made to win their trust.




Nin caqli leh will sooner or later see that the grass is greener on SL's side and go there (hence my faith in Nassir).


Waxanu waxa la yidhaahda 'Siyaasad'. Ma iga diiday?


If Cabdulqadir, Abdullahi Yusuf or Sharrif had followed a similar pattern your cyrstal ball wishes might have even come true.


Hada waan is dhibay oo wax badan ayaan kuu fasiray, qoraarada xun ha la soo boodin warya. :D

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:D:D @NGONGE’s hearty defense


Awoowe waxaas oo dhan waxaa ka asal ah, barnaamijka gooni isu taaga SL. Dadku waa isla dadkii, waana la heshiin karaa, xulufo siyaasadeedna waa la noqon karaa...horeyna waaba loo ahaa malaha taariikhdaadan aqoone :D


Laakii markay timaado gooni isu taag, markaad ugu nasiib roontahay waa marka garaad Saalax yiraahdo aan isweheshano, laakiin anigu puntland baan ahay :D


ps. ^^In English, all the efforts from Hargeysa including the soft approach and contacts you are talking about will end in futility as long the separation of Somalia is the driving rationale, and reaching the colonial border near Qardho town is the goal (as absurd as it seems that is really secessionist’s goal :D ). It’s just unworkable proposition. You take two steps forward and get excited for few months, then take three steps backwards and get somber for few months and circus will continue awoowe.

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Xiinfanin meel cidla bu ka ciiyayaa waleh. laascaanood 18 may ba loo dabaal daga maalinta gooni isutaga qarranka. Adna waxad ka sheekeynaysa abshir salax ba mamuulka budhcad badeedka jecel. Oo muxu so kordhinaya soo kan Heshisyo lagalaya somaliland iyo inu ciidanka qarranku ku ilaaliyo widhwidh cadaw kasta oo kaga soo duula diibada.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Awoowe waxaan Siilaanyo ka iri kama duwana waxaad Nasir ka tiri
(laakiin anigu ku weydiin maayo Nasir cashadiisa LOL)




Xiinfaniin :D



Ngonge :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ But it did not end in futility in LA. Wax fahan. It's a tried and tested method.

Again you are being playful here. Secessionsts efforts in LA did not produce any tangible victory to advance the stated separation agenda. In the big picture, there is nothing that you can point at that contributed the advancements of your independence bid that resulted from the fall of LA. The only thing you could boast on that front is the fact that your bribes sowed discord in that community. And that, my friend, is not something to celebrate at least by a man like your caliber who as I believe has the intellectual aptitude to appreciate the volatility of Somali loyalty.


In a short, what I am saying is despite the periodic shifts of certain politician’s loyalty between the two political polls in that region the desired end goal of separatist movement in the north has yet to be achieved. And that is the ultimate measure by which to evaluate whether certain policy of yours has been particularly successful, as you seem to claim.


ps. waa layla taliyey oo waxay la yiri odoga ka har :D

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Ninkii xiin wuxuu is qariyaba markuu maqlay Garaadkii xagaasaan ahay buu yidhi buu soo booday oo neeftu ka soo baxday. Wuxuu filayay inuu ku dhawaaqo SL baan ahay ,,, :D


War badan baa jira ,,,, horena waan kuugu sheegay (about a year ago) inaan u diyaar garoobayo soo dhawaynta Garaadada ..... Hadda waa bilow welina la isma gaadhine la soco.

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