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Islam, The Environmentally Friendly Faith!

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The world is fast discovering new aspects of Islam.


The Planet Is In Danger


Allah SWT says in Quraan:


" Dhaharal Fasaadu Fil Barri, wal Baxri bimaa kasabat aydin naas" meaning, pollution/Mischeif/ Evil is fast appearing on land and the sea as a result of mankind's activities" togther, they are also polluting he air.


FASAAD = Means Corruption/ Pollution/ INJUSTICE/ Mismanagement etc.


The Fasaad, is driven by human greed. Allah SWT says in Quraan: " Alhaakumu Al Takaathur, Xataa Zurtumul Maqaabir" meaning: " Growth of Wealth remains your main pass time, up until you vist the graves (die)". This greed is causing all the Fasaad on earth which is the driver behind increase in production of factories, increase in pollution and global warming which is threatening the planet as Al Gore Said, only greed can clean up the Planet.


There are Different types of Fasaad.


1. Environmental Fasaad (GLOBAL WARMING)

2. Political Fasaad (NEW WORLD ORDER)


4. Health Fasaad ( AIDS)

5. Spiritual Fasaad (SECULARISM)

6. Financial Fasaad. (GREED aka Global Financial Crisis)


In this thread, inshAllah we shall begin with the Environmental Fasaad, then show how it is connected to all other five types of Fasaads.


So, in the last Universal Meeting of Nations in Bali, Indonesia, World delegates suffering from Political Fasaad, reconfirmed their commitment to the Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing Global Warming, by reducing green house gasses emissions, so nations who pollute the environment most, pay for its clean up bill( driven in the first place by Global Financial Fasaad, aka Greed).


Every human being adds to the global warming to an extent ( Carbon Footprint) , however, Developed nations, specially the USA produces more pollution than half of the globe ( by using 80% of global energy, contributing to 80% of global wars, controlling most Financial institutions and so on. So, the USA is the most dangerous nation on earth in terms of your health, wealth and peace! no matter where you live on the globe.


So, at this point we have connected three types of Fasaads ( Mischief/Pollution/E vil)


So, How is the Social Fasaad ( Mischief/Pollution) connected to the Environmental Fasaad/Pollution?


Few weeks back I read an article that made the connection:




How? you may ask?


Well, when people live together, they share one Refrigerator, one Cooker, etc.


However, when they get a divorce, they live separately, each one buying a separate appliance that doubles the pollution in the environment.


They also go out separately which also pollutes the Social life,


Which in turn pollutes the spiritual aspect of their life if they do not turn to Allah for guidance.



You must be amused at this point.



Wait, let me stretch this finding a little.


Islam encourages Marriage, which saves the environment, and discourages Divorce.


Staying Single for a long time is also equivalent to Divorce in the creation of the Greenhouse gasses and pollution.


But, it has an added side effect.


When the environment is polluted, temperatures rise, which creates Social pollution, and finally a Spiritual Pollution aka social decadence ( teen age pregnancies, single mothers, drugs and street gangs). Spiritual Pollution leads to health pollution like STD and AIDS, a form of Health Pollution.


The Moral of this write up.


Help the Planet.


If you are Single, Go Get Married, If you are married, stay Married, and if you want to help the plant some more, let us find a solution that cools the planet, one bedroom at a time!






2008 eNuri Environmental Vigils

And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor stingy, but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes). Quraan


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Assalamu Calaykum,


Very interesting associations you're making there, Shaikh Nur.


Regarding Al Gore, did he make that statement during his documentary (which by the way I tought was quite an informative and educational piece)? What did he really mean by it?


While I may be quite unlearned/naive in the politics of it all as I am focusing mostly on the environmental perspective, I believe the kyoto protocol is a brilliant global agreement that not only serves the interests of key players, but has the potential of having an immense impact globally. We are already experiencing the devastating impact of greenhouse gasses on our climates. Thus, I sort of fail to undestand the connection you are making between greed and these global environmental initiatives/commitments; please enlighten me on this issue, Insha'Allah.


Let me steer away a bit from the moral of your story and continue on with the environmental issues. With respect to Muslims, I've always been quite stunned at how Islam promotes Environmental awareness yet the majority of Muslims are indifferent to it to varying extents. If you look at Muslim populated lands today, majority of illnesses and public health threats are essentially stemming from environmental degredation and pollution, primarily through water/air/food contamination. Do you think the face of health promotion and disease prevention in those countries could be reshaped if tackled through Islamic awareness? Would certain Muslim populations (the more vulnerable, disenfranchised and illiterate) be more receptive of such strategies and show more compliance if campaigning is done by say Islamic scholars rather than the traditional health care professionals? I wonder.


Also, it's interesting when you say spiritual pollution correlates with STI's. Very true. Aside from spiritual practice curbing illicit health-risk behaviours, it appears that spiritual pollution would also have a great impact on chronic illnesses and health in general. Spirituality and health is a hot area of research nowadays. A collegue of mine who has a background in Christian theology and who's now doing his PhD in Epidemiology sparked my interest in the area, and so I've done a brief literature review; to my suprise I have yet to come across any research focusing on the role of Islam on the health of its adherents, but abundant work on christianity. I hope to see ambitious Muslim researches looking at the impact of increased Iman on the quality of life of those afflicted with lethal illnesses for instance, in the near future Insha'Allah. Either way, it's quite plausible to see spirituality as a new or rather a revived dimension of health care in mainstream traditions.


