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Puntland Presidential condidate receive massive welcome in Bosaso

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Musharaxa Madaxweynaha Puntland Prof. Cumar Cali Farjac oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey Boosaso


Musharax Cumar Cali Farjac oo u taagan Xilka Madaxweynaha DGPL Doorashada 2009 ayaa Maalinimadii Shaley si heer sare ah loogu soo dhoweeyay Magaalada Boosaso.


Boqolaal Dadweyne ah oo isugu jira qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada iyo Gawaari noocyo badan leh oo galbinaya ayaa soo dhoweeyay Musharaxa oo ka soo degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Boosaso.


Cumar Cali Farjac markii uu ka soo degay Diyaarada waxa uu mahadcelin u soo jeediyay Dadweynihii soo dhoweeyay kadibna waxa loo galbiyay Hotelka Intarnational Villege ee Boosaso oo uu ku soo degay.


Musharax Cumar Cali oo la hadlayay Dadweynihii soo dhoweeyay ayaa yiri"Puntland isbedel weyn ayaay u baahantahay" isaga oo musharaxa ka codsaday dadweynaha in laga wada shaqeeyo sidii isbedelkaasi looga dhigi lahaa mid dhab ah.


Musharaxa Madaxweynaha Puntland oo si gaar ah u soo dhoweeyay saxaafada ayaa ka hadlay qorshayaashiisa waxqabad isaga oo sheegay inuu yahay nin aqoon leh oo keeni kara isbedel weyn hadii la doorto.


Musharaxa ayaa sheegay inuu wado Mashaariic badan oo horumar ah gaar ahaan arrimaha Bulshada sida Waxbarashada,Caafimaadka hagaajinta khayraadka badaha iyo arrimo kale oo badan.


Cumar Cali Ashaguur Musharax Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa la filayaa inuu Boosaso kula kulmo qaybaha kala duwan ee dadka Degaanka ku nool.


Sikastaba ha ahatee Musharaxa ayaa la oron karaa waxa uu soo dhoweyn heer Qaran ah ka helay Dadweynaha Reer Boosaso uu u hamuun qaba isbedel weyn.



Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada Bossaaso

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This is excellent, can't wait until the debates. Emperor, do you have any background info on this man? I hear there are convoys all over the Puntland with candidates driving preparing to run. Drumming up support and a lot more will be coming soon.

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somalipride, do you think Cadde will debate with the PL presidential hopefuls :D ?


A peaceful transfer of PL administration from Cadde to whoever the next administrator may be is contingent upon the outcome of the conflict in the south. Anyone who dreams otherwise is just…dreaming in my opinion.

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I think he has no choice. They'll call him out and he'll have to accept. You'll see! After Pres Cade won in 2005, a lot of people from every country that has a significant Somali population have decided they to can run and win as well. Many of those running now are from abroad.


But make no mistake about it. Cade will not be pres forever. But if you think a pres will come who will support the clan courts or any other movement. Whatever government their is in 2009, will support the TFG and it's allies, if not more then it does now. So don't get your hopes up!! All these guy's might speak about change in Puntland and putting things back together. But I highly doubt any of them will speak against the TFG or it's allies and expect to win!!!!

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^Clean up? In what way?


No he's not at this moment in time, don't get me wrong I have nothing against him, my man Somalipride this candidate is highly educated with full of energy but I know less about him to risk all my supporting cards on his side...when I find more about what he stands for I will post...


For now my candidate is Prof. Muxiyadin Ali Yusuf, a brief resume of his:


Bosaaso:- Prof Muxiyadiin Cali Yuusuf oo ah Musharaxa koowaad ee u tar tamaya Jagada Madaxtinimada Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxa uu in dhawaalaba waday Shir Goos Goos ah uu lalahaa qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada Reer Puntland isaga oo waliba Qoobka kaliyay gooba badan oo ay ku nool yihiin dadka Saboolka ah.


Prof. Muhyadin Ali Yusuf

Taariikhda Musharaxa 1aad ee Puntland


Ku dhashay Beyra, Gaalkacyo, March 1959

Ku soo koray yaraantiisii Gaalkacyo iyo Boocame.

