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Puntland Presidential condidate receive massive welcome in Bosaso

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^Your support is extremely needed young man, you should have listened to his speech of why he had decided to run for President in Leiceter, UK. It was absolutely amazing and emotionally appealling to all of reer Puntland audience, applauds from corner to corner as traced all the major problems and troubles in the country and put forward his vision without resorting to any dirty politics... He neither blamed personalities nor attacked the current Admin but talked through his case quite cleverly...


I will update you on the compaign, prepare yourself you will find yourself working from Bosaso at any moment :D , he's calling for the likes of you...

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Muxyidiin Cali Yuusuf is the man, our candidate of choice for 2009 inshallah.


If you want any good for Puntland you'd be in support of him


We support him and we hope that he comes through inshallaah. Soon the campaign will be launched here in SOL as we did in 2005, although our candidate of choice lost at the end, nevertheless it was great.


I say, Muxiyaddin Cali Yusuf for President for 2009 inshallah.

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we need a visionary , a renaissance man or woman. Someone who will promise to make 100% commitment peace and progress, Modernization, development, state building lets all hope such a person runs and is elected. I wonder though, will it be the parliament or the people that will elect. Should they not have started on forming political parties so far?

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Thanks for the update, Farjac looks like he is serious.


On my short list.


Emperor any update on the other candidate, is he in Puntland ?

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^Yes the man seems like he's serious, he wants to familairize himself with the faces that matter in that part of the world. But the other candidate Muxidin doesn't need any of that, he has constantly worked and met these elders on daily basis in the last 5 or 6 years. He's, I beleive, the strongest of all the candidates thus far, I would give him 70% chance of winning it but will see how things will change in the coming months.


As for where he is, he's in Puntland and lives there permanently, he has two main offices in the two largest cities of Puntland, Galkacyo and Bosaaso. I was speaking to his compaign director earlier on the MSN who was in Yemen(I joked wether he was part of the TFG-Dj-Yemen traingle efforts :D , laughed and said its purely for Punt, remember Yemen President, people and other officials have always had close ties with Puntland), he told me the candidate was in Galkacyo as of this morning and went to asses the Airports damage caused by the fired rockets... He said they will focus on the security issue and release a statement, Puntland's security is paramout....

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It is too early to predict who is the good candidate with the whole package.


I think Puntland will prove to be much better democratic state than Somaliland if the upcoming election is conducted in a free and fair manner.

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We don't need to compare ourselves to them. They had no choice but to allow a neutral Riyaale to stay as pres, he keeps the two main forces in that region separated. But if the election had gone as planned and one of those forces got into power, that would have really started problems. It was a wise move on their part.


With that being said, Puntland will be forced to hold fair election. The last one in 2004 were, and these ones will be to. They will not tolerate anyone coming in a imposing their power. The question isnt' whether their will be a fair election but who has a big enough name to get the most votes.

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