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Ciidamo ku Soo Biray Kuwa Ciidamada Qaranka Loo Arooriyno Ee Ka Socota Dagmada Waajid

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Ciidamo ku Soo Biiray Kuwa Ciidamada Qaranka Loo Arooriyno Ee Ka Socota Dagmada Waajid Ee Gobolka Bakool.




Sida ay tibaaxyaan wararka ka imaanyo gobolka bakool gaar ahaana magaalada waajid waxaa ku soo biiray ciidamada Qaranka soomaaliya ee halkaasi lagu aroorinyo ciidamo ay tiradoodo gaarayso 300 oo askari kuwaasi oo doonayo in ay ka mid noqdan kuwa kale ee la xareerayay.

Magaalada Waajid oo ay ciidamaan gaarayn ayaa waxaa laga sheegay in ay ciidamadan kala yimaadeen gobolada kala ah bay gedo bakool waxaana halkaasi kula wareegay wasiirka beeraha Shaati guduud Wasiirka garsoorka DFKGS Sheekh Aadan Madoobe waxaana ciidmadaasi la sheegay in ay tababar ciidanimo ku qaadanayaan magaalada waajid oo iminka u mooqato xarun ay ciidamada qaranka ee gobolada bay iyo bakool lagu arooriyo.


Mar aan sidaasi u sii darynayn ayaa ciidamo 700 gaaraya magaaladaasi waxaa loogu soo gaba gabeeyay kuwaasi oo iminka ah ciidamada qaranka soomaliyeed waxaana ciidmadaasi markii hore laga kale keenay gobolada bay iyo bakool.


Sidoo kale magaalada Xarunta KMG ah ee DFKMG ah ee somaliya jawhar ayaa iydna waxaa lagu arooriyaa oo iminka ku sugan ciidamo aad u fara badan kuwaasi oo loo diyaariya Ciidanka xooga dalka soomaaliya ee dawladu yeelanayso waxaana ay tababaro ku qaadeen xerayaha ay ku sugan yihiin sida xerada kongo, magaalada jawharna waxaa ku sugan saraakiil ka badan 60 sargaal oo tababaro ku soo qaatay dalka yuganda iyadoo dhawaana saraakiishaasi qaar ka mid ahi aadi doonaan dalka talyaaniga halkaaso oo tababar uga furmayo.


Maxamed Cabdi Maxmaed Bootaan

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What do you mean? I don't understand. Do you want to with me a good morning or do you mean aruurin wanagsan referring to the recruitment of the TFG soldiers.


Seriously you need to brush up your Somali as a native Somali mise itoopiaan/ajanabi kale oo soomaali ku dhiiban baad tahay?

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Ciidamo ku Soo Biray Kuwa Ciidamada Qaranka Loo Arooriyno Ee Ka Socota Dagmada Waajid

Maybe i should open Private Somali School for the likes of Yoonis and the rest of warlord Yusuf cheerleaders here in SOL. :D;)

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What are implying here my friend, the quote you quoted is from they wrote it that way.


It doesn't mean that I've written it.


Iam only guilty of taking a letter "i" of the word "ku soo Biiray"


My Somali is the best.


Af-Soomaaligayga iyo aqoontayda kale waa mid aad u heer sareeyso (sareeyo) walaal.



Halkudhigayaga waa barro, ku faan iyo ku qor luuqadaada hooyo!

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one will be well advised, not to allowed a sufficient time to lapse for Col. Yey to ready and build himself as impregnable fortress with a large mercenary force in the middle of the USC land; for that will complicates in post-Yey's political arrangement within the USC's political discussion(and of course, once you concluded that is unlikely that Col. Yey is about bringing honey and milk to his presumed enemy in Mogadisho; therefore it's incumbent to play the game in his own light and in his own estimation; and see to either neutralise his advantage of living within the traditional USC territories and being protected by some section of the USC folks; or perhaps, failing that his ability to grow a political tentacles and military muscle within that cocoon must not at all cost be allowed to take shape



Tolstoy, you are in shaky situation, deep dilemma, any sane kid could understand where you are coming from! But dont be worried, the other side well-informed and no bad-intended. Im sure our Duke will sort you out for something, with your passion and eloquence, a bodygoard won't be too bad :D , at least that will secure close contacts with the BOSS :D


Good point you made, with few thousand Puntland forces armed to the teeth with heavy new machineries along with the Big Don himself coducting issues, rulling and acting at will and as they please in the middle of a USC territory is a big step forward, and outstanding development for the chearleaders of Yey, compared to your ridiculous dissappointment of 60,000 Somaliland forces move towards Ari Cade, who are yet to arrive. :D , don't you think? Misfortune is your lack of comprehension.


not the third-rate drivel inanities of Our Duke, Qorshel, Yoonis and the other shameless drivel merchants, that we seemed to keep them like a curse round our necks; given they are exist in this earth to be a tiresome and loathsome cheerleaders of Col. Yey's never-ending political mendacity in here of SOL's political forum.

Im not a Yey chearleader, but if you say so be it, I rather have the honor to support a real recognized President than NSS commander in Cheif who later worked hard his way and cheated to become fastest runner the world has ever seen, LA.(Remember the rule of the race, you can only run through the main road not the take bushes).


PS: The second paragraph was only intended for Mr philospher Tolstoy, a heat up tactic to cool down our philosophers blood, I suggest Any other member of this site shouldn't qoute me for that and cannot be taken as my final point of view.

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