Dugsi Hoose Gaalkacyo 1970

Fasal 5aad ilaa 8aad Dugsiga Dhexe komershaale Xamar1975

Ka qayb galay Ololaha Horumarinta Reer Miyiga 1974-75

1976 ka qalin jabiyay tababarka Macamlimiinta Xalane

1976-1979 macalin iyo maamule ku xigeen Dugige Dhexe Raage Ugaas, Xamar

January 1982 ka soo qalin jabiyay Lafoole

January-July 1982 Macalin Dugsiga sareBenadir.

Sep.1982-July 1984 Maamule Dugsiga sare ee Bartamaha Xamar.

Sep.1984-July 1986 Maamule Dug. Sare Cusmaan Geedi Raage.

Sep.1986-July 1987 Maamule Dug.Sare Xamar.

Sep.1987-88 Maamule Dugsiga sare Wadajir

1986-1990 Macalin Jaamcadda Lafoole

1991-1997 Lataliye waxbarasho Somalida ee Toronto iyo ganacsade.

1997-1999 ka qalin jabiyay Humber College, Toronto(English academics and Computer programming)

1999-2001 Tababare waxbrashada iyo Computerada.Columbus, Ohio

2001-2003 Macalin iyo La taliyaha arrimaha Soomaalida iyo adeegyada dawladda Minnesota

2002 Shahaadada sare Education, Hamline University, St. paul

2003 Master of Education, University of Minnesota

PhD Candiate Bircham International Univrsity, Idaho USA




2004 Maareeye Guud, shirkadda Hilaac Real Estate company

2005 Wuxuu asaasay Kulliyadda waxnarashada ee Jaamacadda bariga Afrika

2005 wuxuu wax ka dejiyay manhajka waxarashada Jaamacadaha Afrika, Nairobi

2006 wuxuu wax ka dejiyay manhajka waxbarashada macalimiinta Puntland

2006 Wuxuu diyaariyay siyaasadda waxbarashada macalimiinta ee dawladda Puntland oo baarlamaanka laga ansixiyay

2006 wuxuu ka qayb galay ansixinitii sharciga teknolijiyada cusub ee Somalia Nairobi

2006 wuxuu ka qayb galay diyaarintii waxbarashada aqoondirsiga iyo onlineka Somalia oo lagu qabtay Kenya, Tanzania iyo South Afrika

2006 Wuxuu asaasay xiriirka ururka tacliinta sare ee Puntland oo uu guddoomiye ka yahay (Puntland Tertiary education Commission)

2006 Wuxuu wax ka asaasay Bosaso College of Computer Engineering and training.

2007 wuxuu ka mid noqday aqoonyahanadii Djibouti ku asaasay ururka aqoonyahanada Geeska Afrika,

2007 Wuxuu la taliye ka ahaa eraybixinta eryada Sayniska ah ee maadooyinka dugsiyada lagu barto.

2007 wuxuu diyaariyay siyaasadda qorshaha horumarinta waxbarashada haweenka Puntland

Wuxuu xubin ka yahay ururka qorayaasha Soomaaliyeed.

Wuxuuna qoray buugaag iyo maqaalo ay ka mid yihiin



1. Labadii dagaal weyne ee dunida

2. Difficulties facing Somali students in America

3. Understanding of Somali Diaspora

4. Habka koriimada wanaagsan ee ilmaha




§ Parenting in America

§ Somali students in America

§ Children of bilingual education.

§ Philosophy and modern education

§ African view toward history subjects.



Jaamac Ayaanle Feyte


This is who I think most deserves the top job, he's in it for everything and has proved his worth and what he can do for the people on all levels sociatal, political and academic. He initiated, managed and implemented many tangible project such as higher education college and community support organizations in Bosaso and was running a multi-million dollar construction project in Galkacyo... I have had the opportunity to meet him a while back and he was elegantly convincable very articulate and sounded not only ambitious but realistic about his goals... I think he's the kind of politician Puntland and in general Somalia needs at this critical moment.

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^Yeah but not education in text books and papers alone but also knowledge in the streets and the people of Puntland, this man is well established in all areas... Good to see him running for President.

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