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Somaliland capture WidhWidh.

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:D:D:D @soo iibsada


waryee in lay eryaday ba ma anaa u qaba. cuqdadaas igumo jidho awoowe...xalay dhalay baan waxaan ka nahay :D


ninka weli caraysan, ee taaladda u dhistay cuqdada sow adi maaha


mar hadduu qudhac yimi, salaaddii jimcaha baan aadayaa, ee warka widh-widh ii sii raadiya

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NW Somalia seems to have done this when all attention was drawn to Buhoodle! After 3 years of having Laascanood none of this ever happened, until the Ethiopians crossed the border!

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Keep your horses guys ,,,,, bigger things are happening soon.



Anyone remember something about June, next month ??? ,,,,, keep your eyes open.

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Guru, I'm not sure this is a time for preening, saaxib. These entire (sudden) incidents stink of something ugly. Now it wont come as a great surprise that some in that part would resist the elections or anything to do with SL but that's really neither here or there. The real worry is what Riyaale & Co are up to here. A confrontation (of any kind) is the last thing SL needs. A fight where innocents lose their life has NEVER been worthy of any country with dreams of democracy, fairness and justice.



This does not at all mean you should not carry on putting opportunist Xiinon the spot, of course. :D



Jb is talking about the elections.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

A confrontation (of any kind) is the last thing SL needs. A fight where innocents lose their life has NEVER been worthy of any country with dreams of democracy, fairness and justice.


Hadda tabarta wuxuu sheegayo waa ka dhab :D


So naïve and ill-informed, NGONGE reminds Ciciro’s famous words: no one can speak well, unless he thoroughly understands his subject.

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^^ And yet, I do understand. War is geeji and rise above the sudden shock. Unrest and a few skirmishes (for that is what it is here)is nothing new in that part of the world. What next? Take a break from collecting the hasty qaraan and think it through for a second, adeer. :D

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^^What is the sudden shock, NGONGE :D ?


War I dont even know if this news is true wallaahi, I am still at work , you know. Adeeraday baan u tagayaa oo warka saxda ah isiin doonaa. As for qaaraan, that is really insult to Buuhoodle folks, they have been in this kind of situations before and know pretty well how to handle it awoowe without my qaaraan .


What is really amazing is how even men with NGONGE's caliber fall in the nonsense that is SL democracy, fairness and justice :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Keep your horses guys ,,,,, bigger things are happening soon.



Anyone remember something about June, next month ??? ,,,,, keep your eyes open.

Lol, we still have a deal JB to see if Riyaale will campaign in LA

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^^ So ku man odhan shock ba kugo dhacay? :D

Since when did I believe in SL being democratic or fair, adeer? War dee this is not fair, I can't keep explaining my positions everytime shock yar kugo dhaco!


Now, is yara daji and read again the bit about "A country with dreams of democracy, fairness and justice".


Arr ya illaha yaqaan, raggo baryahaan waa..eeen..eeen..khaalaas.

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NGONGE, awoowe sidaan marar badan kuu sheegay your untenable position forces you to explain it so many times. Waxaa dadku u dhimanayaa waa warqad sanduuq ku jirta oo hadba la durkinayo, oo masaakinta aad ku jirtid loogu sheekeeyey waa democracy :D


Oodweyne waakaa dabaaldegaya, xumaan kama ahee runbuu u qabaa in dal soomaaliland la yiraahdo oo calan leh, oo parlaimient leh, oo ciidan lihi jiro bay asaga la tahay, adiguna sidaadaad miskiinimada ugu dhalataye oo waadan sidiisoo kale tookhi karine intiibaa lagu cabsiiyey. Put it simply, your concerns are rooted in the hope to preserve the democracy myth and enhance the image of stability while Oodweyne’s are to expand Somaliland’s rule of law, and secure her borders.

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^^ If that's the case and it is simply a house of cards that is going to come tumbling down anyway, adigu maxa ku dhibhayaa, saaxib? Waxaad na leedahay ciyaarto waxay ku dhamaan doonta wan oga'hay hadana waxa kaa muuqata xamaasad quf aan wax la socon! What gives? :D


Myself and my guru's goal is the same. We merely differ on the short term tactics. Long term, freedom, democracy and justice are what we all seek.

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^^Ditch the xamaasad talk waayo wuxu waa shaashad mana garan kartid qofka xamaasaysan iyo qofka kale , adigaanba kugu tuhmayaa inaad shiddeysantahay.


That aside, waa isla meeshii, Oodweyne waa nin dagaalkii Siyaad Barre caqligiisa iyo garashadiisa wax u dhimay oo rationale maaha, adiguse you supposed be drinking caziir some where in the gulf, marka xaggee lagaa helay awoowe? :D

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