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unacceptable in islam

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it was a horrible,evil and act of terrorism,those who parpatrate has no faith in safing moslim and non-moslim civilians innocent is totally agaist the teaching of peacfull islamic religone,mosllim leaders around the world must act and act quickly to defend the name of islam which the terrorist intend to dirtfy.the most victims-interms of human lifes, economicaly politicaly and socialy- of these attacks are moslims.our thought and prayer are with those moslim who lost their lives in this outrageous terrorism barbaric attack in Istanbul.

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Turkey helped the kufaar in attacking a muslim country, those who aid the kufaar in conflict are considered to be one of them.........


May condolences go out to all the muslims who have lost their lives due to a conflict that none of us can even begin to grasp the extent to which this war on terror (or on fundametal islamic beliefs/ways)is aimed at deviding us even more. Illahay ha-unaxristo dadki dintay! ameen


There is a war going on, they kill muslims everyday in all parts of the world, Phillipines, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palesting, Algeria, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Ujbekistan, to name but a few, but that aint shown/seen/heard on TV. Thats real terrorism where that objective is to effectively ethnically clense.


However, dont expect sympathy from myself towards the Turkish Govt, they have reaped what they have sawn. Thats my opinion but Allah swc knows best.



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I have no sympathy for the turkish government. They are the worst enemy off muslims and Islam

in think turkish goverment unlike arab goverments promoted democracy and freedom in their citizens.they do not hide their relation with western or isreal like arab countries do.turkey recognised isreal only after egypty and jordan.turkey had been bushed into corner by arab countries.had they show them their closeness and copration with turkey as leading in terms of millity and histry country,turkey would have been more close to them than turkey is ruled by islamist party.inspired by professor arbkan.i think it is quite unrealistic one to expect turkey to cut off all it's rrelation with wetern world.turkey is only moslim country that democraticaly oposed the iraq war. i even remember a senior american official

democracy in turkey is not american intrest

whilealmost arab country (except syria and may be masir)supported the world in one way or another.

i do not see why we do not sympathise with our brothers who lost thier lives in barbaric attack in istanbul.not only turkish moslims but also the iranian and all moslim who were injured and killed in that horffic attack.

my GOd bless their souls


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