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Somaliland capture WidhWidh.

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^^ Dee ma nin waalan ban kugo sheega marka? War xamaasada la qaatay, xita cay ma noqoto. :D


Your words carry a whiff of certainty about them regarding the future of Somaliland yet you are getting worked up over minor details (such as widhwidh, LA or Buhoodle). As the famous Juxa once said, those that know should tell those that don't know. :D


As for the guru or my caseer drinking self, dee we believe in a project that has been going from strength to strength for ninteen years. I mean, it's not as your former hero has provided an alternative that might turn our heads (admittidely, my neck is slightly more felxible than the guru's). Wax fahan.

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NGONGE, you are saying I am worked up. I am telling you I am not. We should leave it at that.


LA, Buuhoodle, and Widh-Widh are cities that frequently bring Somaliland’s separatist controversy to the center of the news, and help expose the political instability your ilk faces. The fact these skirmishes (and they are indeed skirmishes given how explosive they could turn out) have not yet translated into a full-blown conflict and have not impacted Somaliland’s commercial and political centers does not mean one side has won the conflict. That is so Oodweyne, and it ignores the complexities of these issues and clan dynamics that are buried in them. I (like the rest of interested Somalis) tend to comment on these topics when they hit the news cycles as they often do. It’s beyond me why you think one is worked up or emotional when you are confronted with the absurdity of what you support. When it’s stripped to its core, the conflict in the north will be one of clans killing each other. It will never be a county fighting a rebel movement as your guru might’ve perhaps told you. If anything one appreciates the brilliance of the men in power Riyaale being the top man who managed to manipulate the gullible masses to risk two generation of relative stability on a such broken, and perilous project. One can also predict, as the conflict gets larger, current Northern leaders will find a reasonable excuse to delay the promised elections again. That I believe will be the ultimate outcome of these reported skirmishes. It will not change the political realities on the ground nor will it bring recognition, as you seem to believe. Remember LasAnod! It only brought to you angry poems inciting violence, demonstrations, and mass imprisonments, deepening clannish mistrust between communities in the north.


When will you learn, NGONGE?


EDIT, I thought you agreed with me, no :D ?.

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^^ When will I learn what? Poltics? :D

I am open to all possibilities, my friend. I understand that politics can be destructive and I also know it is cyclical. Nothing in what you wrote makes me believe that the gloomy scenario you paint will eventually take place. This is merely a skirmish, like the many that took place for the past eight years. I do believe that SL will take these towns and secure its border but I highly doubt it will happen through the barrel of the gun. Like LA, it will come from within (regardless of the poems and what not).


Of course, the biggest loser here is PL. When will YOU learn? :D

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^^Puntland never loses on the Northern front :D , it's about tol iyo qabiil waxyahow aan waxba fahamayn.


koonfurta weeye were the real game is always played. Idinku daraawiishta oo awalba waxa politics u qabay baad xabad ula timaadeen, one thing they know very well.


Waxaa la yiri nimaan waxa taagan ka talin, waxaa soo socda kama taliyo. Haddaad garan la'dahay inaad bohol ku socote ee maxaan kaa weydiinaya sida xaal ku danbeynayo :D

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Heh@tol iyo qabiil. Dee reer SSC (to use the PL coined phrase) usheeg. This is a time when Faroole can make political capital from this whole mess but the man is busy selling Tuna ninyaho. Wax fahan.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ When will I learn what? Poltics?

I am open to all possibilities, my friend. I understand that politics can be destructive and I also know it is cyclical. Nothing in what you wrote makes me believe that the gloomy scenario you paint will eventually take place. This is merely a skirmish, like the many that took place for the past eight years. I do believe that SL will take these towns and secure its border but I highly doubt it will happen through the barrel of the gun. Like LA, it will come from within (regardless of the poems and what not).


Of course, the biggest loser here is PL. When will YOU learn?

Another possibility is further crumbling among your regions, Hargeisa & Buroa going their separate ways is probable. The future outlook of this region is uncertain thus, entertaining yourself that SSC regions will come to your fold is not only naive but a biased position one to ponder.

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Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

quote:Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ When will I learn what? Poltics?

I am open to all possibilities, my friend. I understand that politics can be destructive and I also know it is cyclical. Nothing in what you wrote makes me believe that the gloomy scenario you paint will eventually take place. This is merely a skirmish, like the many that took place for the past eight years. I do believe that SL will take these towns and secure its border but I highly doubt it will happen through the barrel of the gun. Like LA, it will come from within (regardless of the poems and what not).


Of course, the biggest loser here is PL. When will YOU learn?

Another possibility is further crumbling among your regions, Hargeisa & Buroa going their separate ways is probable. The future outlook of this region is uncertain thus, entertaining yourself that SSC regions will come to your fold is not only naive but a biased position one to ponder.
Of course. But the one you paint is (for now) a very remote possibility, wouldn't you agree?

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Don't fight change, change is inevitable. it is the only thing that has always kept its promise. Markaa saaxiib waxba ha qariibsan.

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