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Calanka Somaliland u la gubay

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Khalaf, a colts fan eh?


Not everyone is as understanding and open minded as you are, so cover up your eyes while I rip these ************* apart, aight? Go colts by the way!lol



To Garaad Canood:


Apologize for the burning of the SOMALI flag you said? okay it goes...I, as red sea,an alien from the outer space have apologized for the burning of the SOMALI FLAG, yeah coming from an ICU supporter that is to Xabashi daba dhilif.good enough for ya? let me know if you need more okay mr. *************.


Ethiopian troops never enter somalia via Hargeysa or Somaliland, they entered through Mudug everytime,in mid 80s and in 2006 to kill other somalis, tell me I am wrong.The only nonsense talker is well noted dear daba dhilif.


I dont' support a politician whether it's Cali Waraabe or anyone else, when did I supported him? you are misleading yourself by making wrongful assumptions...and for God sakes,the man isn't my uncle nor should I be held acountable of what he utters,since unlike you I support not of what he says or the political statements that he made or will make.


Taako "man" ***********************


You are all over the place, if you trully hate the Ethiopians to an extent that you would even deny to see their civilians anywhere on somali soil then I must why do you even support their involvement into somalia militarily?


Somaliland is also influence by Ethiopia and can be considered mini daba dhilif, however you haven't seen Somaliland draging Xabashis troops to kill other somalis have we, all you have are few harmless sportsmen, what else you got? I got tanks,planes, filthy Xabashi soldiers killing somalis in both cities and in country side.In fact Xamar, the capital of "your" house is being occupied,what a shame..can we reallly compare those two?


On a serious note, I can really sense the desperation from you two, Garaadless and ********* Taako.You are trying to do every bit to cover up and make an excuse in order to justify your support for the budhcad which is being driven and used as door handles by the Xabashis to kill othe somalis illegally.


Ileen ********* qiiq kama kacdee daamanka ayey meerisaa.


[ January 18, 2007, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea:


Taako "man" ********************


You are all over the place, if you trully hate the Ethiopians to an extent that you would even deny to see their civilians anywhere on somali soil then I must why do you even support their involvement into somalia militarily?


Somaliland is also influence by Ethiopia and can be considered mini daba dhilif, however you haven't seen Somaliland draging Xabashis troops to kill other somalis have we, all you have are few harmless sportsmen, what else you got? I got tanks,planes, filthy Xabashi soldiers killing somalis in both cities and in country side.In fact Xamar, the capital of "your" house is being occupied,what a shame..can we reallly compare those two?


On a serious note, I can really sense the desperation from you two, Garaad****** and ********* Taako.You are trying to do every bit to cover up and make an excuse in order to justify your support for the budhcad which is being driven and used as door handles by the Xabashis to kill othe somalis illegally.


Ileen ********** qiiq kama kacdee daamanka ayey meerisaa.

Firstly ******** Mujahid Sea, justifying whether one area is more dhabdhili.f then the other is clearly a sign that you knowingly acknowledge the fact that "SOMALILAND" is an ethiopian dabdhilif. Why don't you concentrate on freeing yourself from the shackles of the ethiopians? Like the ex-SNM against the old regime in which they kicked out the red berets in...WAS IT 1985 like the fairytale goes? :D


Oh I forgot the Ethiopian dhabdhilif Riyaale threw all the SNM soldiers in jail while he is a president of a region in which he massacred the population. Isn't he the reason for the self determination? Or atleast part of it?


Fix your ship before you jump on my ship. Your house is as dirty as mine.


Do you know that Berbera has the highest rate of HIV in somalia/Seccesionland according to the document? Why is that? Habeshi are so close is the puppetry rubbing off on the local population too?


[ January 18, 2007, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^huh, remember this isnt some type of chat room.We are suppose to make sense here.


Or am I in the wrong thread, I gues I am,sorry to bother you,I thought for second I was reasoning with a ***************.


