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General Duke

an update on the roadblock situation...What now?

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What happened to the mission of tool Sharif and his boss Qaynyare? The promise that they will remove the cursed roadblocks, the promise they would make Mogadishu safe?

I see, waagacusub, hobyonet, Jiniboqor, Casha, Olol et al :D are all quite on this issue these past couple of days. It is as if Mogadishu has moved on and has been pacified.


The truth is the warlords have yet again failed to deliver, all their energy is focused on creating new roadblocks in front of the aspiration of our troubled nation. They complain about Jowhar as if it is in Mars and have even created new troubles in Baidoa.. Yet as ever they neglect their own area of influance keeping our capital in its shameful status.

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Bootaan Ciise Caalin oo ka hadlay Isbaarooyinka

Posted on Wednesday, June 22 @ 03:41:07 PDT by editor



Wasiirka Dhaqan Celinta iyo Tababarka Maleeshiyooyinka, Bootaan Ciise Caalin oo horay ay ugu magacaabeen Xubnaha Labada Gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan inuu noqdo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Isbaaro Qaadka ayaa ku eedeeyay Xubno ka tirsan Labada Gole ee Dawladda inaysan daacad ka ahayn Qaadista Isbaarooyinka


Caalin oo la hadlayay Shabakadan isaga oo ku sugan Hoyga uu ka dagan yahay Degmadda Huriwaa ee Magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in tan iyo markii la billaabay Barnaamijka Isbaaro Qaadista Magaaladda Muqdisho ay ku guulaysteen inay qaadaan Isbaarooyin badan. laakiin waxa uu sheegay in badi Isbaarooyinkan ay dib u soo laabteen. kadib markii ay ka tageen Xubnihii Labada Gole. Wuxuuna ku eedeeyay in dib u soo laabashada Isbaarooyinka inay ku lug leeyihiin Xubno ka mida Labada Gole oo aysan daacad ka ahayn inay qaadaan Isbaarooyinkooda.

Bootaan Ciise Caalin waxa uu ammaan u jeediyay Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka, Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo uu sheegay in tan iyo markii la qaaday Isbaarooyinka inuu noqday Hogaamiyaha kaliya ee aysan Maleeshiyadiisu dib dambe u qaadin Lacago Baad ah. Wuxuuna sheegay in Qanyare uu ka dhabeeyay Qorshihii Isbaaro Qaadista. laakiin ay jiraan Xubno wali aan u bislayn inay qaadaan Isbaarooyinka ay dhigteen Muqdisho.


Bootaan Ciise Caalin waxa uu ka gaabsaday inuu shaaciyo Magacyadda Xubnahan diidan inay qaadaan Isbaarooyinkooda. laakiin waxa uu ballanqaaday in Maalmaha soo socda ay ku dhawaaqi doonaan Magacyadda Xubnaha diidan Nabadaynta Gobalka Banaadir. kuwaasoo uu sheegay in iyaga iyo Shacabkuba ay meel uga soo wada jeesan doonaan.


Mar aan waydiiyay Mr Caalin sababta uu laf ahaantiisu u qaadi waayay Isbaaradda u taala Maleeshiyooyinka Beeshiisa ee taala Duleedka Xaafadda Suuqa Xoolaha ee Magaaladda Muqdisho waxa uu sheegay in Isbaaradaasi uusan isagu maamulin. :rolleyes: laakiin uu waddo dadaalo uu ku doonayo in Maleeshiyooyinkaasi uu uga dhaadhiciyo inay qaadaan Isbaaradda. Wuxuuna sheegay in haatanba ay u socdaan Wadahadalo isaga iyo Taliyayaasha Maleeshiyooyinkaasi.


Hadalka Wasiirka ayaa soo baxay xilli shaki laga muujinayo halka uu ku dambeeyay Qorshihii isbaaro Qaadka. Waxaana la xaqiijiyay in Isbaarooyinkii hore u yaalay Muqdisho ay ku soo kordheen illaa iyo 10 Isbaaro tan iyo markii la billaabay in la qaado Isbaarooyinka.


C/casiis M. Guuleed "Afrika"



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Originally posted by General Duke:

What happened to the mission of tool Sharif and his boss Qaynyare

First you need to get through your one sided and biased mind(sometimes I wonder whether it has any other capabilities) that Sharif is not a tool and as same as the person whom you worship he has the mandate of the Parliament.

As for the road blocks which you are so obssesed with, well at least Sharif, Qanyare & Co. are confronting the problem head on and just like in any other situations yes ofcourse they have and will confront some obstacles. Eventually though they will overcome cause they are making the effort and not going from capital city to another in search of foreign troops to come and solve the problem. Maskiin intaas xita magaran weydey.. :D

What you should worry about wiilka ina Yeey is how both your adeeros will exist in political status once the Parliament starts convening in Mogadishu...just worry about that.. :D .

The government is not in exile anymore, and where the quorom of MP's are will be the base of the government, not where Geedi or for this matter where Yeey is.

