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Salaad Cali Jeelle: Dekedda waa ay furan tahay


Mogadishu 29, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Ciidamada dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia oo kaashanaya kuwa Ethiopia ayaa xalay soo galay magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo qeybo ka mid ah ay ku so wajahan yihiin dekedda weyn ee magaalada Muqdisho, halkaasi oo uu ku sugan yahay wasiir K/xigeenka g/dhigga dowladda Somalia oo sheegay in dekedda ay furan tahay.


Wariyeyaasha shabelle ayaa saakay lugta soo mariyay wadooyinka caasimadda Somalia, si ay u soo indho indheeyaan xaaladda iyo isbadalada ku yimid magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxaa la tilmaamayaa in ay soo marayaaan agagaarka Seey biyaano, iyagoo ku kala wajahan Airaporka iyo dekedda.


Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Somalia oo uu horkacayo wasiir K/xigeenka G/dhigga dowladda Somalia ayaa ku sugan dekedda Muqdisho, iyadoo salaad Cali Jeelle oo halkaasi ka hadlay uu sheegay in dekedda ay furan tahay isla markaana ay gacanta ku heyso dowladda Somalia.


Ma jiro wax maleeshiyooyin hubeysan oo maanta lagu arkayo caasimadda, iyadoo ciidamada dowladda ay si tartiib tariib ah ula wareegayaan goobaha muhiimka ah sida dekedda iyo Airaporka.


Ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia oo xalay ka hadlay kulan uu la qaatay Odayaasha degmada Afgooye ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dowladda Somalia ay gacanta ku heyso caasimadda


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Muqdisho: Ciidmada dawlada oo la wareegay garoonka iyo dekedda Muqdisho.


Jimce, December 29, 2006


Muqdisho (AllPuntland)- Ciidamada dawlada Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay gaareen gudaha magaalada Muqdisho iyaga oo gacanta ku dhigay deegaano badan oo magaalada ka mid ah.


Ciidamada ayaa waxa ay ku sugan yihin degmada Huruwaa ee dhanka Koonfureed ee magalaada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada ayaa waxa ay intooda badan ku sugan yihin dakadda iyo Airport-ka magaalada Muqdisho, oo ay kala wareegeen malay shoyooyinkii gacanta ku hayay.


Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee ka soo baxayay magaalada Muqdisho aya waxa ay shegayaan in ciidamada dawladda ay tageen degmooyin badan oo magaalada ku yaalla.


Waxaa la filayaa in dhowaan ay la waregi doonaan dhamaan amaanka magaalada Muqdisho.


Sidoo kale ciidamadu waxa ay ku guulaysteen in ay magaalada ka joojiyaan fawdadii iyo boobkii bilowday markii ay maxkamaduhu ka baxeen magaalada Muqdisho.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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16 sano oo fawdo iyo xasilooni daro dabadeed Magaala madaxda somaliya Muqdisho oo dawlad soomaaliyeed ka taliso.

Posted to the Web Dec 28, 12:46



Muqdisho: 28-Dec-2006, PO: Magaala madaxda soomaaliya ee Muqdisho ayaa caaway gacanta u gashey ciidamada xooga dalkas soomaaliya. In ka badan 16 sano magaalada muqdisho kama aysan jirin wax nadaam ama maamul ah.


Ciidamadani waxay magaalada galeen iyagoon haba yaraatee wax iska cabin ah kala kulmin maxkamadaha, wararka aan halkaas ka helayno waxay sheegayaan in masu’uuliyiinta maxkamadaha ay iskaga baxeen magaalada muqdisho isla markaan hubkii ay haysteen ku wareejiyey maleeshiyo beeleedyadii horey hubka looga qaadey.


Dad badan oo horey maxkamadaha nadaamkooda ula dhacsanaa ayaa ka xumaadey sida masuuuliyada darada ah ee maxkamaduhu ay reer muqdisho hub ugu dhiibeen dhalinyaro fawdo iyo dhib ku haya reer muqdisho.


Gudiga aminiga qaranka ee soomaaliya ee xaruntoodu tahay magaalada Baydhao ayaa isku raacey in magalada muqdisho amngeeda si buuxda loo adkeeyo isla markaana hubka ay haystaan shcabku ay geeyaan xarumaha ay joogaan ciidamda dawlada ee caaway galey magaalada muqdisho.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee soomali fara badan ayaa ku tilmaamey talaabada ciidamada dawladu kula wareegeen muqdisho mid rajo u soo celinaysa siyaasada soomliya oo muddo faraha ka baxsanayd.


Puntlandonline Team

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Somali government seeks control


Prime Minister Ghedi celebrates advances against the Islamists

The Somali transitional government is making moves to assert its authority over the capital Mogadishu, a day after its forces moved into the city.

Government members are talking to clan leaders about arrangements for taking over Mogadishu, which they have never been in charge of before.


PM Ali Mohamad Ghedi said martial law could be imposed in the country.


Correspondents question whether the government can maintain security if its Ethiopian backers leave.


There have been reports of gunfire and looting since Islamist forces left.


Meanwhile the United Nations refugee agency said at least 17 people died and 140 were missing after two boats packed with people fleeing the conflict in Somalia capsized in the Gulf of Aden.


They had been trying to offload their passengers in Yemen, but were spotted by the Yemeni coast guard, who opened fire.


As they tried to head back to sea, bad weather and the movement of frightened people on board caused the boats to capsize.


'Strong hand'


Mr Ghedi, who returned to his home village for the first time in four years, acknowledged the difficult task facing the government.



"This country has experienced anarchy and in order to restore security we need a strong hand, especially with freelance militias," he said.


He said the government was seeking parliamentary approval to impose martial law on Saturday.


Government forces, backed by Ethiopian troops, marched into parts of Mogadishu on Thursday, hours after the UIC abandoned the capital they had held for six months.


Residents in the north of the city reported cars and mobile phones being stolen after the UIC departure. Rising insecurity forced most businesses to stop trading, our correspondent said.


Some residents cheered the troops, but others feared a return to lawlessness.


It was not clear whether the Ethiopians were also entering the city.


Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said his troops' mission was restricted to removing the threat of the UIC.


Islamist fighters fled towards the port city of Kismayo, their last remaining stronghold, 500km (300 miles) to the south, but the movement has pledged to fight on.


Meanwhile, a UIC delegation has been in Nairobi, meeting Kenyan officials and Western diplomats.


The African Union has called for Ethiopian forces to leave Somalia. But the UN Security Council failed to agree on a statement calling for the withdrawal of all foreign forces.


Hardline elements


The UIC has its roots in the north of Mogadishu. Courts administering Islamic law restored order in a city bedevilled by anarchy since the overthrow of former President Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.



In parts of Mogadishu, life seemed to be going on as normal

The UIC assumed control of the capital in June, driving warlords out and rapidly extending their influence to much of southern Somalia - with the exception of Baidoa, the seat of the transitional Somali government.


That body, set up in 2004 after talks between Somali factions, has been unable to meet in the capital because of opposition first from warlords, then from the UIC.


Almost all Somalis are Muslim and after years of lawlessness, many were happy to have some kind of law and order under the UIC.


But some are wary of the hardline elements among the UIC.


The UIC have staged public executions and floggings of people they have found guilty of crimes such as murder and selling drugs.


UIC leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is accused by both Ethiopia and the US of having links to al-Qaeda - charges he denies.

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