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Islam and Aids and the 21st century

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Asalamu aleykum.


I participated in the world aids concert here in capetown, during the course of the month long preparations i got into an argument with an U.N official based in ethiopia.

The crux of the argument had been concerning the AIDS situation in Somalia.

His argument was that although at the moment the rate of infection is one of the lowest in the world at the present moment, in a couple of years time the rate of infection is going to skyrocket out of all porpotion.


He gave the following reasons:


1: the topic of AIDS is completely Taboo in our society, and even when it is discussed it is dismissed as a habeshi problem or adoon monkey problem , not taking into account that at one time or another 20% of the female somali population have been forced to live in ethiopia and kenya , now we all know that many women unfortunatly had to turn to prostituion to save their families, or else were raped by ethiopian and Kenyan soldiers and gedarmeire.


2: He also said due to the somali culture if a young man or woman wishes to have a *fling* with a member of the opposite sex, it is usually done outside of the community.


3: Lastly he gave an example of many cases of the most common disease in the somali geel-jire community namely T.B having been mis-diagnosed.


My question to my fellow muslims is this


1: is it acceptable to promote the use of condom's, recognising the fact that many people cannot remain celibate.


2: There is a hadith stating that unless one has an express evidence to be doubtfull of a fellow muslim, any suspicion is sinfull. (please feel free to clarify because i am getting this from memory)

so what is the stance of the religion on the taking of blood-tests before marriage.


3: lastly but not least is the very idea of sexual education an abomination, or does the curriculum practised make it unacceptable?


I ask this question so i can get more points and so other forum memebers might have their queries answered.

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Good topic For discussion.


Cleay this is another problem that seems to be developing within our already beligued country, admitedly i dont no the numbers infected, or the rate of infection, i read somewhee else o th forums that in Galqacyo it was something like 4 in every 100.


I suspect that we might know of the answers to teh questions you possed, but i will await a more knowledgble nomad to give you a precise answer

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1: is it acceptable to promote the use of condom's, recognising the fact that many people cannot remain celibate.

In relation to this question, I have an article today in one of the local newspapers


"The Vatican gave a strong defence yesterday of its position AGAINST CONDOMS saying




were the best ways to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS

in a "pan-sexualist society".


Now isn't it strange that AIDS gets a more attention then Cancer, Heart Attacks, Guns etc.

and all other diseases and ailments that run more

rampant than it.

How many countries have AIDS as there #1 KILLER

and how many have Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes etc. as their #1 KILLERS.


The statement 'PAN-SEXUALIST SOCIETY' says it all.

Meaning we live in a world were the common bond for people has been become SEXUALITY and not religion anymore.

Cities are more likely to support an event related

to 'Sexuality' then to Religion or the Family bond.


Its a SIGN of the TIMES, and

Religion doesn't need to 'GET WITH THE TIMES'.


Fi Amanallah

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1: is it acceptable to promote the use of condom's, recognising the fact that many people cannot remain celibate.

My answer: Condoms don't protect- it's a risky. A piece of rubber just isn't going to work. Follow allah's law-remain celibate until marriage, and if you can't get married-fast.


so what is the stance of the religion on the taking of blood-tests before marriage.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Islam from what I know doesn't deny blood-tests before marriage.My reasoning is that Islam is a religion of logic. It's a good idea to test you're future husband/wife before you get married-because they might not even be aware that they have this disease.


That's all I can answer to my knowledge. I'm waiting from others for the other ?'s.

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I think in order to protect ourselves from the AIDS virus is to have better education about it. It shouldn't be a taboo because no matter which muslim country you live, there will be fornicators and homosexuality. Therefore, what about the rest of the population who aren't both. They will suffer the consequences when they don't get the 411 on sexuality and all things related (i.e. condoms). I think it's necessary, especially for women, to have their future husbands and themselves to be tested (because who knows where the others have been really?). Not just for HIV but also for other VDs that are serious (syphillis, herpes).


You can choose to ignore the rising problem or you can try to fight it before it becomes a problem!

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