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Next war: Kambooni vs Shabaab.

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Originally posted by dhufayz:

alshabaab oo isku soo aruurisay kismayo oo kasoo cararayah duurka ama badiyah waxaa ku kacay ree miyigii iyo dadkii badiyah jubooyinka awal qarin jiray hada waxaa lasheegayaah inee shabaab wado waan waan balse kanbooniyiintii iyo caanoole oo diidan arinkaas hada waxaa lasheegayaah ciidan badan inee ku soo wajahan yihiin dhanka magalada kismayo xafada badankood oo laga soo dhawaynayo magalada dhexdeeda ciyarta kanbooniyiinta iyo caanoole waxee ku soogaleen 4-4-2-1 waxaa laga dawanayaah Tv ifiiri. live



LOL... :D:D


Who wants to bet with me? The ragtag militias of the Ras kambooni & Caanoole(a.k.a Xabashas pretending to be Somali) will get their a$$es served to them. By the time it's all over, they will ALL wish they were back in their desert across the border-- like the rest of their irresolute brothers-- playing the ever obedient and pusillanimous slave to their master in Addis Ababa.

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Speaking of bet, a few days from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't say than by the ones you did say now.


Why are you arguing with your self anyway? :D

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First of all-- who the hell are you?


Secondly, I understand you have this pitiful grievance against me like most of you xabasha brethren and I'm not surpirsed but you need not take things personal. Granted Al Shabab are deviants worthy of contempt but nonetheless they are still Somali unlike the stinking Xabasha malitia opposing them in Kismayo--And thus I will take their side in this beef any-day.

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The Zack   

BS! Roughly about 8 months ago, you were supporting Xabashi's Xamar invasion and was calling them your brothers. What's even worse then that is you were worshiping a man that was worshiping the xabashis, so technically Xabashis were/are your godfathers and now all the of the sudden you are against them and you would choose Shabaabs over Xabashis.


Oh I forgot they used ur lord( their slave) and kicked him to a very far away "desert" (as you would call it)and now you are mad at them.

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Waxaa Qeylo dhaan ka soo yeertay kadib Hogaamiye Xasan Turki oo ka mid ahaa Hogaamiyayaasha islaamiyiinta gaar ahaan kuwa Raaskaanbooni’ waxa uuna gaasahaanka u daruuray Maamulkaasi Kismaayo, waxa uuna ku hanjabay in meshaasi ay balo ka soo socoto.



Saacado kadib waxaa Saxaafada la hadlay asaga oo arintaasi ka hadlaya Afhayeenka Sheekh Cali Dheere oo goor dhow Warbaahinta Muqdisho qaarkeed la hadlay ayaa sheegay in Shabaab ay diyaar u tahay midnimo ay la gasho Xooogaga Islaamiyiinta ah ee kale.


Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Ixtiraam iyo Tixgelin u hayaan Sheekh Xasan Turki iyo Islaamiyiinta kale oo uu sheegay in ay yihiin Aabayaashii Jihaadka sida uu hadalka u dhigay



"Waan soo dhawaynaynaa Midnimada ka timid walaalkeen Sheekh Xasan waana Mujaahid aan Ixtiraam u hayno, waxaan diyaar u nahay in aan qayb ka qaadano Midnimada Sheekh Xasan noogu baaqay"ayuu yiri Sheekh Cali Dheere.


Afhayeenka Alshabaab oo la weydiiyay Khilaafka magaalada Kismaayo ka jiro ayaa sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin xalinta arrimaha Kismaayo oo uu tibaaxay inayt diyaar u yihiin inay qanciyaan walaalaha kale.



"Way jiraan arrimahaas waxa kaliya oo jira ayaa ah in Wilaayadii Kismaayo ay la midoowday wilaayaadkii kale taasna wax dhib ah ma lahan laakin haddii walaala kale dhibsadeen waan kala hadlaynaa"ayuu mar kale ku celiyay Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage.


Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:



First of all-- who the hell are you?

Ma seege ma hanbeeye seedigaa weeye qarax hadaad rabto ,,,,


Adeer qarax baan ku iri ,,,, :D:D

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The Zack   

Tell him Jafe, tell him. This banned/came-back kid aka DHulQarneyn/"Mr.Soma lia" aint get no clue how it is done in the lower Jubba.


P.s. Some one from Garowe calls Lower Jubba a desert walee waa yaab.

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Translation: Sheekh Ali Dheere Said :"Turki and the Kaambooni camp are our fathers" :D


Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Ixtiraam iyo Tixgelin u hayaan Sheekh Xasan Turki iyo Islaamiyiinta kale oo uu sheegay in ay yihiin Aabayaashii Jihaadka sida uu hadalka u dhigay

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Tell him Jafe, tell him. This banned/came-back kid aka DHulQarneyn/"Mr.Soma lia" aint get no clue how it is done in the lower Jubba.


P.s. Some one from Garowe calls Lower Jubba a desert walee waa yaab.

Zack, you're incredibly pointless. I am not dulqaarun. That's just a lame accusation with no merit and as ever you're always trying to score cheap points with such deflections rather than focusing on the topic at hand.


Anyone with a brain knows that the days of your adeer Turki, are numbered. Al Shabab will cut off his head and defecate on his little beard by the time they are done with him. And the desert I was referring is not anywhere near the lower Juba, but the ONLF region in eastern Ethiopia-- that Turki's pestilent xabashas originate from.


Now my little plank, don't you have some remittance to send to some god forsaken ONLF refugee camp? Quit this slobbering crap you post on SOL and go earn money to send back to the ONLF desert. Chop-chop hurry!

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The Zack   

^We are discussing the lower Jubba of SOMALIA here, I don't see your point of bringing ONLF or Western Somalia into the discussion unless you only see things through the mirror of clan. So it is you, yaa banned/came-back kid, that needs to stay on the topic at hand!


And stop denying who u are, even though we have bigger evidence that you are the infamous-name-callin g-Dhulqarneyn your signature says it all.

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Mr. Somalia,


Don't you dare talk about "pestilent xabashas", you worshipper of the biggest xabashi slave in the history of Somalia, C/llahi "Wild Dog" Yusuf. Mr. Turki takes a 250 kg sh*t on you and your stinking master.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Turki is the architect of the armed Islamic movement in the country. The Al-shabaab boys will steer clear of antagonising this old man.

You are correct that AS boys will steer clear of challenging Turki. And it could be the reason they have left the city peacefully.


It was known AS breaking promise to Kambooni( & other Islamists) could cause someone harm. They shouldn't have done that, in the first place. But from now on lets hope they learn from their miscalculated mistakes and never ever break another promise.

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