Ouch..! It is just only the begining, I hope you are strong to withstand

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^^^ Joker. has your political guru Musa, Sharif tool succeeded in removing the roadblocks? NO

have they managed to stop the government relocating to Jowhar? No.. Brother all is going as planned, you are chasing phantoms and people are seeing through you. Everyday the truth comes out. Security, security, security thats the matter of the hour... Its the issue of singular importance to Yusuf/Geedi. Childlike Sharif and simple minded warlords are losing the plot.

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So tell me what have Yusuf/Geedi done about security, except scorn the attempts by those in Mogadishu..?

Or do you think calling for foreign troops is a solution..chicken just like your hero Yeey you are.



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chartered a course kulaha..

hence you think just by setting goals and planning the course you think is the answer. Absent from the said course you mention sxb is implementation and fulfillment. And you know why, because the course they chartered is not comprehensive neither applicable to the situation, nor does it furnish the needs of the situation. And it has failed the chartered course which you so vehemently mention. As usual full words but no substance.

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^^Yes and it is not only properties that has been halalised...oops ..or was that supposed to be kept secret... :D

Warya cabadka iska dhafa...cabad iyo calacal aya idin kaso harey.

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Attitude reflects leadership and the fact that you are proud of destroying a country and making everyone including yourself a refugee shows the IQ level of your supposed leaders

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Originally posted by contraflow:

if the infrastructure that I left you was used wisely and in a civilised manner.

Alla beerka...! What infrastucture did you leave behind..except dacaski aad ka carartey... :D:D

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The Mogadishu stabilization plan is still an on-going process. Try to show support for the people - the people , not the politicians - who are genuinely working to pacify the city. Although the media tends to overlook such stories, civil society is playing a major role in taking care of the militiamen in both military camps. Women are cooking for them, the business community is contributing funds. The fact that the people of Mogadishu have stepped up to the challenge should definitely be commendable. I don't know of the politicians' ulterior motives - the fact is that these Mogadishu-based warlords are united (as they were during Abdiqasim's Arta era) to fight against any chance of government for they stand to loose.


Originally posted by contraflow:


I wouldn't mind being accused of jealousy or cabaad if the infrastructure that I left you was used
and in a
manner...the fact that you are
of destroying a country and making everyone including yourself a refugee shows the
level of your supposed leaders

kix kix kix kix


You crack me up. Words like wisdom, civility, pride and intelligence (IQ) have a whole different meaning in his eyesight. Pride comes to his mind when his 12 cousins tore off people's roofs, tore down national symbols such as statues, and ripped cable wires out of the ground. His IQ is demonstrated when he labels notorious warlords such as al-Xaaji Muuse Suudi Yalaxow as a mujahid . And wisdom..? Um...yeah.


They tore it down and chased the owners - but they didn't put it to good use. They're proud they made others into refugees, yet he sits in a London coffee shop chit-chatting about the might of his cousins, conveniently forgetting the fact that, along with the rest of the defeated lot , he too is a refugee. Otanga, Kakuma etc. are seen as signs of victory in his eyes. Why? Because he simply lacks vision - much as his predecessors and the men who took the journey to destroy Somalia socially, politically and economically.


But hey, what do I know, I'm parked in the defeated lot garage. ;)

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Let’s cut to the chase, baliis.


Your daily ritual consists almost always by potraying and justifying a man like C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed's reachy and dubious actions (or lack thereof). As an ultimate puppet, he is. How many times did he fly to Addis Ababa for his lord's siyaaro? He is now truly the only, absolute puppet; his policy entirety--from A to Z--consists, and is written and dictated not in single Soomaali region or by Soomaali person, but is directed and produced in Addis Ababa.


We are not blind. We are not naïve. It is tantamount to insult to our intelligence by this daily ritual of justifying Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf's insupportable, questionable dealings.


Soomaalis would have tolerated if his "administration" was satellite to a powerful nation, but to Tigrey/Amxaar? How degrading to collective Soomaali pride!


When C/laahi Yuusuf acts a real Soomaali statesman, not a pretentious and dependant one, only then can we discuss others being "tools," for C/laahi is the ultimate, shameless stooge president Soomaaliya ever have had.

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WIND, the cat is out of the bag my son. Mogadishu and its people will revolt if this roadblock issue is not solved soon. They have had enough and I applaud their courage the people in the capital need to be supported and the government needs to keep the pressure on the warlords by sticking to the project, keeping out of the capital and pacifiying as much of the rest of the country as possible, Jowhar, beledweyne, Baidoa and Kismayu first. Xamar will fall....



MMA, brother your support for Tool Sharif has been noted and I understand your frustration. For Jowhar is booming while Baidoa is in tatters, due to tools actions. The government relocation has taken place, the parliment deliberated without Shariff. Obviously he was busy on the phone to (HAG) while in dayniile.. ;)

It seems the Shariff just showed how weak the RRA faction and clan really are to the warlords. You dont see Inda Cade visiting Jowhar to mediate between Musa Sudi and Mohamed Dheere. Oh well we can always focus on Ethiopia :D:D

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