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Surrounding Mountain Ranges to find a Non-Existent ONLA Units

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Surrounding Mountain Ranges to find a Non-Existent ONLA Units

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 03:18

****** Online Editorial


Since yesterday, different members of the Self Styled Somali Fiefdom in North Western Somalia (SSSFNWS) have been very forthcoming with news of the surrounding of ****** National Liberation Army (ONLA) units in the Golis mountain ranges bordering Somalia, Djibouti, and the ******.


These individuals while wanting to appear prepared and doing Woyane bidding in the name of ‘national security,’ came across as a confused lot who could not even get their facts straight. First they were unsure of the number of ONLA units that may have landed in their shores. All over sudden, they came up with widely fluctuating numbers from 100, 200, 300, and over 500 by last count while claiming that they are yet to encounter a single ONLA soldier of the supposed large numbers that have ‘landed in their shores.’


When these raving lunatics realized that their wildly concocted stories of the existence of large ONLA units in the border region raised more questions than any answers it may have provided, they have then changed their tune into displaying, among other things, rusted Klanishkovs and sacks of rocket propelled grenades. They have claimed that these were items left behind by the yet-to-be found ONLA units.


If we assume that their stories are correct, then any sane individual would ask these questions: Why would an army that did not encounter any resistance leave behind some of its weaponry? Why would such an army leave behind evidence that would point to their origin as claimed by the SSSFNWS’s talking heads?


We, the ****** Editorial Board (OEB), know that there is neither a single shred of evidence of ONLA units deployed outside of ****** nor ONLA units surrounded in the Golis Mountains as is claimed by members of the SSSFNW.


We also know that this story shines the light more on the incompetency of both SSSFNWS’s and the Woyane regime’s militia and intelligence gathering units. How could both of them only come to know about the existence of the deployment of large ONLA units after the fact?


Aside from SSSFNWS's propaganda, the only thing that this story does is to demonstrate to all the tactical and logistical brilliance of the ONLF in flawlessly executing such a herculean military mission at a time when the Woyane regime was telling anyone who would listen that this organization was now ‘defunct’ as a result of having signed ‘a peace treaty’ with the Woyane regime in Addis Ababa.

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I found this very funny.


On a related development, we can now confirm the number of casualties among ONLF is much, much,much lower than previously feared. I am still reluctant to give numbers although I have some, because I want to be absolutely sure what I write about this story is 100% correct from start to finish.


The last thing I want is to surround deserted mountains!! :D:D Dukey knows what i mean! :D:D


War beentaada hore runtaada dambe yey dishaa yaa la yidhiye, ha la is ilaaliyo marka arimahan laga hadlayo.

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Sheekada sounded plausible when they were saying they had the mountains surrounded and the commandos were trapped, but then things fell apart when they started to claim they were "shelling" the mountains and thereby insinuating that they possess the balls to dare engage the ONLF!


Silly cockroaches.. :D

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Self Styled Somali Fiefdom in North Western Somalia (SSSFNWS)


Anigu magacan (SSSFNWS) ayaan la rafanayaa, sidii aan u xafidi lahaa. Waa magac dheer oo aad u dhib badan. Abtigiis, magaca noo fududee.

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Originally posted by Showqi:

Self Styled Somali Fiefdom in North Western Somalia (SSSFNWS)


Anigu magacan (SSSFNWS) ayaan la rafanayaa, sidii aan u xafidi lahaa.

ku cel celi adeer ,,, kor u qaad weliba... :D:D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

i give the credit ... Nimanku Milix bay iska dhigi karaan intay jawaano galaan ,,

Don't be silly JB. Everyone knows that the ONLF troopers, like a family taking a stroll in the middle of Hyde park, promenaded through the Awdal countryside unperturbed. Unfortunately for your habar enclave, this defiant and deliberate impudence is a harbinger for more beach landings to come in the near future.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Mr. Somalia,


for once, give credit to the powder-milk boys.

Well I've always given more credit to the powder-milk boys, than the powder-milk boys could ever give their enigmatic pirate cousins of Puntland.


But there's hope for you yet. :D

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