As for marriage, inoo soo ducee Insha'Allah, esp those of us to whom it's not a top priority yet, righteous partners for the single folks out there Insha'Allah! smile.gif


P.S: Sorry for getting off on a tangent. smile.gif

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That's right!. Now you have a new line in your future proposals for your would be Halimo: "Lets Help Clean The Environment, What do you say if we get married this weekend?"



Haneefa sis


Good points, will come back.




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Haneefa sis


You write: "Thus, I sort of fail to undestand the connection you are making between greed and these global environmental initiatives/commitments; please enlighten me on this issue, Insha'Allah."



You see sis, Capitalism main concern is growth of capital, major companies board rooms understand one number, Quarterly return on their investments, shareholder values etc. The common good of the planet is not factored on most decisions for investment.


So, at Kyoto they came up with a brilliant idea, since these multinational companies are polluting the environment in search of more money over dead people, they must limit their GHG emmisions by 5% of 1990 levels by 2012 or pay a hefty $100/MTon of pollutants they release into environment. Since this is a tough target, the UN allowed them to trade credits between them and also encouraged them to participate in what is called CDM ( Clean Development Mechanism) in non Annex 1 countries (Developing Countries). So, when they build an alternative energy power plant ( Wind Turbine ) in Somalia they get a credit from the UN equivalent to the amount of fossil fuel that was substituted by clean energy, in order for these companies to offset their defficiency in meeting their GHG reduction quota.


So, when helping develping nations earns these western companies credits to offset their defficiency and saves them money, the poor benifts. So these companies will be helping the poor not because they believe in Allah to do good on earth, but, because they believe in the Euro ( The Dollar is the terminally ill God of Capitalists).




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The Environmental disaster hovering over our heads is the result of Capitalism insatiable appetite for "Growth" even, when "Growth" means, the disappearance of a third of the Amazon Valley, or the Congo River rain forests. The Capitalist is like a logger who is on top of a tree trying to cut the branch that he is sitting on.


Growth means more wealth for the wealthy, not for the poor. The Poor are more poorer today in America than any other modern time. More wealth for the wealthy means more greenhouse gas emmissions to the environment, more heat, more climate change, disppearnce of forests, wild life, entire Islands, and so on.


Communism failed in 1989


Capitalism failed in 2009


Islam is the last hope for the planet.




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True, Bribery and Usury are 2 evils that are causing injustice worldwide. I was told that in Djibouti, Hassan Abshir was promised to be the Prime Minister if he could cast his block's vote for Shareef. After he delivered his end of the deal, Shareef reneged and appointed Sharmarke II for the position, saying that he did it under pressure of Hidden World Government.


Sharmarke has to return the favor by appointing Ministers who will sell the nation to behind the scene investors who have vested interest in making money and not on the well being of the people and the environment.


So, when a government is established by political Fasaad, naturally, Environmental Fasaad follows.



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The Capitalist Commandments


By The Center For Balance


September 29, 2010 "ICH" --


1. Do unto others before they do it unto you. Beggar thy neighbor and trade their employments without offset, tariff, or compensation to secure a bountiful profit from the greater slave. Engage the most authoritarian of regimes and let no morality, nor powers of the vast majority, interfere with the greater profits to be had from preserving disparities and all the powers of predation enjoyed by the rich.


2. In all things, see that your capital-defined Efficiency shall remain the only god, and let no morality, freedom nor ecological concern interfere with your divine right to profit and enclose and privatize for your benefit.


3. Thou shalt make money and power thy only god and pursuit, and not suffer any foolish idleness opening one to other occupations or dangerous revelations.


4. To secure thy power, thou shalt not let the people own or control their central banks - despite constitutional purse powers to the contrary - for debt money is the central power and motive force before which all others pale and remain impotent.


5. Thou shalt own and control all media and news dissemination agencies. Let not any editor be elected lest the people influence what they see, hear and read. Let all books, media, and education grow our values exclusively. Let not any fairness doctrine nor any notion of labor-capital “factor” balance interfere with this, our grand design.


6. In all things, thou shalt make Growth and per-capita ruin thy only gods, and defeat Balance at every turn. Thou shalt see that humanity endlessly multiplies. Let no balance of population arise which might serve to pass on the same quantum of freedom, earthly space, natural right and pleasure even to thine own children - as this would destroy our precious and profitable Growth.


7. In all things, thou shalt resist Balance, and both factor and gender equity for I, your male Sky God, have told you so.


8. Let no free commune or cooperative emerge, nor any non-profit venture succeed - for such competition is to be feared and prohibited. Privatize everything as it is your right . Control the reigns of power so the vast majority own no debt-free estate, nor access any means with which they might secure their domestic freedom, independence, and democracy.


9. Let Nature’s realm be conquered and set to your profit purposes. Patent and own all of nature’s pharmacopeia. Change the nature of animals and humans alike to serve your ends. Render off limits those fertile lands and plants by which the masses might enjoy leisure, acquire natural freedom, secure refuge from our Free Market, or stumble upon any revelations of a non-egoic, cooperative, and spiritual nature.


10. Let enclosure reign, for the landless and dependent are fodder for thy greater objectives. Let our Interdependency forever be mediated by the rich and powerful, and secured in the name of an Efficiency serving our ends alone. Seek to destroy any remnants of natural freedom, commonwealth, and domestic independence. Let our Free Market of neo-slavery prevail and thy will profit beyond one’s wildest dreams.


Copyright 2010 -

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why havent the 'terrorist' thought of blowing up the arctic ice to speed up the coming ice age in the northern hemisphere?

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They don't have to go that far, besides its pretty cold, they can simply poke a hole in any ocean bed to release trapped methane that will have 20 times the effect of of co2.


Ocean Bed Trapped Methane




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