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A Letter to the 16 Concerned Somali Citizens

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Letter to the Concerned Somali Citizens- not a press release, just a friendly note.


By: Mohamed Ibrahim


March 24, 2005


I, a Somali working and living in Merka (Somalia) read your recent albeit undated press release to the Honorable Somali leaders with interest and curiosity. I wonder how many of the addressed leaders want and/or can read a press release written in English. What is wrong with the Somali language? Arabic? Ksawahili? Amharic? Is it really impossible to translate your 1164 words (18 words per concerned citizen) into any language the Somali leaders can and want to understand. I think not. And I think, no I know for sure that Somalia is beyond the ‘Press Release' stage. Somalia needs action.


I believe you could have done better by advising the Honorable leaders privately than preaching to them publicly. You and I know and must respect our culture, the traditions and the decorum required when Somali leaders want to discuss serious matters whether it is under a tree or in a parliament. You have ignored this process and this makes me sad and very suspicious of your intentions. I'm curious about your motive for issuing this press release. Let me give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that you care about Somalia . If this is the case, then please come home and help. Come and teach our children, help our business people, anything- but talk and press release!


The tone of your press release is also very hostile. You sound arrogant, aggressive almost antagonistic for no apparent reason. You don't have the right to behave like this- Because you neither have the power to do anything about Somalia , nor are you providing any new positive, constructive ideas. I want to believe that your intention is honorable, but the delivery method used to discuss this urgent matter with the Honorable leaders is inappropriate and makes me doubt your recommendations' bona fide.


I also read and I think I understood Richard Boucher, Spokesman for the White House's press release of March 3, 2005 ‘ Somalia : Restoration of Governance'. I could not help but notice some similarities between the two press releases, i.e. trying to manage and solve Somalia 's problems remotely. Unfortunately, that is where the similarities of the two press releases end.


So where to from here? Let me add my 2 cents to the current discussion.


Throughout the history of mankind, human beings have learned that to develop one must learn from mistakes and move forward. We Somalis, we seem to ignore this simple fact. We want to stop the Earth and get off- come to think of it, if to another planet, this might not be a bad idea.


It takes courage and human decency to stand up and to say ‘I'm wrong', or ‘I made a mistake', we don't hear this from our leaders and our warlords or for that matter from the Concerned Somali Citizens cruising around the world. We are always pointing the finger at the other. Yesterday it was Colonial Europe , today it is Ethiopia , etc. etc. How about accepting our faults, and pointing to the enemy, the failures, the ungovernable, etc. us, you, I, we, the Somalis.


My fellow Somalis, let us accept that Somalia is a failed state, whichever dictionary you want to use. And by extension we, Somalis wherever we are, as a community somehow we are linked to this failed State. Ok, as individuals we might be successful in business, etc. BUT not as a community, and this is what our learned concerned Somali Citizens should focus on. This is what needs to be researched and resolved. By whom? By you and I. How? Through action, through thinking-the hardest job!


Lately, we are hearing a lot of noise from different groups in and outside Somalia about Ethiopia 's plans for Somalia . Again, the intention of this ‘noise' is good. Ethiopia might have a hidden agendum- to ultimate run and even take over Somalia . And we should not allow this to happen. There is a better option. See below.


My fellow Somalis, we can stop this now because there are still a few of us around who are old enough to know or care about Somalia . Today Ethiopia has organized military power to threaten Somalia . But tomorrow, Ethiopia will not need military power to invade Somalia . But will do so through its educated people and experts.


Looking not into the distance future, I believe there will be a new nation that will replace Somalia , Kenya and Ethiopia , let us call it something like Kensompia. The current leadership in Ethiopia , Kenya and Somalia(?) is not ready for this. Because they can't see beyond their nose.


The good news for Somalis is that they will be the majority in such an entity and most likely will be in a position to te this future nation's political, business and civil institutions. Now that is something the next generation of Somalis (or maybe those who are not born yet) can look forward to.


“I have done this†says my memory. “I could not have done this†says my pride – which stands firm, until, finally memory yields .


Mohamed Ibrahim


March 10, 2005.

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