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London: Meet Puntland Presidential candidate Nuradin tomorrow, Saturday 18/10/2008

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Give the civil servants their chance to lead, since independence we have seen what military men can do. Unfortunately its never to far from the barrel of the gun. Let the paper & pen pushers have a go.


Chief Yacquub you are back with a bang :D

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The secessionists need to understand the term President, as in the context of maybe Germany, how many Presidents in state level does it have?


As for Nurridin, Farjac, Gen Ilkajiir they are a trully great group to contest the election. Anyone of them would do well.


Experince is a difficult thing to measure we have Obama in the US who is juniour Senator against the "vast" experince of the POW and two decade serving Senator Mcain.

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Whatever the romance, this man will not win. We want Cade to come back. He has taken all the money he could, it is time for him to rebuild the country. We dont want another returnee from Europe or North America to appropriate our funds.


Yacqoob, boowe sophist iyo anigu ma sawir ayaad naga wada daawatey waa yaabi. As I have said many times, Fahiye is Fahiye and Sophist is another man, though I wont mind to be mistaken to be him as he is a fine young man.

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That gobol is a country now? Really?


I see now. I got the picture. A "president" in a "country." It isn't even suggested a nation or state, but country, which has a lot more explicit meaning than the two other usual terms. Maxaa dhiman? That gobol's own official currency, flag, national anthem and citizenship...

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I know Nuradin, however I think its too soon for him to lead Puntland, may be next election, not this one, we need strong army man to get us out this mess, too many pirates and burcad...

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Sheekada intaad iska daysaan, odayga meeshiisii u baneeya, he is badly looking for a face saving maneuver.


Anyhow, the days of regions acting as independent nations are numbered. Today the ethiopians were sent back to baidoa, after they failed in misery.

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The foul-mouthed Cadde, whose incumbency achieved little more bolster his capacity for invective, has had his allotment in the power deal. So it is time for fresh ideas and fresh opinions to lead the way - and that is where Mr Nurudin comes in. Unfortunately his knocks are hardly creating any resonance among the masses. There are experienced criminals ready to pounce on this poor soul once he sets foot in Puntland.


I would choose him over any other candidate currently campaigning, not because of his (or lack of) credentials or anything as such, but for my desire to deoderize the vitiated atmosphere that the region has become; for my urge disinfect the region of the obstinate souls and their impudence that has defiled and sullied the beauty of the place; and for a hope that a fresh breeze will somehow reconstruct this marred portrait that Puntland has become.


But though melodiously warbling on its prominent perch, the young bird must grow some plummage necessary for flight before taking to the skies. That is if is to fly against the seasoned vultures gyrating in swirls above its head.

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Puntland is more than a Gobol lad. Its 40% of Somalia and has been running its affairs for over 10 years. Adeer Bari, Sanaag, Nugaal, Mudug, Sool are not just Gobols they are together a huge land mass. With huge populations [relative to Somali's]. My own North Mudug region is bigger than the republic of Djibouti. Thus whats your point?


It has many institutions of a state and has been successful in maintaining its order and unity regardless of the incomopetence of its leaders, the poverty of its people and the many atte,pst by its enemies external and internal to destroy it. The idea is profound.


As for the candidates. I prefer Gen Jama & Pro Farjac. Nuridin is in the second group. Cade and Faroole are my last choices.


However who ever wins will be Puntland leader and we will continue to rebuild our state, defend it and try to find the soilutions to its many problems.

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Puntland needs to be rescued that is for sure.


Duke acuudka waxanoo hanjabad digaag ah miyaad naga daysid abti.

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

The foul-mouthed Cadde, whose incumbency achieved little more bolster his capacity for invective, has had his allotment in the power deal. So it is time for fresh ideas and fresh opinions to lead the way - and that is where Mr Nurudin comes in. Unfortunately his knocks are hardly creating any resonance among the masses. There are experienced criminals ready to pounce on this poor soul once he sets foot in Puntland.


I would choose him over any other candidate currently campaigning, not because of his (or lack of) credentials or anything as such, but for my desire to deoderize the vitiated atmosphere that the region has become; for my urge disinfect the region of the obstinate souls and their impudence that has defiled and sullied the beauty of the place; and for a hope that a fresh breeze will somehow reconstruct this marred portrait that Puntland has become.


But though melodiously warbling on its prominent perch, the young bird must grow some plummage necessary for flight before taking to the skies. That is if is to fly against the seasoned vultures gyrating in swirls above its head.

Very well put LX, good points indeed.


Fahiye brother, you hardly present any facts as anyone else, we only raised our opinions like you did, and everyone is entitled to their own veiws.. waa intaa un warku... Nuradin to me is an able, young, energtic and eloquent candid fit for the leadership position than most that are competing with him for the hot seat...

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Musharax Nuradiin oo kulan la qaatay wasaarada arimaha dibada Norway


Oslo, Norway ( 23-Oktober-08

Maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 23.10.08 ayaa waxaa uu musharax Nuradin Dirie iyo wafdi heer sare ah oo uu hogaaminayey oo ayaamahan ku sugnaa magaalada Oslo ee caasimadda Norway kula kulmeen xarunta wasaarada arrimaha debada ee Norway Madax sare oo ka tirsan wasaaradaas.


Mudane Nuuradiin iyo wafdigiisu ayaa halkaas si aad ah loogu soo dhaweeyey, waxaana ay la kulmeen madaxa wasaaradda arrimaha debadda ee Norway u qaabilsan arrimaha Afrika Mr. kjell Harald .



Waxaa kaloo ka mid ahaa madaxda norwegianka ah ee qaabilay wafdiga Nuradin:


(1) Ellen Fadness

(2) Hilde Solbakken i

(3) Trine Mathiesen



Xubnahan oo dhamaantood ka socday waaxda qaabilsan arrimaha Africa oo ay Somaliayna ka mid tahay.


Mudane Nuradin iyo wafdiga Norwegianka ah waxay kawada hadleen arrimo badan oo ku aadan xaalada somalia gaar ahaan mida Puntland oo uu musharuxu ka mid yahay ragga u taagan hogaanka maamul goboleedkaasi.



Arrimaha aadka looga hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa:


1. Doorashada ka dhacaysa Puntland bilowga sanadka 2009 iyo doorka kaga aadan dowlada Norway.


2. Arrimaha Burcad badeedka

3. Arrimaha biniaadimada iyo sidii gargaar deg-deg ah loo gaarsiin lahaa dadweynaha tabaalaysan ee soomaaliyeed meelkasta oo ay ku sugan yihiin.


4. Sidii looga faa'iidaysan lahaaa aqoonyahanada Somaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dalka Norway si ay dalkoodii hooyo wax ugu qabtaan, kana qayb galaan sidii dalka loogu soo dabaali lahaa Nabadgelyo, isla markaana looga shaqayn lahaa arrimaha horumarinta gaar ahaan waxbarashada, caafimaadka iwm.



Kulanka maanta dhexmaray Mudane Nuradin iyo wafigiisa iyo madaxa Norwegianka ah ayaa wuxuu ku dhamaad guul iyo Is afgarad, waxayna dowlada Norway mar labaad hoosta ka xariiqday sida ay u doonayso inay wax la qabato shacabka soomaliyeed, gaar ahaan dowlad goboleedka Puntland iyo shacabkeeda. - Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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This is a selection and not an election, so the most important thing is his bank account or those of his supporters, pictures of packed halls are great on cyber space but really the donations already being given out in Bossaso and some odd reason Nairobi is what really matters.

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