[ January 18, 2007, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^ People often become ************* when the truth hits them smack dab between their eyes. Sad indeed. You chatter like ******, but when the tough gets going you resort to name calling and ******** attitude.


[ January 18, 2007, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Folks, listen: This name-calling isn't going to no where. Will you guys, baliis, stop it for once and for all?


You argued to death. None can change one's opinion, ee marka afxumeynta maa joojisiin. Mise our "baliis" ayaa si kale loo qaatay. Don't force us to use other available means. We really value the difference of opinion, in a respected way.


Dadka magac ayee ku leeyihiin meeshaan, "dabadhirif" iyo "SNM mujaahid" magacyadooda ma'aha. Baliis, baliis, respect the the forum's rules and its reputation. Meeshaan ma'aha suuqbacaad iyo suuqsiinaay.


We cannot accept aflagaado in any way, in any means, intended or not. Wax la aqbali karo.


A serious warning.

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^MMA, my brother,I didn't say anything to offend anyone.The most "offensive" word which I uttered was daba dhilif,waana wax ku banaan.I am not even so sure what you deleted there is offensive.


As for Taako child, my child,I didnt resort to any personal insults,however,I would rather reason with grown ups you see, you are too young for me,sorry I like to hang out with the big boys you see.What is so offensive about that? baroorta iga daa yarow.


You know you have no argument to counter mind,so instead you brought HIV/AiDS and stuff that had nothign to do with the topic,so fix up your game before we can start playing again.

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Red sea


Continue with the name calling. Civilized debates go without namecalling and the like theoreof.


You talk about ethiopian invasion of Somalia but yet you ignore the simplest infiltration of ethiopia and that is there disease. Its prevelance can not be ignored. You know that and I know that. It very much had relevance to the topic. IF you side track on Ethiopia's supposed takeover of Somalia how can I not harp on the fact that they have a presence in goboolaada Waqooyi galbeed ?

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********** (Red sea), waayo guumeesi baa u ooyasaa



I didn’t say I support Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu, you just accusing me for some odd reasons


Anyways, I have to worry about somalilanders -xabashis occupying adhicadeeye, before I deal with the xabashis in Mogadishu



In preceding thread, you said you admire Waraabe because he is outspoken like Ahmadnejid president of Iran, maybe you were referring to this ““ wiilka Hargeysa iyo addis ababa kudhashay waa is xigaan”


Brother don’t lie,


I never see you talking about expelling Ethiopian civilians, and troops, stopping Ethiopian airlines to enter your imaginary Somaliland, and banning xabashi s to use Barbara port that’s if you are serious, then I might support you otherwise no one want to entertain your two-facedness


TFG is at least a legitimate government, has a broad base meaning all clans/regions are represented, and a product of long and intense Somali peace and reconsolidation conference.


True, some members of TFG are warlords but that’s understandable since all Somali leaders are warlords including to your leader riyoole and dear adeer waraabe


Somaliland is one-clan project, and Riyoole was elected by people of northwest



Stop the aflagaado. A first warning.


[ January 18, 2007, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Baddacase, you can call Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo wixii lamid ah public figure eh "dabadhirif" iyo any other name aad u heysid; others as well can as well call Riyaale iyo wixii lamid ah "secessionist."


It is only dadka meeshaan ka qeyb qaato loogu waco waxaas, since they aren't public figures. Same rules applies others calling you "secessionist" and "SNM mujaahid."


Both are mild, not that offensive, oo waa loo dulqaadan karaa; however and nonetheless people are overdoing it and overabusing.


It is also where name-calling starts from, it starts from mild and before you know, laba ayaa af isku heysata.


Taako, "jukebox," like other names I mentioned above, wax weyn ma'aha, but it refers qof af weyn, yacni afweyne robotic eh.


Si fiican u dooda, hadaadan name-calling ka resist gareyn karina, iskala dhaafa. Xoog majiro, wah.

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^waan gartay, I will respect that walaal.


