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I Propose a Name Change

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what is with the English Names for Somali territories?


is there a Soomaali names for these territories?

if so what are they?


The two most obvious oxymorons, which were obviously taught out by morons are 'Puntland' and 'Somaliland'. Neither of these two names make sense to any sensible somali person. i wonder what the inhabitants of the territories are called? i am proud that somalia was named after somalis and i make a point about it when ever the subject comes about or i hear some educated fool calling themselves 'Somalian' or unwise western calling somali language/people as being 'Somalian'


i propose that we change these two entities names to Dhulka Fooxda and the people shall be called (rer) Fooxan(s) and the other one change to either Waqooyi (rer waqooyi) or more aptly DhulkaSoomaaliyeed and the people (rer) DSoomaali as Dee waa Soomaali :cool:

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And why not also change tribal names as well, cuz if changin territories since they are attached it might be good idea to change them to:


reer geedyahan

reer lugyahan

reer quracyahan

reer jilibyahan

reer suxulyahan

reer darbiyahan

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:rolleyes: This is disguised aflaagado.


The people from Puntland are called Puntlanders, or better still Somali. While the people from Somaliland are called Somalilanders, or just landers. I don't see what is so difficult about it. icon_razz.gif As a British, it makes perfect sense to me and I can pronounce them.


* *


On a serious note; only a Somali would prioritise the name, in all the mess we currently have. It is about the least, most minor and insignificant, ****** thing you can possible comment on. Does it really matter?? Does anyone care? On the ground scale of things is it significant? Go on take your time answering. icon_razz.gif

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Haye! - who has ruffled your hair last night? another nightmare?




british are not allowed to comment on this thread!! they are the reason why we are in this mess in the first place. coming to our country and calling it British (akh tuf) Somaliland :mad:


on serious note - Who said the name was a priority?

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The British pay your wages, and can I emphasis it is the British public that pays your wages (at least mine is from the private sector, mainly rich Arabs!) You live here (running to THEIR country) idiga oo taafah jeexaan oo kaabah gaacanta kuu siita, seeking Asylum. You live here and demand the same legal, social, political and economic rights as WHITE people, heck they even gave us a British citizenship. Half of the Somali population is on state support with their 11kids. AND AFTER all that you think you have a right to be angry at THEM, for namesake left behind following a invitation by our forefathers and chiefs at the time.


Uskud yaa haala. Anta maajnuun. :D


P.s. I know your engris no good because you don't like aaf engrisi, but I cannot answer if I don't understand. Baal try again.

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North, as Somalis we stole everything, from our food, dress, music and language. We stole bits and bobs from everyone from the Indians, the Arabs, Italian and English. There is very little which can said to be pure "Somali" So if like Sayid is suggesting we start shedding things that are foreign to Somali, then we will have nothing left :D


On a serious note; Everything in this world have been influenced by other things around the world. The Somalis are no different, we absorbed everything around us into our culture.

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Norf, Never heard of that, maybe some research is needed,


laakin isn't Soomaal= Soo-maal, yacni hasha geela soo maal, hence why we are obsesseed with camels, take example our SOL forum :D



I will check further of any origins of the word, laakin odayaasha Soomaalida waxey kuu sheegayaan in ay ka timid the example I gave about milking the camel(soo maal hasha).



PS: We are dad la yaab leh, oon aqoonin asalkooda, where their name is from, or origins, be it African, or Arab, or unique race(I prefer this)

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The British pay your wages, and can I emphasis it is the British public that pays your wages (at least mine is from the private sector, mainly rich Arabs!) You live here (running to THEIR country) idiga oo taafah jeexaan oo kaabah gaacanta kuu siita, seeking Asylum. You live here and demand the same legal, social, political and economic rights as WHITE people, heck they even gave us a British citizenship. Half of the Somali population is on state support with their 11kids. AND AFTER all that you think you have a right to be angry at THEM, for namesake left behind following a invitation by our forefathers and chiefs at the time.

Nac-Nac Bila Micne - comes to mind.


i am here to claim back what is rightfully mind - the million camels and trillion muttons that was stolen from my country smile.gif and i and the "Half of the Somali population is on state support with their 11kids" are no where near in being compesated for our loss.


so please take your calacaal else where!!!


Uskud yaa haala. Anta maajnuun.

uskud yaa bint wa aswad fi la britinika :D waalina ku darso adigu hadad isu malaysa british.


Norf - talking about names - yours sounds like Nerf :cool: Soomaaliya waa Soomaali saxib, cid wax ku dartay iyo cid wax ka qaday majirto.

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Nuune, I'm not talking about the origin of the name.


Its the pronounciation Somali'a' I'm interested in. Inaku waxa aynu isku yeedhnaa Somali. Carabtuna waxay nugu yeedhaan 'Asoomaal'. But how did the country become known as Somali'a'?


The 'a' attached is a latin thing I think.

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Norf - it is Soomaaliya not Somali'a'.

get it?


Ibti - i know Af-Soomaali is hard for you (given that you are british) - so try again - as i did not understand what you are talking about.


Nuune- Sax ba tahay saxiib - magaca Soomaali wuxuu kayimi cano maal ka geela, marka waxaan nahay kuwi geela cano ka Soo Maalaya

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Sayid, ficnaan lahaydaa haddii aan magac keli ah isku haaysano. We have more than a name issue at stake saaxib. I don't mind if they are called Janno, jinni, jaahil, jahwareer or jeeni-land.


My anger boils when I hear/read someone use "somalian/en)" instead of somali. A bonafide citizen or national of the nation known as Somalia is SOMALI. Somalien(sounds like an alien) is mostly used by newly arrived imigrants to the USA/Canada.

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Loooooooooooooooooool @ sounds like an alien! AHAHAHA Looool HEHEHE :D:D:D:D I agree I hate people who say I am Somalian. Yaah maaxa tahey :confused: I can understand if none somalis get it wrong and call you Somalian, but a Somali making that mistake. :mad:


Sayid waaxad tiidiba laagu yidi!

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