As for Garaad Canood(I have no choice but to refer you such, inkastoo aanad uqalmin nin garaad isku sheegah).


I am not accusing anything,but you have everything wrong.You simply don't make any sense.You have seen me here speak out against the mini daba dhilif Daahir Riyale or whatever you want to call him and his support for the Xabashis is well noted,that is why I dislike him, you see.


Secondly, if we start being honest to each other,you would have known when the topic is regarding the current open and naked aggression of EThiopia into somalia, you start to jump else where,so you could just justify it,let us be honest now,we know you love the political chunk of the TFG, which is a door handle for EThiopia,therefore,it would make you seem a huge lier if you waved the blue flag yet you cheer on this Xabashi driven piece of trash.


Moreover, I don't know how many times I have to repeat this to you but I never said I admire anything that Faysal Cali waraabe says.I said he is like Iranian leader,in comparison just because he doesn't hide or isn't afraid to say anything in public, good or bad, refering to the Iranian leader when he said the Jews should wiped off the phase of earth, so for that I was refering to his hadal cadaantiisa.I hope you don't get it twisted this time.Let it sink aboowe.


TFG is legit government, are you kidding me,well there you have.That is exactly what I was talking about.You see no somali took part in that nor casted any votes axcept bunch of warlords who gotten together to sort their differnces out.It is nothing but work of EThiopian and Kenya, thus it's called puppet government.It lucks the leadership,lucks a vision and way forward.Nor does it operate of what the somali people want, they function on what Ethiopia and its kind want.


Somaliland is influenced by Ethiopia as well,which is huge unfortunate to say the least,however can you tell me how that is compare to bringing Xabashis to occupy the capital of Somalia?


If you proudly support and believe what the noble blue flag stands for then your enemy who is on the way is EThiopia,if you don't believe you better start believing it now.


Taako Man(have no choice,inkastoo ay kugu banaantay in aad iska dhimato waayo dhimasho waxba ma dhaantid,hadii maanta aad la socotid xabashi).


Anyways,you said simple things? well there you have it,let us NOT focus on simple things and let us focus on what on priority right now, and that is the issue regarding the Xabashis in Somalia? do you have an argument to counter mind,if so,feel free to let it out.Since you all of sudden start to tail spin into acting more like mature "man",then gues what I am more than willing to clean whatever rubish you throw out there.


Subax wanaagsan.

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^ The habeshi's are in Somalia whether it be in hargeisa or in Xamar. Your picking and choosing and selectively turning a blind eye to the "HOME FRONT" is not healthy and dialogue can't move past anywhere witht that mentality.


Your argument is they are in Somalia. True. Somalia Proper including the break away regions of Waqooyi Galbeed. That should not be left out.


Anyhow Habeen Wanaagsaan Walaal.

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Taako man,


Remember you are addressing a full grown man here, you are simply telling me to accept bunch of bull crap.


There are no Xabashi troops in Hargeysa,however their influence does exist, no question about it adeero.


But Xamar, that is totally whole new thang.


sweet dreams awoow.

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Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea:

Khalaf, a colts fan eh?


Not everyone is as understanding and open minded as you are, so cover up your eyes while I rip these ************* apart, aight? Go colts by the way!lol

colts and bears can i say inshallah :D .....but maybe an upset lets hope not!


Red its funny how much i learned on SOL it got me interested in somalia, couple of months ago i never heard of SL, sool, or sanaag, i remember IB posted the SL flag and i thought it was an arab flag :D .....since then i been getting on ppls nerves asking questions.....and i learned the history of the somali flag, ppl feel strong about it, many died for it to free somalia from colonization guumaysii and its unfrotunate the 1st place it was raised waaqoyee the flag was burned, same thing with the ethios in the capital, same thing with the civil war, destroying and looting of public treasures, the life and honor of another brother a somali being worth little!.........we have astrayed from the ideals of those early noble men!


About SL and sool/sanaag i heard all the arguements ninyahow all i can say is the white man did a great job!!!!!!!

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